Message from @LotheronPrime
Discord ID: 477595671973855272
8 was a female leader making terrible command choices, getting people captured and killed, then blaming their failure on a man.
Two words for rose tico? „No character“
8 was just all around bad
I hated Admiral Holdo because I served under a "Admiral Holdo" and they got releaved for cause because of creating a toxic enviroment
You mean vice admiral gender studies?
When your leader's commander calls them a "Bitch" you know it is bad
Too bad that now stands a good chance of getting the commander dismissed these days
Well, maybe not with trump
It's worse when an offcer calls a leader a "Bitch" to a junior enlisted
I hated Admiral Holdo because she had no buildup, acted like an idiot and had no character besides „we have to move the plot“
The "Leader" was so bad they got an order of restraint to keep them from dealing with anyone in the command.
I hated holdo cuz theres no way a person with that kind of leadership/brains/control would ever make it to admiral
Def no aj fan
But this is not going to go the way his detractors want
He's a loud mouth
Alex Jones is comedy gold
A serious political commendator, he is not!
Vs Shapiro etc
1⃣ 7⃣ 7⃣ 6⃣
Will commence again
He's live streaming on Twitter now
Now sure if always did
When I heard the "Pizza-Gate" story, I didn't see anything actionable, but it did pass the sniff test
But they have a monopoly on his stream outside of his website
It certainly did
And I do believe there's something there
But who knows how far down the rabbit hol it really goes
Apparently they're going after crowder now
1) Criminal Groups (CG) are known to run Prostitution Rings (PR) 2) CGs traffic minors for use in PRs 3) Powerful leaders us PRs 4) CGs have from time to time us Restaurants to cover their PRs
Getting ballsy and seeing how far they can reach without huge outcry
Umm speakeasy etc
Oldest cover in book
I think they wanna get rid of talking voices before the midterms
So it's not out of the realm of possibilities
It's not going to help
They gotta reveal the probe has nothing on Trump,
And the MSM won't cover it to try and hide that statement