Message from @NativeInterface

Discord ID: 482316746020093963

2018-08-23 22:25:58 UTC  

@Dr.Wol When I say Elite, I mean people that understand what their doing and only work in they're own selfish-interest

2018-08-23 22:26:30 UTC  

Those don't exist in the world of politics,

Trump maybe as the golden child

2018-08-23 22:26:38 UTC  

they mostly just argue if they hate corporations or states the most

2018-08-23 22:26:50 UTC  

If the "Elite" knew what they were doing, they wouldn't be despised by the common man, and they'd have actual running countries

2018-08-23 22:27:25 UTC  


2018-08-23 22:27:39 UTC  

@Dr.Wol I mean, they know what they want. That has nothing to do with the people's interest.

2018-08-23 22:28:31 UTC  

again, if the elite knew what they were doing, they'd be succesful at it, as you can clearly see, none of the current "elite" are very succesful in what they're doing

2018-08-23 22:28:39 UTC  

What I mean by Self-Hating Socialists, high class retards that think they know what people want, but really, they have no damn clue what it's like to be in the working class

2018-08-23 22:28:57 UTC  

your 5 names basically amount to the same kind of person

2018-08-23 22:29:07 UTC  

An random joe who thinks "They know how to fix it all"

2018-08-23 22:29:42 UTC  

@ExceptionalFeather Of course they aren't spotlights are pointed on them and other groups like I said before are trying to compete for the same power

2018-08-23 22:30:49 UTC  

The only thing that all of these groups have in common is that they want power and some are doing it for selfish reasons and only a few don't realize the world they're bringing.

2018-08-23 22:31:52 UTC  

so you're trying to unite the left and right by giving them common enemies?

2018-08-23 22:32:00 UTC  

Again, help and change the names in they're bad

2018-08-23 22:32:11 UTC  

even those that do it for selfish reasons don't realise the world they're bringing, look at hillary

2018-08-23 22:32:27 UTC  

@NativeInterface Essentially

2018-08-23 22:33:04 UTC  

"Proto-Authoritarian Idealists" They all have the ideal of "fixing the world", they're willing to use any means once they have the power

And they're just not there yet?

2018-08-23 22:33:10 UTC  

@Dr.Wol Hillary has an idea of she wants. Her voters don't know what she wants.

2018-08-23 22:34:14 UTC  

And she didn't know what horrors she would bring by starting wars

2018-08-23 22:34:18 UTC  

@Dr.Wol Not true, most of these people don't care to fix the world, and some wish to, but don't understand the hell hole they want to bring

2018-08-23 22:34:33 UTC  

ok. i get the impression they will always see themselves as the biggest enemies to each other, unfortunately.
but i wouldn't want to discourage any effort to try something new.

2018-08-23 22:35:08 UTC  

thats the point of an Idealist Creep, they don't think how their ideal applies in reality

2018-08-23 22:35:40 UTC  

surprisingly i have seen one concept that they both find interesting. agorism.

2018-08-23 22:36:08 UTC  

if anything could unite them it could be that, perhaps

2018-08-23 22:36:40 UTC  

Okay, no, most of these people are idealist, and some are nihilist and understand the world is shit, that's why they don't have a problem with controlling the world with everyone else suffering.

2018-08-23 22:37:09 UTC  

they dont think the world is shit, they just don't care about people they don't know, As do we all, they just don't hide it from themselves

2018-08-23 22:38:31 UTC  

Really? Do you seriously think that the people a top the ivory tower don't realize the world is shit? Why do you think they have guard? Why do you think they have gates around their palaces?

2018-08-23 22:39:07 UTC  

They don't think the world is shit, they see the world as a chessboard, with pawns they can shove around

2018-08-23 22:39:15 UTC  

They know damn well that this world is shit, and the only thing that keeps them out of the filth is power and other people suffering

2018-08-23 22:39:37 UTC  

If you think the world right now is shit, you need to go outside and hug a puppy

2018-08-23 22:40:03 UTC  

or eat one if you're in venezuela

2018-08-23 22:41:06 UTC  

@Dr.Wol I know the world is shit, but that's different from what humans are.

2018-08-23 22:41:13 UTC  


2018-08-23 22:42:09 UTC  

Maybe its just my life, but i don't see the world as shit,

The world is amazing

2018-08-23 22:42:30 UTC  

Humans are everything and nothing. The world is unfair and unjust. These humans, understand and are complacent with that understanding.

2018-08-23 22:43:03 UTC  

it depends what you choose to focus on. it's both.

2018-08-23 22:43:09 UTC  

You and I are different. I think the world is shit, but I don't think humans in general are.

2018-08-23 22:43:19 UTC  

And i think the opposite 😛

2018-08-23 22:43:24 UTC  

the world is amazing, and humans in general are shit

2018-08-23 22:43:34 UTC  

it's a bit silly to try to rate the world in a review

2018-08-23 22:43:50 UTC  

We're a lazy, greedy, hateful, resentful, lustful, proud people 😛