Message from @GingaBomber
Discord ID: 470901802221436928
When you lose so badly you have to change your name.
Is that what they call moving goalposts
they're no longer in control of any cities afaik
So they're the ITIL? 😛
Islamic Tribe In Levant?
they have control of less than 2% of their original conquered territory
Explains why we dont hear of them
Which is strange
Like nothin on Mattis or his work
thats cuz we have bigger issues threatening us
Economic Migrants
In the news or something
African Mexicans illegally entering Europe 😉
And well, id imagine one of the reasons causing the flow of migrants being gone would be news
How are they doing that??
every illegal immigrant is a Mexican 😄
Ah a joke
you automatically gain mexican nationality
Ah well
and start saying "Tios Mioooo"
when you get caught
huan more joke 😛
still, things could be worse
we could be venezuela 😄
I mean it will get worse before it gets better
Then again theres some hope
A new hope?
Naw that died when disney bought it
Tim should get that intro :P
"Culture Wars"
"Episode IV A New Beanie"
Now thats just overdoing it
It is a time of unrest in the west
Nah, still sad bout SW
And disney put the J in it
yeah but the J is silent
Genuinely feel bad for some of the actors
I hate rose as a character, feel bad for the actress.
yeh, poor Mark Hamill
Hate new luke
Feel bad for Mark
Mark even hates the new luke