Message from @DrYuriMom

Discord ID: 522764478165549056

2018-12-13 12:20:42 UTC  

The swamp is undrainable, there was no danger there.

2018-12-13 12:21:14 UTC  

We are well past the possibility of top down reform

2018-12-13 12:21:15 UTC  

You call it a swamp. I call it the greatest achievement of mankind.

2018-12-13 12:21:37 UTC  

Warts and all

2018-12-13 12:21:52 UTC  

And God knows there are a LOT of warts

2018-12-13 12:21:52 UTC  

The administrative state is what is meant by the swamp

2018-12-13 12:22:00 UTC  

I disagree

2018-12-13 12:22:11 UTC  

Or if it is, then we agree we have problems

2018-12-13 12:22:37 UTC  

The Administrative State as it exists now is almost antithetical to Constitutional Government

2018-12-13 12:23:10 UTC  

Constitutional Government is about limits - diffusion of authority. The administrative state is about aggregation of authority.

2018-12-13 12:23:10 UTC  

```"Nothing is more misleading, then, than the conventional formulae of historians who represent the achievement of a powerful state as the culmination of cultural evolution: it as often marked its end. In this respect students of early history were overly impressed and greatly misled by monuments and documents left by the holders of political power, whereas the true builders of the extended order, who as often as not created the wealth that made the monuments possible, left less tangible and ostentatious testimonies to their achievement."

2018-12-13 12:23:48 UTC  

I agree with Hayek.

2018-12-13 12:24:01 UTC  

Monarchies were more accountable to the people, because you only needed to chop off one head.

2018-12-13 12:24:18 UTC  

But Constitutional Government and "powerful state" are not exactly compatible

2018-12-13 12:25:25 UTC  

Feudalism sounds more appealing every day.

2018-12-13 12:28:41 UTC  
2018-12-13 12:34:38 UTC  

```"If I must be a slave, I would rather be privately owned, than publicly owned"
-Hans-Hermann Hoppe.```

2018-12-13 12:36:04 UTC  
2018-12-13 12:37:04 UTC  
2018-12-13 13:19:24 UTC  

Once again I agree with Marc Thiessen. That the Dems are refusing to dicker with a transactional president like Trump is going to drive me nuts.

2018-12-13 13:25:52 UTC  

Finally had a chance to catch up on the Brexit news from yesterday. Totally unsurprised by the result of the no-confidence vote. No one else wants to be PM that most Tories would want to see in the post. May wins by default because she's the most palatable of those who will actually do it, not because anyone really wants her there.

2018-12-13 13:30:15 UTC  

Anyway, with this out of the way we at least know that this is it. May can't be challenged again for a year. I suspect there may have been Tories who wrote letters to bring up the no-confidence vote now so that it would be impossible to hang it over May's head for another year.

2018-12-13 13:32:18 UTC  

As I understand it, the only way to change the playing field now would be for those 117 Tory no votes to join with Labor and the Scots to force the government down entirely.

2018-12-13 13:32:37 UTC  

How uninspiring. But then, the British people have rarely inspired confidence in recent years.

2018-12-13 13:33:31 UTC  

But those 117 could well lose their MP elections, so they'd have to risk giving up power. I doubt we'll see that happen.

2018-12-13 13:34:49 UTC  

So we now see if May's tenuous position will allow her to extract anything else out of Europe. If so, this theater is all worth it for Britain. If not, and I expect not, then it's all up to Parliament. May's deal or no deal...or I suppose May could just rescind the Article 50 call and reset everything.

2018-12-13 13:35:37 UTC  

No deal is still very much on the table, which I thought would inspire some here.

2018-12-13 13:37:07 UTC  

Honestly, if I were a betting girl, which I am not, being notoriously risk-averse, I would bet that Britain will end up falling out because no one can come to a decision.

2018-12-13 13:37:58 UTC  

At this point, no deal is probably the best option.

2018-12-13 13:38:29 UTC  

But no one likes watching their leader flub policy. It shows weakness.

2018-12-13 13:43:14 UTC  

No deal was always the best option

2018-12-13 13:43:48 UTC  

The British will need to decide that.

2018-12-13 13:44:32 UTC  

No deal is the only way to let the British have the most say in everything else moving forward.

2018-12-13 13:45:12 UTC  

The only deal the EU is even willing to accept is worse than no brexit at all

2018-12-13 13:46:07 UTC  

The British already decided, Brexit means Brexit!

2018-12-13 13:47:08 UTC  

It turns my stomach.

2018-12-13 13:47:26 UTC  

Less than a century ago, Britain was one of the most powerful nations in the world.

2018-12-13 13:47:45 UTC  

Now, they mewl like babies at the idea of not being in an international union.

2018-12-13 13:47:56 UTC  

You used to rule a quarter of the world, and you can't survive on your own!?