Message from @DefinitlyNotInsane - NL

Discord ID: 530413884985573376

2019-01-03 15:37:05 UTC  

when did i say we have to get rid of all of them

2019-01-03 15:37:30 UTC  

can you maybe explain yourself a bit better as i think we are on different wavelenghts here

2019-01-03 15:38:22 UTC  

perhaps we are, what is the point of "black people and mexicans are more likely to commit crime (which is prove)" comment in relation to "i then say i dont like living in a country with alot of criminals"

2019-01-03 15:39:17 UTC  

it is about being able to say the truth and not have any llabels be put on you

2019-01-03 15:39:34 UTC  

i want to have the ability to say which race commits the most crime and not be painted a racist

2019-01-03 15:39:51 UTC  

and apart from that i dont want to live in a country with alot of crime

2019-01-03 15:40:07 UTC  

then why lead with the comment?

2019-01-03 15:40:19 UTC  

why not

2019-01-03 15:41:26 UTC  

because, in human interaction, it links the two. Leading implies causation. which makes it intentional. Stating a fact doesn't make it the truth.

2019-01-03 15:41:35 UTC  

you can state a bunch of facts to create a lie

2019-01-03 15:41:58 UTC  

that is true but which facts did i combine to create a lie

2019-01-03 15:42:33 UTC  

tell me, what purpose is there to put these 2 comments next to each-other?

2019-01-03 15:43:03 UTC  

absolutely nothing else but to save me from pressing enter twice

2019-01-03 15:43:20 UTC  

except people don't usually say things for no reason

2019-01-03 15:44:10 UTC  

well i didnt say anything for no reason did i?

2019-01-03 15:44:43 UTC  

i posted two sentences together as a means to save milliseconds that doesnt mean that i didnt have a reason for posting it right

2019-01-03 15:47:52 UTC  

you don't want to be called a racist for putting those 2 together, yet i assume you must say those 2 things together a lot for this to be a problem. If you post a concern together with a random fact but don't elaborate, most humans try to fit them together. Our brains are pattern recognition engines. The most common pattern for such a combination is cause and effect. So what reason do you have for stating those 2 together without any other context for this to be so often a problem?

2019-01-03 15:49:07 UTC  

implication is usually the term related to this problem

2019-01-03 15:49:33 UTC  

it is also the reason legal talk is so ridiculous as to no longer be logical to most people.

2019-01-03 15:52:39 UTC  

yes but implication is nothing, its subjective (it might be the msot obvious thing in the world but it is still subjective) and we all know what happens whe we take peoples feelings into account, the topic before this one was something to do with freespeech and a guy talking about neonazi's or the alt right. If i say something like i dont want to live in a neighbourhood with crime and black people and hispanics commit more crime then most white people does that make me a racist? does stating a fact combined with something i would call a very reasonable opinion make me a racist?

2019-01-03 15:55:24 UTC  

thats why those two are together to get you to think about wether it is that bad to say and yes i know they get glued together when i put them in the same post but that makes it even better. because i didnt discriminate i didnt say anything racist i did absolutely nothing that would make me a racist and yet there are people in this world who will jump on a train to call me racist even though everyone in their right mind would agree unless you are some kingpin who knows nothing but to survive in an area filled with crime i would say you dont want to live in a neighbourhood with alot of crime, do you?

2019-01-03 15:55:33 UTC  
2019-01-03 15:56:45 UTC  

except humans intentionally use implication to combined ideas using less words

2019-01-03 15:56:52 UTC  

much like putting them in the same post

2019-01-03 16:01:34 UTC  

So as i said, what is your reason for putting those two together. and i got. your reason was to make people think you are racist. Yet you get annoyed when people think you are racist when you want them to think you are racist?

2019-01-03 16:01:51 UTC  

i didnt get annoyed it is to prove a point

2019-01-03 16:02:04 UTC  

you are trying to find my underlying meaning and that i what i wanted

2019-01-03 16:02:18 UTC  

thats what i want to hear when i say something like that

2019-01-03 16:02:30 UTC  

not people calling me racist

2019-01-03 16:02:48 UTC  

rather than say it up front, you wanted to go around the long way and reach the same ends with more words.

2019-01-03 16:03:16 UTC  

i could always give you the answers but what is a conversation without thinking

2019-01-03 16:03:52 UTC  

except this conversation has gone nowhere

2019-01-03 16:05:54 UTC  

do you only have a problem getting called racist when combining these statements? or do you get it for citing blacks as committing more crime?

2019-01-03 16:08:13 UTC  

i can state alot but if i "attack" or trigger someone by saying something that can clearly be taken as racist then i well first of all know what type of person im dealing with after which i know how to approach you to get a conversation running, you can say what you want about this conversation but it sure as hell is still going, as far as getting called a racist, i think i implied it was a hypothetical question, if not im sorry for being unclear. i dont get called a racist but i also dont cite black crime rates. point is if i where to cite these crime rates together with my opinion of living in a low crime neighbourhood would that be enough reason for you (or in this case the person i first asked this of) to label me as a racist?

2019-01-03 16:14:16 UTC  

for most people yes until you elaborate. We fit patterns. We see 2 dots side by side on the same level with a line centered between the dots and slightly below that level we call it a face until we see more

2019-01-03 16:15:05 UTC  

or at least if at least in that orientation relative to all the parts.

2019-01-03 16:15:07 UTC  

The only valid human right is property rights. Anything else that contradicts property rights is not a valid right. @Yuukimaru

2019-01-03 16:15:10 UTC  

up or down can change

2019-01-03 16:17:10 UTC  

so you would call me a racist if i only said that black people or hispanics commit more crimes and i dont want to live in an area filled with crime?

2019-01-03 16:18:21 UTC  

depends on which side of the fence you come from. White nationalist would call it logic, others would call it racist, but the implication is the same to most.

2019-01-03 16:18:36 UTC  

well how about no implications