Message from @Stefan Payne

Discord ID: 515699415143546900

2018-11-23 21:12:45 UTC  

I think perjury is a huge issue.

2018-11-23 21:13:05 UTC  

If we had done that, Crystal Mangum would not have gone on to murder her boyfriend later.

2018-11-23 21:13:28 UTC  

I say victim on the basis of the texts which convinced me. It'll be up to the actual jury to decide although I expect that one to end in a plea bargain. He incriminated himself.

2018-11-23 21:13:32 UTC  

At least Mike Nifong saw more consequences than usual.

2018-11-23 21:13:42 UTC  

Yes, I don't mean you specifically.

2018-11-23 21:14:01 UTC  

I just hate what the media are doing now, that they call accusers, across the board "victims".

2018-11-23 21:14:14 UTC  

And bullshit like "believe the victim".

2018-11-23 21:14:26 UTC  

Well ... a falsely accused person can be a victim. Duh.

2018-11-23 21:14:35 UTC  

The grand jury is a critical defense against tyranny...assuming the jurors take their role seriously

2018-11-23 21:14:56 UTC  

Al I can say is that we do

2018-11-23 21:15:00 UTC  

They better do.

2018-11-23 21:15:17 UTC  

It's a decision about someone else's life.

2018-11-23 21:15:47 UTC  

"Beyond a reasonable doubt" must be beyond a reasonable doubt.

2018-11-23 21:16:13 UTC  

Anyway. I have to go.

2018-11-23 21:16:21 UTC  

I'll check up on shitposting.

2018-11-23 21:17:54 UTC  

I gotta get started on the day, too. My cred as a woman falters a bit on the shopping thing. Never could get into it. 😕

2018-11-23 21:18:14 UTC  


2018-11-24 00:51:38 UTC  

>Jim Sterling
🇳 🇴 🇵 🇪

2018-11-24 01:25:14 UTC  

Jim has gone off the rails...

2018-11-24 01:25:21 UTC  

what's with all those lefties going insane?!

2018-11-24 01:25:38 UTC  

TJ Kirk is also a prime example of this shit

2018-11-24 01:59:50 UTC  

When was Jim on the rails?

2018-11-24 02:01:32 UTC  

orange man bad

2018-11-24 03:20:29 UTC  

Holy shit

2018-11-24 03:27:47 UTC  

The only thing that really bothers me about Jims video is that it doesn't address the fact that his own network has been also blaming violence on video games for quite a while. He's not wrong to say that Fox News can be wrong for criticizing video games for violence, and he's in the right for wanting to go after DT for wanting to censor video games. However, the fact that Extra Credits, Errant Signal, and Feminist Frequency (to which Jim at one time supported) made claims that violent video games should be discouraged from being made and he sat there with his head up his ass not saying anything like a dumbass, it says a lot about his own hypocrisy. It's like he wants to be a sort of left-leaning libertarian, but he's so annoyed by how libertarians act that he does a 180 when it's convenient.

2018-11-24 03:35:54 UTC  

"It's okay when we do it."

2018-11-24 04:39:46 UTC  

Jim's success is predicated on noncontroversial opinions that offset his brainlet ones

2018-11-24 04:40:01 UTC  

All of which he "pretends" to be egotistical about

2018-11-24 04:40:36 UTC  

Almost every time I'm linked a hot Jim take, it's something I could have found on YouTube years prior

2018-11-24 04:40:55 UTC  

The remainder of the time it's him shitting on people he disagrees with for dumb reasons

2018-11-24 05:03:22 UTC  

Jim is right for wanting to complain to Trump about his stance on Video Games, but you know what.

2018-11-24 05:04:02 UTC  

I think there is a larger chance that Trump can be convinced that Video Games don't cause Violence than there is one of convincing Fat Boy Jim there that they don't cause sexism.

2018-11-24 05:09:08 UTC  

I don't care what Trump thinks about video games as long as it doesn't become legislation. And for consistency, the same goes for Trudeau

2018-11-24 05:09:38 UTC  

I do not give one solitary fuck if some Boomer or GenXer thinks poorly of electronic toys

2018-11-24 05:10:33 UTC  

Nor do I care that le fat millenial egoman thinks they're problematic

2018-11-24 05:11:23 UTC  

He can fear the tiddy all he wants. Don't bother giving him attention

2018-11-24 05:11:51 UTC  

Oh I don't

2018-11-24 05:12:34 UTC  


2018-11-24 05:14:01 UTC  

Tbh if all unannounced games that came out between now and the end of time was bland SJW schlock I could pretty comfortably sit through that. There's enough old, good stuff they can't touch that I'll die before I finish it all