Message from @taekahn

Discord ID: 527309193221242900

2018-12-25 21:18:13 UTC  

GotG just getting shot left and right in the culture war

2018-12-25 21:40:45 UTC  


2018-12-25 21:40:58 UTC  

every "outcast" is joining the "normal people" again

2018-12-25 21:41:27 UTC  

where are we now? 95% of general population and ~20% of celebrities?

2018-12-25 21:41:59 UTC  

god i wish george carlin would still be alive, he'd tear them a new one

2018-12-25 23:19:00 UTC  

That DoubleTree is the site of some science fiction and other fan conventions. Unless there is pretty clear video showing the man to be a disturbance, given the police can corroborate his account once they arrived I suspect they will be backpeddling before too long.

2018-12-26 00:09:23 UTC  

Very interesting read, especially since it talks to First Nations people on both sides of this issue

2018-12-26 00:16:45 UTC  

sorry, i don't want to live in a police state where purchasing weapons or ammo on a credit card gets you a visit by the FBI

2018-12-26 01:24:16 UTC  

People would just buy with cash

2018-12-26 01:24:28 UTC  

Or crypto

2018-12-26 01:28:13 UTC  

It would be more difficult. People would need to actually have (or steal) the money rather than run up an easy debt they will never have to pay

2018-12-26 01:29:30 UTC  

If they're already not worried about paying off a credit card, obtaining illegitimate funds is easy enough.

2018-12-26 01:45:08 UTC  

Plus, the only you can use crypto to purchase guns is online off of not approved sites, because I'm not sure most gun stores that have an online shop accept cryptocurrency.

2018-12-26 02:18:18 UTC  

Buy $10,000 worth of gift cards to a sporting store.

2018-12-26 02:18:28 UTC  

boom, instantly non-traced

2018-12-26 02:18:34 UTC  

its like 1 extra step

2018-12-26 02:18:40 UTC  

that doesn't actually solve the problem

2018-12-26 02:18:50 UTC  

and only makes law abiding citizens lives worse

2018-12-26 02:19:14 UTC  

You have to fill out a federal background check to purchase a gun from a firearm dealer

2018-12-26 02:19:36 UTC  

But person to person

2018-12-26 02:19:45 UTC  

Is much more easy

2018-12-26 02:22:22 UTC  

Need that 10k in actual cash?
Go take out a personal loan.
Again, now untraced. Guy still gets his guns and ammo for mass shooting.
And you've only made law abiding citizens lives harder.
Pretty much like every gun law someone proposes.

2018-12-26 02:23:28 UTC  

So many ways to bypass making a credit card company responsible for reporting purchases of firearms and ammo

2018-12-26 02:28:45 UTC  

Give your guns to literally Hitler, bigots.

2018-12-26 04:04:20 UTC  

But eventually not hitler will be in power and then everything will be fine

2018-12-26 05:30:24 UTC
Does any one else see this as a challenge to try and appropriate gritty?

2018-12-26 05:33:08 UTC  

It would need to be gradual. They'll deny any impersonation or wrongdoing if it's obvious.

2018-12-26 06:10:12 UTC  

Postmodern propaganda.

2018-12-26 08:13:59 UTC  

Gritty will be retaken by the right

2018-12-26 10:52:48 UTC  

The communists have already taken him :P

2018-12-26 11:51:58 UTC  

Literally just the globalist socialists and nationalist socialists who are fighting over him.

2018-12-26 13:45:51 UTC  

“ ‘white people brought crime to South Africa, they brought things they knew we would be tempted to steal, just to make us look bad’, General Kehla Sithole.
On ABC News SA

The Police Commissioner General blames whites for crime because they brought basic technology to the region like TVs and cars. Says he “ heatedly supports land expropriation without compensation “ which is theft.

2018-12-26 14:04:25 UTC  


2018-12-26 14:04:29 UTC  


2018-12-26 14:45:02 UTC  

I know right.