Message from @BeerySwine
Discord ID: 476867544108498968
They are absolutely pushing for it, that much is for sure.
PUSHING For Retaliation
I'm worried more about my family then anything cause of these sick fuckers
I worry what sort of world I brought my son in to
I'm telling you, if our ancestors carried our modern "sensibilities" and "morals", we wouldn't of gotten as far as we have
We need something like
I don't know
The death korps of kreig?
and by that i mean shit like "Its not *ALL* muslims who want to dismantle our nations" "The soviet union wasn't REAL communism" "Pedophiles can't help what they are attracted to, why should they be persecuted for something they cannot help?"
*Commies get out REEEE*
There's a candidate running for governor in one of the states who openly supports incest being legalized, and when asked about underage children who don't understand enough to consent he goes "Well that should be the fathers responsibility to decide"
Dude's not going to get shit for votes of course, but the fact there's dead silence over it is kind of staggering
How has this shit become ok?
I’ve been banned on FB for saying “You’re a chick. Period. Anything else is delusional”. 30 motherfucking days.
@kaymakli It's not "NOW just everywhere", it's always been there, but only now have THEY become more open and brazen.
Please, ffs, GET 1, 2, and 3, get on this goddamn Lebron pedo shit.
That’s more what I meant, I know the left has been pushing pedophillia since the 70s but now it’s out in the open and I’m asking what changed?
deus vult
The worst part about all this is knowing just how evil these people are, yet also knowing that you're not going to do anything about it but bitch into the cloud about it. No lynch mobs will mete out justice to the goblins.
Facebook is pushing Ontario NDP propaganda onto my feed.
Fellas we need your help in Australia we are turning into a shit hole
Aussies, and every other country, have to fight for their own freedom. That which is given freely is worthless. That which is earned thru work is priceless.
The USA will never annex Cancuckada for this reason.
In Australia ATM we are being harassed by black people in the street in NSW I think they told the people to stay inside because of gang violence
We are slowly becoming more cucced
And we need to break the cycle because all we get are libtards elected
Is the stream going on? I can't hear
We're getting it sorted be patient. This seems to be a issue with Discord
Does the group Admins have permission to talk
Not during the livestreams no.
But tom is the only admin in the group admin isn't he?
Cause there are three groups discord mods getmins and admins