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I just use an old ass flip phone anymore. saves me money, it makes phone calls and texts, and as an added bonus im free of any tech giant fuckery. it's good enough for me.

In my opinion that's probably good news. Canada under trudeau is suffering worse than most realize it seems

wow. More nations should make rediculous PC requests of middle east countries too if this is the result.

Woah wait a damn minute, those twitter profiles up above, are some libtards starting to add "non-offending pedo" to their list of snowflake tags now? why am i not surprised

I went and found the original post from the lebron pic, its filled with people desperately trying to defend him.

"His dick wouldn't be that high up! this is a natural photo! My 3 year old nephew grabbed his moms boob in a pic once it doesn't make her a pedo and the same goes for lebron!"

The fact he deleted it and reuploaded it with the bottom cut out speaks volumes too

and seemingly had someone make the same comment again on the reupload?

I'm not either, I was able to find a scroll of the pics comments without an account though. A lot of people going back and forth, but the people bending over backwards to defend it are remarkable

Like it's a photo of a little girl clearly grabbing his dick, what could possibly be more clear than that?

They are absolutely pushing for it, that much is for sure.

I'm telling you, if our ancestors carried our modern "sensibilities" and "morals", we wouldn't of gotten as far as we have

and by that i mean shit like "Its not *ALL* muslims who want to dismantle our nations" "The soviet union wasn't REAL communism" "Pedophiles can't help what they are attracted to, why should they be persecuted for something they cannot help?"

There's a candidate running for governor in one of the states who openly supports incest being legalized, and when asked about underage children who don't understand enough to consent he goes "Well that should be the fathers responsibility to decide"

Dude's not going to get shit for votes of course, but the fact there's dead silence over it is kind of staggering

I feel for the christians and even Sikh's who fled here to escape Islam and 3rd world savagery, they are real actual refugee's. Now what they fled from is being allowed to follow them to their new home claiming they are the oppressed ones. its such stupidity

Yeah all the sikh's i've met have been good people, one of them told me the knife carrying tradition was started from needing to defend themselves from muslims in the first place. They generally seem to work and pay their own way rather than leech off welfare too

I used to date a girl in canada and whenever I was there Tim Hortons seemed to be a staple for the average canadian lol. I remember counting them as my plane took off from toronto at night one time and they where everywhere

The parts of Toronto I saw as i came and went were pretty bleak, reminded me of Newark here in the states. I actually prefer tim hortons over starbucks by a mile, they've been slowly popping up here in the US. In canada when people learned I was from the states it was one of the common statements i was told. i was always "have you been to tims?" "our health insurance is the best compared to the states" and "Our beer is so much stronger than the states"

i just had this in my reccomended feed on youtube

What the fuck are they even talking about, brought us to the brink of nuclear war? god dammnit i cant even with these people

Ok so the guy who organized this stupid fucking thing is a filthy rich jewish banker. shocking.

Just gonna throw it out there, but i've always kind of felt there's a slight connection about gays having been molested as children by gay men

and it makes all the children twerking at pride parades and children drag queens all the more degenerate. those kids have dead eyes

I don't see why a sexuality needs a fucking flag.

and besides that you can't even post a color spectrum without people thinking your advocating buttfucking now

I've gone so deep into the rabbit hole I can no longer wrap my head around the thought process of people protesting "white supremacy". All I can see is "Yea! Fuck Europeans advocating for their own interests in their own countries!"

You can swap European with white then if you want, white supremacy isn't an issue anywhere. It's used as a nasty sounding term for anybody in a western country that doesn't fully support putting the interests of ungrateful "migrants" flooding into every European founded nation on the globe above their own

further if democrats get their way and people are allowed to keep flooding over our southern border and we all become the minority, i'm willing to bet the only people who will still be thriving will be the people who opened up the borders to begin with

You know, i've never been the type to call everything satanic or blame satanism, but i'm starting to come up short on words to describe the absolute bizarre nature of these elites degeneracy like in the photos above

like not only are they sick pedo fucks, but it's always this uncanny symbolism laden shit too. like the portraits of tied up children in podestas house

You remember that kate spade who was found hung with a red scarf, and then her husband or whatever was photographed poking out of the house wearing a rat mask with a red scarf around its neck. There's something really fucking sick below the surface with all these people

Like always they will find some way to brush it under the rug and claim it's completely normal, mundane stuff and we are just hating on cross dressing or some bullshit.

Chomo scandal?

Christ, it's everywhere isn't it. I wonder if it's always been there under our noses and we are becoming more aware of it now, or if they are just getting more blatant and bold about their activities knowing nothing will be done about it. I heard a story from the UK where a muslim rape gang called the girls father off her phone so he could hear it taking place, and he rushed to the police where they did absolutely nothing. Some fathers got together to go kick the door in and soon as they arrived the cops were on the scene immediately, arresting the fathers and leaving the girls in the house with the men.

Holy shit i am reading it now, this goes insanely deep.

So this neringa is one of the people who busted it wide open, and they are trying to have her extradited to silence her?

I can't believe this isn't bigger news

By what i'm gathering so far this looks like a conspiracy that would rock lithuania to the core and make the history books. a sitting member of parliament having to flee the country for exposing pedophilia, and now she's locked up and they are trying to get her back in their hands to silence her? Do i have this right? It makes it seem a large part of lithuania's current government itself has countless skeletons in it's closet

I actually didn't, I study a lot of history but info about the eastern countries that fell under the soviets got pretty scarce and muddied after a point, and the extremely propagandist media today muddies waters even further when it comes to learning about whats really going on in other countries

Do you have real issues with agenda driven media in lithuania or are you mostly free of that in the east? like how is the media trying to spin this whole controversy to the public?

How suspicious is it that from the US all the way to lithuania our media behaves in the same fashion, blames the same things, and spins storys the same way attacking victims and protecting the criminals.

I cannot even believe lithuania would have a bunch of commie's running around considering you guys lived it

well, outside the elite at least. like the idea of lithuanian citizens promoting communism is batshit

Something sounds wrong about those statistics, unless they where counting gypsies and shit as whatever their passport said

it's pretty remarkable that 6 years is all it took for london to be flooded with muslims to the point they conquered the crime statistics and even got one of their own in as mayor

oh my god that's amazing. She should definitely be given a 4th chance

Those michael moore tweets, jesus fucking christ. These liberals prattling on about impeachment (What the fuck has trump done wrong anyway?) are so high up on their horse they don't seem to give a shit that a very visible 50% of the country, and god knows how many more who are silent supporters, want trump in office and are happy with him. Despite him having the media and all these fruitcakes gunning for him 24/7 he holds higher approval ratings than every single one of the progressive "paragons of virtue" like theresa may and imam merkel.

no, it isn't.

why is there not a single historical structure built in africa? their defining achievement is the great zimbabwe, a fucking pile of rocks.

Why is the median IQ in sub-saharan Africa 70? It's just skin color isn't it?

Africa is massive, it isn't completely a black continent with a magic line seperating palestine and egypt determining skin color.

He's one of those people who thinks you could swap the entire population of somalia and japan and you'd get Japanese somalians.

There is more going on than simply skin color between whites and blacks.

Your also using some "not all" thinking there. Take 100 blacks, a few will be good people and fairly intelligent. But you got 95-99 dindu's running around too now.

The blacks are making the ghetto's ghetto's, its not the other way around

I was born in a beautiful new england down that was bought up and "diversified" by flooding in black families from ghettos. it now looks like a bombed out post-apocalypse scene with rotting buildings and potholes everywhere.

Ask the jewish real estate brokers who did it

It's not "I am proud of what europeans did, because skin tone". It's because this is our cultural heritage, our history, the accomplishments, struggles, sacrifices and hardships of our ancestors to give us what we have today.

Every nation, every race, every people has their own lineage and rich history, their own homeland and culture that deserves to be preserved and respected. except sub saharans, they can pretend they built egypt or something.

It's so simple it's genius lol

Besides the Ptolemy Dynasty I don't think Egypt was a nation of europeans or anything. But i'm also certain it wasn't a nation of bantu's

Who, that synkro guy? i just noticed all his messages are gone, guess he got booted

yeah a lot of people are oblivious that north africa and the levant where practically treated as part of Europe as far as the roman's were concerned. Mostly christian lands until Islam came along and forced it all to change by the sword, another bit of history practically nobody knows.

Mare nostrum and all that

oh wow he did. Makes me wonder if he was just here to get some "rayciss far right comments"

he deleted all his comments.

no idea, he just went silent and deleted everything.

I dunno why that'd warrant deleting his comments though

I've been seeing shady accounts in a lot of nationalist groups and boards lately, they'll pop up ask a question like "tell me about (((them))), and did the holocaust happen?" and then go silent. I swear they are gathering screenshots of "raycism" for something but the leftists have just made me paranoid

They always do stupid shit like that though. its all they do.

I think blacks in america have earned their place.. But those same blacks spinning it into advocating for every black on the planet to go grab their own piece of white society is a giant hell no.

In America sure, i think America is an exception and appropriate place for different races, but *multiculturalism* is a load of fairy tale horse shit, AMERICAN culture needs to be upheld, not whatever the fuck they bring in with them. Europe on the other hand is the white homeland, its a small part of the globe, and I cannot be more against this American multiracial experiment being imported there

Europe's leftists are grating, the EU seems like the current seat of marxist globalist bullshit right now, but I cannot live with the idea of my ancestors graves and homelands being torn up and desecrated by muslims and africans

When it comes to jews there is a very, very blatant divide between Elijah Goldberg the grocer, and Morty Shekelstein the jewish councilmember and banker.

There's a video out there from Israeli TV of three jews talking about "their european experiment" and when the appropriate time for jews to flee Europe will be. They discuss flooding europe with muslims like they are talking about making a pot of stew, one of them says "When the time comes, the last jew to leave Europe should spit"

I'll never forgive Ben for his constant shilling against trump

Styx and Razorfist are both great.

I think saying fuck the republican party is throwing the baby out with the bath water

Remember when trump announced he was running and the biggest talking point against him early on was that he isn't a career politician so he couldn't possibly do it? The presidency has been held by businessmen, generals, populists - This career politician bullshit is a modern symptom of blatant corruption

Thats the democrats trying to uphold a figurehead. I assure you if t hat alexandria idiot ever got into holding office she'd have a list of bullet points and instructions on what she should do

Casimir, we'll be paying for WW2 for the rest of our lives

and our children's lives

Lobbyists are a massive one that needs to be dealt with

I dislike how sports are being used as modern bread and circuses to keep the public distracted but thats here nor there

smart phones are going to bite us in the ass when it comes to IQ down the line, i garuntee it

when i was in high school, when something would be brought up we werent positive of we would debate and brainstorm about it. few years later with smartphones coming out people just got out their phone and googled, no brain power used no effort nothing.

Free thought and creativity are outright punished in a lot of cases in modern education

Casimir I know how that is.

People get exhausted and agitated about any kind of intelligent discussion

I tell someone something that's happened that you'd think someone would be fucking outraged over, but they sigh and it goes in one ear and out the other.

America 2: The Sequel

Religion does create civility, 100%. It also gives people purpose and meaning. Without religion the only thing stopping people from acting like savages or degenerates is their own sense of decency

I also don't think its a coincidence how like half the nation is clinically depressed and needs zoloft to get through the day

@Aviendha Shocking, who would've seen that coming

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