
Discord ID: 369599531450499072

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The helicopters will take them

It's a ๐Ÿ…ฑ๏ธortnite Royale bois

I was thinking SS larpers, Sam Hyde, and Duerte. Absolute Stormtroopers

If the goal is to kill the most people, it would make the most sense to take Planned Parenthood

WWII 2: Electric Boogaloo

Amy Schumer just got a role too

I usually play Tyranids because I already hate my friends

Yeah. I beat it to their forgeworld models

Expensive sexy shit

But I plan on buying into Death Korps. I have spare parts from existing ww2 kits and I want some 40k SS units

You mean 3 hours of tedious fun

Not really surprising that the whole idea of transsexuality is based on a lie

He made them pose for cp

Yeah, but I think the "girl" became a boy at some point before pulling a Cobain

Sucks that they still teach his gender theory

It's just like when they taught creationism in science class back in the 1800's. Absolutely no credibility

The "experiment" yielded no substantial results, or at least enough to warrant making it a science

Big mood ๐Ÿ‘Œ

This will pass, unless Democrats want to defend domestic terrorism again

They make their own communist water


Are we finally going to war

Fuck world peace, I want a 4th Reich and a 10th Crusade

Extradite Zรผรงร‡

I come from a forgotten time

When Alex Jones gave birth to me

It's a long story

I feel like zucc is actually the coding of a Whiterun Guard programmed into a gay robot.

You kill a virtual chicken and he's sending a task force after you

The election wouldn't be rigged if Hillary didn't have snake dna

If they pull a Godzilla 2014 and focus on the humans and message over the monsters, I will do a Maxine and flip shit

Yeah how does nobody see this shit happening

Dude's out there playing irl Minecraft and nobody stops this blatant vandalism

Don't need to look far, just google Wilhelm II

Oi you got a loiscense for that meme

How does being pro-israeli make you a jewish cuck? Considering the alternative is supporting angry little Palestine

I suggest retaking it

I want that face on a t-shirt

As much as I wanna fucc the zucc, I'd rather they Purge the mods then force him to give up, therefore turning over the platform

Seems like their plan is to get zucc to quit so they can fully take over

Wicked Witch of the States

Antifascist protestor (Battle of Portland, circa 2018)

If the ex be a bitch. She a bitch

I'd use ๐Ÿ‘ but I'm white

Time to play internet god

Smells like white guilt

Cuz he's got that basement full of guns

He doesn't have Obama to carry him around anymore

Isn't Alissa Milano like 70? I feel like she looks older than she actually is, or she's just...that

Is it just me or is Lena Dunham the personification of the word 'dumpy'?

Or is she just a man?

I feel like she's pulling a Michelle and hiding a penis

Fucking Pikaphile looking ass

ReAl sOCiALisM HaSn'T bEeN tRiED yEt

ThAtS nOt rEAl SoCiALiSm

Just give them some blankets and wait

2 days later and free land

We can be kangz n shiet

Welcome to the Gaytrix, Mr. Anderson

Does this mean Japan has their own Ben Shapiro?

I think you broke him

He just needs new batteries

And a reality check

I lost it at "beep boop"

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