Message from @RekItRalph

Discord ID: 547036915770064897

2019-02-18 08:33:51 UTC

2019-02-18 08:34:17 UTC

2019-02-18 08:49:24 UTC

2019-02-18 11:13:04 UTC  

@Ranko The video you posted ( ) is a good example of pro-feminist analysis of media produced mostly by pro-feminists (read: hollywood).

2019-02-18 11:16:10 UTC  

He can point out rape jokes against males is toxic masculinity because directors are mostly male (especially directors who include male-on-male rape jokes), ignoring that they are also feminists (because they come from Hollywood). Also, later in the commentary, he switches victimhood of prisonrape away from men, to "transwomen", i.e when men are victimized, it's still misogyny (even though in reality straight men get raped more brutally than bitch boys who partake in feminine role voluntarily).

2019-02-18 11:17:53 UTC  

The reviewer does however promise a follow-up of tropes about female predators, but considering how much in-line with feminist viewpoint the first part was, I'm curious how hell tackle the other half... of if he'll tackle it at all and used "handled in another video" as an excuse to not touch it as all, since "dealing separately" is feminist codeword for not dealing with it at all.

2019-02-18 11:27:19 UTC  

I wouldn't necessarily call prison rape jokes inherently toxic either, considering comedy can be the only way to deal with tragedy, be it for the teller or the audience. And prison rape jokes using falsely accused as the one in threat of being raped can be critique rather than approval of prison rape phenomenon. I cannot really comment on how ubiquitous people who have been raped in jail is among general male populace is, but I do know that USA has the highest prison population per capita, combined with high population in general, leading to millions of active inmates in addition to all the ones who served their time...

2019-02-18 11:28:35 UTC  

...and that USA is one of the places where male-on-male rape is seen as part of the justice system (where as in other second and third world countries, prison guard brutality replaces it).

2019-02-18 11:31:07 UTC  

And prison guard brutality would probably be closer to being actual justice, as they'd be motivated in brutalizing the trouble makers for making their job harder. The system where the troublemakers rape and punish the weak, is inverse of justice. The worst of punished don't get extra punishment from being raped: the get reward by getting to rape people.

2019-02-18 11:31:29 UTC  

So basically, congrats: North Korea has more justice than USA.

2019-02-18 11:40:06 UTC  

**WHAT! It was that Jonathan MacIntosh all the time?** No wonder everything felt like pushing the blame away from Hollywood, and onto evil comedians, as well as pushing male victimization away and onto "transwomen". Also, no actual critique of female predator will come, unless MacIntosh will call out as these portrayals in the media being false as *real women don't rape*.

2019-02-18 11:42:05 UTC  

Also noteworthy that he has viewerbase half of Sargon, despite being just a sidekick of Sarkeesian, and 97% approval rating on the video. Meanwhile "feminism is dead, anti-feminists are cringe" say majority of anti-feminists themselves.

2019-02-18 11:45:05 UTC  

Feminism is well and alive.

2019-02-18 11:45:25 UTC  

Fewer women will use the label, but that doesn't mean that the culture is any less gynocentric.

2019-02-18 11:46:03 UTC  

The erosion of due process is one example among many of how this crazy train simply has no brakes.

2019-02-18 11:48:26 UTC  

Yeah. You can tout all the feminist talking points (just avoiding or reducing number of callouts to "feminism", "misogyny" or "toxic masculinity" directly) and probably around 97% would agree with it.

2019-02-18 12:03:45 UTC  

In surveys measuring support for on the face discriminatory measures, in favor of women, men usually support the measure 55% and women 85%.

2019-02-18 12:04:29 UTC  

Most people are complete hypocrites when it comes to gender equality.

2019-02-18 12:05:06 UTC  

The same sleight of hand that is used in economic debate, in support of socialism, is used when it comes to gender equality. What these people mean is gender equity, not gender equality.

2019-02-18 12:46:18 UTC  

Except that they whilst abandoning equality under the law for equity of outcome, they aren't consistent on even that. Otherwise they would not just demand female draft but demand equalization of combat deaths. And they would force women to die at work, etc.

2019-02-18 12:49:24 UTC  

Mornin neanderthals. What did we get wrong today

2019-02-18 12:50:22 UTC  

@whiic implies that people should only be equal under the law rather than have equal outcome.

2019-02-18 12:51:49 UTC  

Did you know that suicide rates, homelessness and drop out rates are higher for men. There is no legal discrimination. No written law that causes this. Yet MRAs always complaining about equality of outcome.

2019-02-18 12:54:07 UTC  

So when you complain about feminism but sympathize with men, most people would conclude that you are a beta male mysogonist. This is why society does not take you seriously. Not some SJW conspiracy or whatever.

2019-02-18 12:54:47 UTC  

> implies that women should be executed to obtain equal outcome

2019-02-18 12:54:58 UTC  

Wow that was easy. Literally the first post I saw fucked up. No scrolling up necessary. Alright I'm out. See you later tonight neanderthals

2019-02-18 12:56:43 UTC  

You cannot have the cake and eat it too, AOC. Women need to face the execution squad if you want equal outcome.

2019-02-18 12:57:07 UTC  

Life expectancy gap need to be corrected if under equality of outcome model.

2019-02-18 17:06:18 UTC  

The problem isnt that men need more legal protections. They are pointing out how men are facing huge issues, but no one takes them seriously/ they are ignored. :p

2019-02-18 17:11:54 UTC  


2019-02-18 17:12:19 UTC  

If any woman outlives the male average for her location, she should be euthanized.

2019-02-18 17:12:34 UTC  

It can be rounded up to her nearest birthday, though. We're not inhumane.

2019-02-18 17:20:21 UTC  

Im guesing the aoc person is nerdy b gone?

2019-02-18 17:22:26 UTC  

Also fuck both sexes. They are both doing shit wrong and i forgot to look up somalia and ireland

2019-02-18 17:52:09 UTC  

So when I was watching Battle Angel Alita the screened a captain marvel trailer. My first thought was that the female authority figure was made to resemble the lefts perception of Hillary Clinton. Or am I wrong?

2019-02-18 17:52:34 UTC  
2019-02-18 17:57:37 UTC  

Sounds kinda like hillary

2019-02-18 18:27:19 UTC

2019-02-18 18:28:54 UTC  

Even if he wins, we still lose.

2019-02-18 18:29:06 UTC  

He's just taking the money from the government that the government took from us.

2019-02-18 18:50:44 UTC  
