Message from @Ottobon

Discord ID: 485231592256569344

2018-08-31 20:16:53 UTC  

@Blackhawk342 And now, having realized their mistake, they are going on all cylinders to prevent it from happening again.

2018-08-31 20:18:38 UTC  

@RyeNorth The Atlantic is just posting reader letters here. I'm not sure it's necessarily an endorsement.

That said, I fully expect Uni Bias Reponse Teams very much think it is. We've seen what happened to Lindsey Shepard simply showing a clip "neutrally"

2018-08-31 20:19:37 UTC  

Who were these letters to/from?

2018-08-31 20:19:42 UTC  

Speaking of which, how dystopian is it that you can be reported for wrongthink on a *college campus*

2018-08-31 20:19:53 UTC  

I didn't read articles. At work.

2018-08-31 20:20:33 UTC  

Readers. News magazines usually will have short response letters from readers on the first couple of pages.

2018-08-31 20:20:48 UTC  

It's like short form letters to the editor.

2018-08-31 20:21:05 UTC  

How they pick the letters to show is anyone's guess. But they do it presumably to get other opinions.

2018-08-31 20:21:23 UTC  

They'll also do it on most articles.

2018-08-31 22:32:53 UTC  

@Grenade123 your joke at the end, its usually more likely people who enjoy petersons advice lack a strong father figure (and are aware of the harm this has done), as most of the better parts he teaches engulf things that said father figure would of usually bestowed

2018-08-31 22:33:28 UTC nitpicking but wanted to ad that since i fall into aforementioned camp

2018-08-31 22:33:55 UTC  

my joke was because that is the only group i could think it might be really offensive too

2018-08-31 22:34:22 UTC  

its all good

2018-08-31 22:34:47 UTC  

and since you claim to fall into that category, further enhance the joke, because its the people who would find it "hateful" who are also most likely to find resonance with it.

2018-08-31 22:35:28 UTC  

we all know the left doesn't help people

2018-08-31 22:35:41 UTC  

they get equal by pulling people down, not lifting people up

2018-08-31 22:37:49 UTC  

reeee im not in joke mood, it was just a niggle lol... I couldn't preface it in a joke, people who reject the idea of a strong male role-model for one yes, but tbh i think in general its just people who don't want to have to quantify why they believe what they believe (its intent or values, if its right or wrong to certain degrees) out of the far left-wing or post-modern narratives he challenges...if somebody challenges you hard enough its easier to just role your eyes and dismiss them

2018-08-31 22:47:29 UTC  

...i dono i just wish peterson didn't become such a 'meme', maybe its important he did though for some reason i can't see. I like all the intellectual darkweb guys pinker, harris, haidt, weinstein, saad etc and before them felt very sucked dry of interesting opinions for the last decade, atleast i feel when i was a kid more of these views were allowed to be broadcasted on TV, atleast the internet replaced it with something better once TV gave up the ghost

2018-08-31 22:48:27 UTC  

/sperg off

2018-08-31 22:51:04 UTC  

i wish the left leaning identities would realize that if you deal in collectives, you are inherently racist. You can only not be racist if you believe in equality at the individual level.

2018-08-31 23:37:06 UTC  


2018-09-01 17:39:22 UTC  

“ Media loses its mind when DeSantis says ‘monkey it up’ but was silent when Obama said it”

DeSantis used the word monkey in the same context as Obama. He was referring not to race, but to screwing up Florida’s economy with socialism. Fake news media is at it again.

2018-09-01 17:44:42 UTC  

Apparently not being a state is a human rights issue

2018-09-01 17:48:56 UTC  

I say lets take care of Hawaii first before worrying about PR

2018-09-01 17:51:05 UTC  

Puerto Rico has voted to became a state, but the governer and Obama tossed out the resualts if memory serves

2018-09-01 17:52:34 UTC  

Shouldn't they establish a functional local government before being admitted into the union?

2018-09-01 17:54:38 UTC  

PR has "voted" to become a state a few times I think.

2018-09-01 17:55:14 UTC  

They can't take responsiblity for themselves, so they can keep blaming the US gov for everything

2018-09-01 17:55:43 UTC  

But I wonder if it would be better to just cut them loose. I mean, according to vox they are in this position because of racism. Let's give them back their own country. Just let app current residence keep us citizenship.

2018-09-01 17:58:49 UTC  

I'm guessing that close inspection of their finances would show massive corruption.

2018-09-01 17:58:55 UTC  

My understanding is that the win didn’t count because a certain percentage of the population has to vote for Puerto Rico to become a state. Because of this those that wish to remain just don’t vote. This means the Statehood people win the vote, but it doesn’t count.

2018-09-01 17:59:06 UTC  

Their GINI coefficient is near that of Mexico.

2018-09-01 17:59:56 UTC  

That’s what Puerto Rican’s tell me anyway

2018-09-01 18:00:05 UTC  

Much higher than that of the US. Lots of wealth disparity, lots of deficit spending. Much of that borrowed money is probably going right into the pockets of officials.

2018-09-01 18:17:01 UTC  

This is correct.

2018-09-01 18:17:37 UTC  

The people campaigning against US statehood insisted that those who did not want to join the United States not vote.

2018-09-01 18:17:58 UTC  

As such, an absentee vote was then considered a vote of 'no'.

2018-09-01 18:18:24 UTC  

So instead of having a proper metric of the will of the people

2018-09-01 18:18:49 UTC  

you have the poll results, and the number of non-voters

2018-09-01 18:47:56 UTC  

The bigger issue in the PR case is that the opposition party called for a boycott of the vote *and* they split the non-statehood vote (it was: statehood, independence or remain a territory) . Unsurprisingly, the vote was near unanimous in favor of statehood.

So the results can be taken with a grain of salt of being representative. The vote did pass near unanimously, but we know the sample was incredibly and intentionally biased.