Message from @Major Kay.
Discord ID: 450457498772701191
I was purposely keep kicking them "oh im sorry i keep bumping into you "While kicking their ribs repeatedly
maybe drop a few heavy stuff "Accidentally" on them
Hogg is a creeper trying to gain points with the ladies for being "Virtuous"
the less you talk about amy schumer the better
Right timeline*
Would you want to. XD
Wow its almost like they get what is wrong with the game
Great Livestream!
are we clear?
Yeah i believe so
Heard you a bit less than Tom in terms of mix, but it was good.
We've been having issues with his setup, I think it's Discord related
Im listening in
I muted myself @Mediocre Pleb
He's a minority thats why
Thats why He hasn't been zucced
do what the chinese do with muslums
Are those reeducation camps in japan a meme or real?
Tried to redpill my cousin on sweden tonight.... 50/50 results I think
She couldn't believe it at first because all she knows is what Buzzfeed has said. Then with her being a feminist I dropped the Swedish Rape Bomb on her and after looking it up she stopped talking.
I'm hoping I planted seeds of doubt in her mind. Her mother however is a total SJW so I wonder how that'll last
No joke, her brother left home because he as tired of how white men like him were the cause of all his mother's problems
Only reason I haven't debated my aunt directly is because of my dad repeatedly telling me not to.
"Don't divide the family" he says. She literally drove my best friend out of his home with her toxic behavior.
They've lost all common sense
Fresh OC