Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 468999189427126272
omg this great love me them latin vibes. some of my favourite jazz is that flavour
and flamenco
night Revan
dat clarinet solo
sounds like an alto clarinet
This is another favourite of mine
yeah he also plays gutiar im pretty sure
love me dem gospel choirs too
lol wish i had that big black lady vibrato
best kind of vibrato
i have only mad respects for that man
yeah i loved the show hahaha was great and just that he's a musician gives me another level of respect
i mean fuck what he did like 9 seasons of a show where he had to fake an american accent
and by fake i mean fucking nail it perfectly
yea.. that must have left bigger strain on him than the leg
LOOOOL yeah hahahahaha
that fucking leg
n sum good ole vicodin
He's still limping actually
lol wtf did his leg actually haev something wrong with it before or is it because of the show??? or he limps as a joke?
kinda interesting
Ditching white nationalism seems like a step in the right direction
But i want identity politics as a whole to go die in the most horrible fire
So maybe that's just me
Others have described it as an offshoot of the alt-right, in that it claims to reject identity politics
part of the page
So basically the right?
So, that make me a Libertarian-Lite.
" As with the alt-right, the alt-lite commonly shows broad support for Donald Trump, criticism of and/or opposition to political correctness, Islam, feminism, welfare and illegal immigration. "
nazis were lefties and white supremasists
A fair amount of people that could be called 'alt-right', could be described as strong nationalists, or 'white nationalists' though.
Calls it a movement, and still a variation of conservatism
And im not really a fan of nationalistic movements
at this point it is basically implied that alt right are those things
Let alone ethnically based ones
then fuck whites
alt-lite is called like the alt-right minus the identity politics
fuck blacks