Message from @Atkins

Discord ID: 484853998638202883

2018-08-30 22:32:56 UTC  

He's not that anti-trump but he makes a mountain out of a molehill sometimes

2018-08-30 22:33:02 UTC  

Not as much anymore but he was far worse in the past.

2018-08-30 22:33:04 UTC  

yeah - that he does

2018-08-30 22:33:12 UTC  

Creative, ture

2018-08-30 22:33:39 UTC  

his stance on trans people makes me hard

2018-08-30 22:33:59 UTC  

He's one of those people who have to preface things with "I don't like Trump but".

2018-08-30 22:34:19 UTC  

Creative, well I'm also one of those people 😉

2018-08-30 22:34:24 UTC  

I doubt Shapiro is controlled opposition, but he's definitely a paleo-con who has not adapted to the new political reality.

2018-08-30 22:34:32 UTC  

Creative, I don't like trump ... but I hate democrats more 😃

2018-08-30 22:34:42 UTC  

> Sometimes

2018-08-30 22:34:54 UTC  

He's one of those guys who would rather lose than compromise slightly on religious stances or 'civility'.

2018-08-30 22:35:09 UTC  

```Creative, he is not that anti trump - he seems likely to vote for trump in 2020 and has said so himself```
Wait how he will bash Trump when he tells Benjamin NO

2018-08-30 22:35:09 UTC  

Because he doesn't think losing is a big deal.

2018-08-30 22:35:22 UTC  

Atkins have you seen his discussions with Sam harris?

2018-08-30 22:35:23 UTC  

You don't have to like the guy but it annoys me when people have to say that so they don't get attacked instantly. Just say what you think.

2018-08-30 22:35:49 UTC  

Atkins, I think principles are more important than winning also

2018-08-30 22:35:52 UTC  

Shapiro seems to think that losing to the democrats is just a minor annoyance that has little to no affect on his life, livelihood, or future.

2018-08-30 22:36:15 UTC  

Atkins, you have a point there I guess

2018-08-30 22:36:18 UTC  

he was right in the past but right now he ie dead wrong

2018-08-30 22:36:35 UTC  

if the Dems win now its over for you in the US and the Dems will implement Censoring EU Style

2018-08-30 22:36:41 UTC  

I used to think like Shapiro actually.

2018-08-30 22:36:42 UTC  

Stefan, true

2018-08-30 22:36:59 UTC  

no you make good points - in this climate - winning matters

2018-08-30 22:37:01 UTC  

But that's because I didn't realize how far down the path of political decay the US was.

2018-08-30 22:37:13 UTC  

If this was 20-30 years ago Shapiro would be right.

2018-08-30 22:37:16 UTC  

but it's not.

2018-08-30 22:37:20 UTC  

if the dems implement censoring EU style im gonna fucking buy a gun

2018-08-30 22:37:22 UTC  

Hence the term paleo-con

2018-08-30 22:37:27 UTC  

but I dunno - I don't hold Shapiros insistence on principles against him - but I think it is important to recognize winning matters

2018-08-30 22:38:33 UTC  

I think part of Shapiro's stance might also be due to the fact that he's very well off financially and has plenty of fall-back options. He can go back into law. He can write books. If shit gets really bad he can just say "fuck it" and go to Israel.

2018-08-30 22:38:34 UTC  

The reality of the situation is that if we lose to the left we lose America.

2018-08-30 22:38:48 UTC  

So he's not desperate enough to reevaluate his stance.

2018-08-30 22:39:37 UTC  

no, because Ben doesn't really care about the US

2018-08-30 22:39:55 UTC  

Most people on the right don't have those fall-back options. Some working class joe working in a machine shop or a guy working in an office trying to keep his head down doesn't have anywhere left to retreat.

2018-08-30 22:40:27 UTC  

I wouldn't say he doesn't care. Just that he feels safe in his position.

2018-08-30 22:40:32 UTC  

Ben can go to Israel anytime if its getting to bad in the US

2018-08-30 22:40:37 UTC  

If you feel safe, why change?

2018-08-30 22:41:03 UTC  

Stefan, if USA goes far left - Isreal is in dire straights

2018-08-30 22:41:06 UTC  

Well, that's not an optimal situation for anyone. Israel depends on the US in a lot of ways.

2018-08-30 22:41:14 UTC  

Anyway, I agree with Styx for most parts.

2018-08-30 22:41:16 UTC  

the joos need merica