Message from @Amadeus

Discord ID: 610282244594073601

2019-08-12 01:18:15 UTC  

from what I gather this ENTIRE situation is just a clusterf*** of misunderstandings

2019-08-12 01:18:22 UTC  


2019-08-12 01:18:37 UTC  

It's just a lot of tension stocked and misunderstandings

2019-08-12 01:18:47 UTC  

that just fired up like a wild fire

2019-08-12 01:20:00 UTC  

>hate the summer

2019-08-12 01:20:02 UTC  

>it's almost over

2019-08-12 01:20:46 UTC  

Never expected that much of a clusterfuck to happen

2019-08-12 01:20:48 UTC  

for real

2019-08-12 01:21:28 UTC  

Like yesterday when I did go off was like everything good

2019-08-12 01:21:34 UTC  

and when I woke up all gone to hell

2019-08-12 01:21:54 UTC  

my nam jeff

2019-08-12 01:22:20 UTC  


2019-08-12 01:22:44 UTC  

But yes if Rags don't return I find it unjustly

2019-08-12 01:22:50 UTC  

so I will bail from the server

2019-08-12 01:22:54 UTC  

let's just

2019-08-12 01:22:58 UTC  


2019-08-12 01:23:00 UTC  

Make our own server

2019-08-12 01:23:02 UTC  

GET: Outer Heaven

2019-08-12 01:23:16 UTC  

I mean we re the only ones that r active anyway

2019-08-12 01:23:23 UTC  


2019-08-12 01:23:45 UTC

2019-08-12 01:24:23 UTC

2019-08-12 01:24:26 UTC  

there, you won't get arrested

2019-08-12 01:25:30 UTC  

Nuh ya are lucky, they can't trace discord yet

2019-08-12 01:26:27 UTC  

Only if you get reported

2019-08-12 01:26:39 UTC  

but if the message is deleted you can't recover it

2019-08-12 01:26:46 UTC  

so you need to have screen cap as a proof

2019-08-12 01:30:33 UTC  

@wwezombiegod imagine listening to this as the final British Revolution takes place. You're sitting on your balcony as blacks and muslims storm the streets of London.

2019-08-12 01:31:39 UTC  

England is coming to an end, and the Jihadist flag flies high, and the mayor of says, "Terrorism is part and parcel of living in a big city." Right before a jihadist screams ALLAHU AKBAR and blows himself up, killing the mayor of london.

2019-08-12 01:32:18 UTC  

London burns, and the Royal estate gets stormed and the entire royal family is assassinated.

2019-08-12 01:32:36 UTC  


2019-08-12 01:32:40 UTC  

I think any sane person would.

2019-08-12 01:32:47 UTC  

Anglicanism is still better than Islam.

2019-08-12 01:32:56 UTC  

Of course

2019-08-12 01:33:06 UTC  

But this is the song we would listen to.

2019-08-12 01:33:28 UTC  

well I'm off to finish the episode i was watching and sleep

2019-08-12 01:33:34 UTC  

don't forget #FreeRagnarok

2019-08-12 01:43:25 UTC  


2019-08-12 02:09:34 UTC

2019-08-12 02:23:52 UTC