Message from @Grenade123

Discord ID: 526208478683856907

2018-12-22 20:18:38 UTC  

in an "After the Disaster" scenario you end up with Shepard's, Lambs, Whores, Tyrants, jackals, and strays. Shepherds try to lead and protect people out of some sort of moral urging. Lambs are those that can't do anything on their own and will most likely die (mostly kids), Whores are those who will do or trade any thing to any one for food, shelter, comfort (not strictly sex), Tyrants are those who had some form of standing before and now use that to justify their domination of others, Jackals are vicious cowards that form mobs to exercise violence but not stand out. Strays are those that are perfectly fine being anti-social and only take care of themselves

2018-12-22 20:20:11 UTC  

Lambs may end up as follower

2018-12-22 20:20:21 UTC  

For Shepherd or tyrant

2018-12-22 20:22:09 UTC  

I agree. But most tyrants will make whores out of lambs as soon as they can break them

2018-12-22 20:46:22 UTC  

Depends on the motivation of the tyrant

2018-12-22 20:47:15 UTC  

I don't see why a tyrant couldn't be good at motivating people instead of domineering them. A Shepherd could even be a tyrant.

2018-12-22 21:01:55 UTC  


2018-12-22 21:02:02 UTC  

great idea

2018-12-22 21:04:59 UTC  

As an historical example of benevolent tyrants. I offer up Cincinatus. I think he was elected Dictator in Rome on ten different occasions.

2018-12-23 00:08:16 UTC  

I am an offensive moderate

2018-12-23 00:41:17 UTC  

i haven't taken one in a while but i was a center lib the last one i took

2018-12-23 01:09:29 UTC

2018-12-23 01:10:35 UTC  

Center left, as expected

2018-12-23 01:12:40 UTC  

So many radical centrists here

2018-12-23 01:16:45 UTC  

disgusting normies

2018-12-23 01:17:19 UTC  

read a book and get a real opinion

2018-12-23 01:18:33 UTC  

Link to the one you're using?

2018-12-23 01:23:15 UTC  

Who else did this? Perhaps I could build a chart here with whoever did this with the crowd chart

2018-12-23 01:24:14 UTC  

Where does Tim stand on the compass?

2018-12-23 01:24:37 UTC  

depends on the breeze

2018-12-23 01:24:42 UTC  


2018-12-23 01:25:40 UTC  

I added myself and Khan

2018-12-23 01:26:06 UTC  

I found out one of my friends is slightly right of center

2018-12-23 01:26:31 UTC  

Center right, if you may

2018-12-23 01:26:48 UTC  

you reported him to HR, right?

2018-12-23 01:26:54 UTC  

can't let a bigot walk around a free man

2018-12-23 01:27:14 UTC  


2018-12-23 01:29:18 UTC  

He's not politically active so it doesn't matter to us

2018-12-23 01:36:41 UTC  

I am an evil alt right wing goose stepper

2018-12-23 01:37:50 UTC  

I need the numbers

2018-12-23 01:38:12 UTC  

Economic Left/Right: 2.38
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -0.92

2018-12-23 01:40:19 UTC  

@Glaice Economic Left/Right: 8.63
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 1.33

2018-12-23 01:40:57 UTC  

I don't like this test btw, I think has better questions.

2018-12-23 01:42:18 UTC  

I find the political compass test very US centric in its questions.

2018-12-23 01:42:50 UTC  

It was definitely written by ethnocentric Americans ~~who were undoubtedly leftists~~

2018-12-23 01:43:02 UTC  

Let's see where Spekr puts me

2018-12-23 01:43:18 UTC  

My main gripe is that some questions have a supposition built-in that bothers me

2018-12-23 01:45:01 UTC  

"If economic globalisation is inevitable, it should primarily serve humanity rather than the interests of trans-national corporations. " doesn't leave room for nuance. What if I believe that corporate interests are human interests?

2018-12-23 01:56:11 UTC  

This is a really good test

2018-12-23 01:58:15 UTC  

I sperked as “libertarian capitalist”