Message from @ʇooNʇooN

Discord ID: 548258638628651019

2019-02-21 21:34:18 UTC  

She admits in court she cut off his dick while he was asleep because he cheated on her with another woman

2019-02-21 21:34:30 UTC  

Another conservative attacked.

2019-02-21 21:34:32 UTC  

Then claims suffered years of sexual abuse

2019-02-21 21:34:49 UTC  

@Dusty Morgan yeah dobatag shared it like 300 times

2019-02-21 21:34:56 UTC  

Oh okay.

2019-02-21 21:36:03 UTC  

So this bitch cuts off her husband's penis, sheds some fake tears in court, admits the alleged "years of sexual abuse" did not bother her until he fucked another woman... and she gots off on insanity

2019-02-21 21:36:24 UTC  

Meanwhile, if the roles were reversed...

2019-02-21 21:37:02 UTC  

@Dusty Morgan yeah lol

2019-02-21 21:37:11 UTC  

wonder what's gonna hapen

2019-02-21 21:40:45 UTC  

Huh. Apparently it's never been the opposite in the United States. A husband never sliced up his wife's vagina or chopped off her tits. Only in moslum countries, and India...

2019-02-21 21:41:11 UTC  

Yet feminists claim they're victimized and oppressed

2019-02-21 21:42:01 UTC  


2019-02-21 21:42:38 UTC  

when communists cant even into history

2019-02-21 21:43:35 UTC  


2019-02-21 21:43:43 UTC  

breasts are not genitals!!

2019-02-21 21:43:56 UTC  

@Hearts™ don't tag me again

2019-02-21 21:44:00 UTC  

therefore the husband did not mutilate his wife's gentiles!!

2019-02-21 21:44:05 UTC  

take that rasict

2019-02-21 21:44:14 UTC  
2019-02-21 21:44:17 UTC  


2019-02-21 21:44:23 UTC  

hey JDM do you think we could get a #music channel

2019-02-21 21:44:33 UTC  

i'm mixedRaceLeftLeaningLibertarian

2019-02-21 21:44:40 UTC  

my friends call me mixy

2019-02-21 21:44:43 UTC  
2019-02-21 21:44:43 UTC  

Alright, @ʇooNʇooN has been warned for '**Unspecified.**'.

2019-02-21 21:44:48 UTC  

for sharing recommendations?

2019-02-21 21:44:48 UTC  

i'm kidding

2019-02-21 21:44:55 UTC  

i don't have any friends

2019-02-21 21:45:11 UTC  


2019-02-21 21:45:18 UTC  
2019-02-21 21:45:18 UTC  

mixedRaceLeftLeaningLibertarian, it doesn't look like you can use that. <:SMILESWEAT6:403540174069432320>

2019-02-21 21:45:33 UTC  

**NootNoot#4855** just left the server.

2019-02-21 21:45:48 UTC  


2019-02-21 21:46:59 UTC  

i have a question

2019-02-21 21:47:11 UTC  

do y'all think like

2019-02-21 21:47:12 UTC  

uh Juicy Smollett, you're a chatroom moderator d ude

2019-02-21 21:47:13 UTC  


2019-02-21 21:47:17 UTC  

is what creates nations?/