Message from @pratel

Discord ID: 514249463066263563

2018-11-20 01:19:55 UTC  

But it's very likely related.

2018-11-20 01:20:24 UTC  

For much of history women got given no choice in marriage. They were chattel to be sold off to the highest bidder to their fathers. I kinda don't mind this having a choice thing.

2018-11-20 01:20:46 UTC  

I don't think anyone's arguing that should be the case 10th.

2018-11-20 01:20:47 UTC  

it's not feasible for all men to be doctors, lawyers, engineers, etc, who make $150k/yr. that's always going to be a small pool of men.

2018-11-20 01:21:00 UTC  

Does the ability to be more choosy also typically carry over to unfaithfulness? For both sexes?

2018-11-20 01:21:17 UTC  

Open relationships are toxic waste

2018-11-20 01:21:27 UTC  

I have seen that over and over

2018-11-20 01:21:34 UTC  

The millenial men have fallen behind. Childless millenial women outearn millenial men something like 15% on average. They're also more educated.

2018-11-20 01:21:42 UTC  

Fidelity is mana to a marriage

2018-11-20 01:22:06 UTC  

Look at that recent vid Tim had about increasing unemployment among white millenial men. Tim's explanations are all wrong, but the numbers are fact,

2018-11-20 01:22:41 UTC  

Agreed, 10th. Open relationships inevitably break into a hierarchy and endless competition for attention.

2018-11-20 01:22:49 UTC  

I hear people saying that women don't like men who make less than them, but I know several men married to women who make more than them and both members of the couple profess to be happy.

2018-11-20 01:23:12 UTC  

That's a selection bias though.

2018-11-20 01:23:16 UTC  


2018-11-20 01:23:22 UTC  

You've only found them after they were coupled.

2018-11-20 01:23:22 UTC  

the solution to the problem cannot be that all men must increase their income by an additional $50k/year

2018-11-20 01:23:28 UTC  


2018-11-20 01:23:29 UTC  

I wonder if that could be a generational thing too and what other factors come into play

2018-11-20 01:23:31 UTC  

because that just leads to 'muh wage gap'

2018-11-20 01:23:37 UTC  

I know my sister complains about not finding any "suitable" men.

2018-11-20 01:23:46 UTC  

And she gets all sorts of suitors.

2018-11-20 01:23:51 UTC  

that's what i'm trying to get at. the choosiness problem.

2018-11-20 01:24:29 UTC  

in the past, when stable couples were the norm, forming a couple was a necessary economic arrangement. neither partner alone was capable of having a middle class lifestyle on their own.

2018-11-20 01:24:44 UTC  

Hyper-pickyness so picky nothing is good enough

2018-11-20 01:25:04 UTC  

but now that they are, there's no impetus for women to settle. they can just keep waiting for Mr. Perfect six-figures.

2018-11-20 01:25:31 UTC  

Let them wait. They can't biologically wait forever.

2018-11-20 01:25:42 UTC  

Maybe they'll find him. But odds are they'll just fritter away their child-bearing years in a series of flings.

2018-11-20 01:26:30 UTC  

Or become a single mom.

2018-11-20 01:27:32 UTC  

The series of flings seems to be the norm. You read lots of articles in places like the NYTimes about freezing eggs and things too.

2018-11-20 01:28:37 UTC  

I got a feeling alot of millenial men are also just not as interested in playing the game. Or they play it differently too. Why commit when everything is so transient?

2018-11-20 01:28:56 UTC  

Then you get to the MGTOW types.

2018-11-20 01:29:57 UTC  

Probably a lot of regular guys who give up to despair.

2018-11-20 01:30:04 UTC

2018-11-20 01:30:28 UTC  

That's from OKCupid's data.

2018-11-20 01:30:31 UTC  

Probably. I gave up a long time ago myself.

2018-11-20 01:31:20 UTC  

I've got better things to do than chase people who don't want to be chased.

2018-11-20 01:50:11 UTC  

Online Dating is awful

2018-11-20 01:50:35 UTC  

also, I doubt OKcupid has the proper rating for most women in their data

2018-11-20 01:51:19 UTC  

"The first words of their bio are I am a fun loving girl who loves her family and the guy went into coma after reading those words"

2018-11-20 01:51:42 UTC  

Women don't usually find men physically attractive. That *used* to not be a problem.

2018-11-20 01:55:29 UTC  

Is that because money was invovled back then?