Message from @Dan V
Discord ID: 477255894795550720
Feminism is doo doo, donate to my patreon
I mean, its Colbert level of humor
*My Name Is Josephine* did a good critique of Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens
Nazbol gang gang gang
we have a nazi?
a new pet?
Aren't we all nazid?
Socialism is expecting Metaphysics to work in reality, Communism is when you use Jack Boots and rifles to make Metephysics work
@Dan V someone ban danv he is too woke
you forgot "try" in there Khan
I got blocked on FB by a family member for being too woke
Being woke is no longer an asset
Get Woke,
Go Broke
Get Woke Do Coke
no no
youll get broke buying that coke
Do Coke, Get Joke
cuz you'll become hillarious
No seckx 🙁
you put in state communism to achieve anarchist communism then you blame state communism for being capitalism
Wow kid, you don’t do krokodil? Well too bad you’ll never be rad SHA
Krokodil is the best
Are any of you familiary with the FDA act?
Fuck Da Africans act?
nyet <:commie:463087263153258506>
the food and drug administration act?
there is one specific one?
Not my wheelhouse
Food and Drug Administration Act, the law that resulted in Marajuana being illegal in the US
Or any other of my houses
slavs are the only white people that have culture, change my mind
You ever been in a slav country?
@Senny italians
Greeks and Wops have culture
Italians arent Slavs