Message from @Dr.Wol

Discord ID: 472024533675540481

2018-07-26 12:52:50 UTC  

neither side will have enoug support

2018-07-26 12:52:51 UTC  

@zutt D'you live in UK, btw? (I know you're Czech).

2018-07-26 12:52:53 UTC  

You have a large group of unhappy people, led by an idealist, and an ambitious person
- They overthrow the current rule,
- The idealist wants to be good, the ambitious wants power
- The Ambitious removes the good people, and only keeps slaves / mindless ones / scared ones
- The ambitious person gives himself more power and wealth and declares it to be equal, because they are at the top, and kill anyone that disagrees

2018-07-26 12:52:58 UTC  


2018-07-26 12:53:04 UTC  

I do live here rn

2018-07-26 12:53:26 UTC  


2018-07-26 12:53:32 UTC  

Ah cool. I wondered how your knowledge on the political scene here was so good. I'm UK too. Up in Scotland.

2018-07-26 12:53:58 UTC  

Corbyn doesn't have to become PM

UKIP and Tories might form a coalition, with UKIP as leaders

2018-07-26 12:54:00 UTC  

Doc yeah and the idealists get to be called the useful idiots

2018-07-26 12:54:19 UTC  

cuz Labor afaik isn't "gaining" votes,

And tory losses move to UKIP, not Labor

2018-07-26 12:54:29 UTC  

Doc too bad we are in the uk

2018-07-26 12:54:36 UTC  

anything not part of the Ambitious persons plans is a useful idiot

2018-07-26 12:54:45 UTC  

With first past the post system it cant happen like that

2018-07-26 12:54:52 UTC  


2018-07-26 12:55:17 UTC  

Uk election system is a real scam imo

2018-07-26 12:55:24 UTC  

UKIP don't attract many votes. They've gone up slightly in polls recently but I wouldn't bet on them being much of a force by the time of the next election.

2018-07-26 12:55:39 UTC  

Nah, I doubt it

2018-07-26 12:55:51 UTC  

I think UKIP will be stronger now

2018-07-26 12:55:56 UTC  

The real problem is tories are split

2018-07-26 12:56:10 UTC  

many disgruntled Tories are moving to UKIP, cuz they no longer have faith in the Tory party to handle brexit / the future

2018-07-26 12:56:58 UTC  

it won't suddenly "rock the vote"

But it will force a UKIP / Tory union next election, to beat Labor
cuz neitehr wants Labor to be in charge

2018-07-26 12:57:11 UTC  

Its more like in trying to forge an compromise theresa pissed off almost everyone in the party

2018-07-26 12:57:38 UTC  

Lib Dems have had the same boost as UKIP according to recent polls. Lid Dems new voters are probably anti-Brexit people leaving Labour due to Corbyn's hard brexitism.

2018-07-26 12:58:18 UTC  

Well its getting hotter by the day

2018-07-26 12:58:25 UTC  

guys guys gays

2018-07-26 12:58:27 UTC  

As the brexit day nears

2018-07-26 12:58:27 UTC  

guess who

2018-07-26 12:58:27 UTC  

the compromise was stupid

2018-07-26 12:58:29 UTC  

Whereas the new UKIP voters are former Tory voters wanting a harder Brexit than Theresa May is offering.

2018-07-26 12:58:44 UTC  

Like you said, doc.

2018-07-26 12:59:15 UTC  

No idea Shiv, i don't have any black celebrities i know 😄

2018-07-26 12:59:20 UTC  

Well imo brexit is not going too well

2018-07-26 12:59:29 UTC  

And it will be much worse

2018-07-26 12:59:30 UTC  

It's Jay Z

2018-07-26 12:59:31 UTC  


2018-07-26 12:59:32 UTC  

Jaymond Z.

2018-07-26 12:59:37 UTC  


2018-07-26 12:59:42 UTC  


2018-07-26 13:00:21 UTC  

Brexit isn't going well at all, due to Theresa Mays pathetic display of weak leadership

2018-07-26 13:00:34 UTC  

No doc i disagree

2018-07-26 13:00:44 UTC  

Its not going well due no brexit plan