Message from @Dusty Morgan

Discord ID: 482003230914773012

2018-08-23 01:45:01 UTC  

1. Pa y Bills
2. Buy Groceries.
3. Spending Money

2018-08-23 01:45:28 UTC  

Sorry about that, I tend to type fast.

2018-08-23 01:45:39 UTC  

Plus I am doing more than three things on my computer at once.

2018-08-23 01:45:59 UTC  

What brought you to the political realm, @Dusty Morgan ?

2018-08-23 01:46:46 UTC  

Well politics does effect me, even if I want to disregard it. Best way for me to understand the chances in my surrounding community is the pay attention to politics.

2018-08-23 01:47:04 UTC  

Why I am so opinionated, I can't keep quiet if I see something that is wrong, I must speak up about it.

2018-08-23 01:47:12 UTC  

It is a habit and tick.

2018-08-23 01:47:14 UTC  

So like democrat v. republican?

2018-08-23 01:47:18 UTC  

So there wasn't any particular event that dragged you in?

2018-08-23 01:47:29 UTC  


2018-08-23 01:47:45 UTC  

Wait. How old are you?

2018-08-23 01:47:52 UTC  


2018-08-23 01:48:03 UTC  

Are like GEN ZED or millennial?

2018-08-23 01:48:07 UTC  

I was at home with my parents, they were sick and I was taking care of them. I look up at the TV in time to see the second plane slam into the Twin Towers.

2018-08-23 01:48:11 UTC  

I am 33 years old.

2018-08-23 01:48:18 UTC  

Ah okay

2018-08-23 01:48:23 UTC  

It was during a live broadcast.

2018-08-23 01:48:31 UTC  

Ha holy shit.

2018-08-23 01:48:34 UTC  

All I can say is everything went silent.

2018-08-23 01:48:42 UTC  

A friend of mine about your age enlisted because of that

2018-08-23 01:48:45 UTC  

Everyone was stunned.

2018-08-23 01:49:01 UTC  

I was still firmly in school

2018-08-23 01:49:12 UTC  

I remember 9/11 funny enough. I was in daycare, probably 3 I think

2018-08-23 01:49:18 UTC  

I had people tell me... oh you know nothing about 9/11....

2018-08-23 01:49:28 UTC  

Bitch I lived it... I saw it as it unfolded.

2018-08-23 01:49:38 UTC  

They brought us into the music room and showed us footage

2018-08-23 01:49:43 UTC  

Wow Creep, it's not often I feel old, but there you went and did it.

2018-08-23 01:49:44 UTC  

I just remember people crying and my mother picking me up early

2018-08-23 01:49:49 UTC  

I was in grade 4 or 5

2018-08-23 01:50:15 UTC  

I was shocked, stunned, and worried. I thought we were under attack by a foreign nation at the time.

2018-08-23 01:50:46 UTC  

I was keeping a eye on the white house, pentagon, and pearl harbor.

2018-08-23 01:51:12 UTC  

Pearl Harbor was alerted at the time, all the ships left port.

2018-08-23 01:51:37 UTC  

People were being removed from White house and Pentagon, being placed in bunkers.

2018-08-23 01:51:44 UTC  

Actually, I was probably 5

2018-08-23 01:52:02 UTC  

I can't even remember the memories well

2018-08-23 01:52:17 UTC  

Then I heard about the pentagon being hit and another plane was hijacked, heading towards the white house.

2018-08-23 01:52:25 UTC  

I just found out the other day that the fighters scrambled to take down flight 93 weren't actually armed at the time since no one thought that something like that was possible, so they were just going to have to ram it, but then the passengers did what they did

2018-08-23 01:52:28 UTC  

All flights were grounded and the jets were scrambled.

2018-08-23 01:52:46 UTC  

Yeah they were ready to ram it with their jets.

2018-08-23 01:52:54 UTC  

Well, my mother became a Christofascist after that.

2018-08-23 01:53:12 UTC  

Or at least I think she was