Message from @Stormbreaker
Discord ID: 487044568819171328
But they did.
I just hope this doesn't end in disaster
I hope not as well, but if it does, just make your politicians confront what they have created.
If that means dropping off the bills to bury the dead on the politicians who approved this, then make it so. I would personally opt with “drop off the coffins in their driveway” method.
Yeah. Ford(who's been warning about this) will drop them all off on Capital Hill personally. They will stand as a warning about the dangers of open borders
No, drop off the coffins in front of Trudeau’s house and leave a note that says “you wanted them, you get to bury them.”
I am a stern believer in the idea that the elite should face the actions of their consequences and be fully conscious of the decisions they make. The problem with the Post-Modern West is that we’ve too many elites who live in sheltered communities and don’t actually see the consequences of their actions.
They are a bunch of sheltered elitists who dump all of their mistakes on the common people.
yes true
Google's info card on Donald Trump says his net worth is **$3.1 Billion** LMAO
I think they're short a couple of tens of billions
Either way, you know you’re a country boy if you go home to your train wreck of a front yard and see the pesky deer trying to take your lawn mower.
lol 😄
And they went into the woods back behind the mower.
You see Deer everywhere in my area of Canada
Well, this happened near where I live:
shit guys wtf
It's like that scene from Casino when the Fed's plane that has been stalking Joe Pesci lands on the golf course after running out of fuel
Well, I live nearby an international airport.
It was a recreational aircraft from what I understand.
It’s always the Canadians...
But, yeah, this isn’t the first time they’ve had airplane crashes in the area. My Great Uncle (Bless his soul) actually witnessed several crashes during his time living by the airport. He actually was witness to an unfortunate accident back in 1961 and was one of the first ones on the scene.
@Tom - GET Official I'm here
Cya tom
I'll be back on soon, gonna take a shower
alright lad
I am alive, but at work.
Is it me or does anyone else suspect that femboys and traps have some sort of mental health issue?
To much soy while still in the womb, Poor buggers where feminized before they were born.
Help me
I'm with a muzzie
In a car
Im afraid of the blast
What to do