Message from @Undead Mockingbird

Discord ID: 510427318343434240

2018-11-09 01:15:50 UTC  

with the car

2018-11-09 01:15:57 UTC  

If i take the tram

2018-11-09 01:15:57 UTC  

Busses are just inconvenient....

2018-11-09 01:16:02 UTC  

it takes me 53mins

2018-11-09 01:16:12 UTC  

i had 2 hours with public transport and 35-45min with car...

2018-11-09 01:16:15 UTC  

Which method do u think i will pick

2018-11-09 01:16:22 UTC  


2018-11-09 01:16:33 UTC  

and here tha last bus goes like 5pm to my place from "the city"...

2018-11-09 01:16:43 UTC  

that is exactly the problem here

2018-11-09 01:16:45 UTC  

and they drive like every 2h or so

2018-11-09 01:16:53 UTC  

connections to industrial sites are horrible

2018-11-09 01:17:01 UTC  

so this tax is punishing working ppl

2018-11-09 01:18:39 UTC  

I must admit that i am a politician my self, local level though.
It is seriously really hard to work towards downsizing goverment and it is very unpopular amongst both the people and the goverment it self

2018-11-09 01:19:05 UTC  

who wouldve thought that people are not in favor of putting themselves out of a job

2018-11-09 01:19:17 UTC  

its why it always keeps growin

2018-11-09 01:19:31 UTC  

untill public calls a halt to it

2018-11-09 01:19:58 UTC  

If that is ever going to happen on a large scale enough to give any real results :/

2018-11-09 01:20:46 UTC  

anyhow i need to hit the bed now.
It has been a pleasure to chat with you

2018-11-09 01:28:22 UTC  

allright have a good night

2018-11-09 11:45:15 UTC  

@Stefan Payne where tf do you live where buses drive every 2 hours with the last one being at 5pm?

2018-11-09 12:15:55 UTC  

that's any rural city

2018-11-09 12:16:03 UTC  

on weekends maybe

2018-11-09 12:16:15 UTC  

i used to live in small places like that a lot

2018-11-09 12:16:32 UTC  

getting anywhere without a car was a pain

2018-11-09 12:26:43 UTC  

I mean... i get the 2 hours... but 5pm?

2018-11-09 12:29:32 UTC  

i don't know. i guess that is weird

2018-11-09 12:29:49 UTC  

even in the areas with least buses, the last one would usually be as late as 11 pm

2018-11-09 12:29:59 UTC  

except weekends

2018-11-09 12:30:28 UTC  

Some counties have really bad bus service.

2018-11-09 12:30:54 UTC  

Ah, also, some swap routes, so one route will go morning till 5 and then it's another route that goes a slightly different set of stops.

2018-11-09 12:31:46 UTC  

I think I had a route similar to that in Oregon.

2018-11-09 12:45:27 UTC  

Where i grew up we had buses every 5-10 minutes from 5am to 10pm and then every 20 minutes or so after that. They increased that to every 3 minutes by now.

2018-11-09 12:46:14 UTC  

Where i live now the infrequent buses are hourly until 9pm.

2018-11-09 12:46:29 UTC  

And that‘s semi rural

2018-11-09 12:47:00 UTC  

But not in the US, so... hard to compare.

2018-11-09 12:54:13 UTC  

Maybe I'm trying too hard to play devil's advocate.

2018-11-09 12:54:17 UTC  

It sure does seem unusual.

2018-11-09 13:50:35 UTC  

@I AM ERROR Germany in the Woods, almost Denmark. And I think I was mistaken.
And the last bus at around 17:00h is accurate.

2018-11-09 13:50:55 UTC  

Its more or less only for School, not much else.

2018-11-09 13:51:18 UTC  

That makes sense.

2018-11-09 13:51:35 UTC  

Now that I am back in Europe, I really want to explore this place better.