Message from @DOGASS
Discord ID: 484465685918121985
yes it's a shame that citizens can vote isn'titt
isn't it*
Even though those people are the ones that helped us score brexit
Trump should use Sessions against Quinn
There are probably things to find in her closet
I know a rebel flag hoisting civil war reenacting proud Virginia sons of the Confederacy son of a bitch
And he inexplicably votes Democrat.
You should ask him about it
in the most inquisitive non confrontational way possible of course
inexplicably? the KKK was a democrat organization.
“ Google denies Trump charge it rigs news searches” by Darlene Superville and Barbara Ortutay on AP
This article goes on and on about how Trump made this claim that a google news search result would produce 96% negative results from left wing media without any evidence. The irony is that a simple google search would reveal this was a claim based on an experiment PJ media did. It’s methods are arguably unscientific, but you can reproduce its results easily yourself. Do the search and see what happens. Do what these journalists couldn’t be bothered to do. Compare what you see to the chart provided.
Google scrubs results
Literally no reason to use it
TBF the could be that Anti Trump is a good money maker right now so it pays to write about him so there are alot of pieces written about him.
I'm not denying that google are skewing the results.
should npr goal would be to move to the center?
Google are also confirmed SJWs
Nothing surprising at all.
What's it say
I don't have twitter
You don’t need one to read it
I do
It does that retarded account wall
Really? Why? It doesn’t do that to me
It says #stop the bias
>expecting things to work
and its got a video showing that google had a direct link to obamas state of the union but not trumps
This is great timing though. Wait until Google denies bias, then release evidence of bias.
Which, oddly enough, nobody in the mainstream media noticed or mentioned.
Because MSM hates him
Right wing MSM only supports him for being right wing
reading an article saying al jazeera changed a documentary about slavery (made by portuguese/french) where they basically said slavery was founded by portuguese and pretty much down played any muslim role in it
even switched the first episode where they introduce it to the second which they presented as first
i'd link the article but its in portuguese