Message from @Dan V
Discord ID: 477257256778334218
Fuck Da Africans act?
nyet <:commie:463087263153258506>
the food and drug administration act?
there is one specific one?
Not my wheelhouse
Food and Drug Administration Act, the law that resulted in Marajuana being illegal in the US
Or any other of my houses
slavs are the only white people that have culture, change my mind
You ever been in a slav country?
@Senny italians
Greeks and Wops have culture
Italians arent Slavs
nibba I'm slav
The Mexicans have culture
Yugo Slav? or fake Slav?
France has a culture that is mainly made up of losing wars
ni 🅱 🅱 a
Squat plz
but really, there is whole millenial culture for slavs but what is there for every other huwait peepo ? absolutely nothing smh
Slavs include Czec, Slovinians, Slovakians, Russians, Hungarians and so on.
french people are the only ones with tan armpits
From raising their arms in surrender so much
Asians are pretty much white now
Hungarians aren't slavs
only true slav is Yugoslav
Others are fake
Hungarians are the cousin no one in the Slav family tree wants to admit to.
ri.p Yugo
They aren't even cousins, they are distant relative that raped their way into the family tree smh
is gwai low considered an insult over in china? ... cos I think it sounds cool
I rest my case Senny
yeah .. im a ghost.. bi-atch!
Have we changed your mind, Senny?
No, I'm right and you are wrong.
That's not true
Americans have white culture too