
Discord ID: 390542655576080386

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hows this work? do i need to do anything to chat on this discord (not looking to call in or whatever), just curious

lol duh, i meant like do i need to verify anything or whatnot. obviously i am a newb to the wednesday show, usually watch on sundays

cool, thanks @TheLostHelio

who was that just on the call

howder fellers

@Matt Christiansen indeed, the video on uc berkeley free speech clip was particularly excellent

for anyone who hasn't seen it yet:

is the show going on on tonight>

@J Edgar what about postal banking?

just got yelled at by matt in ze roll call

where are all the people actually chatting

sup gangsta

What happen ๐Ÿ˜ฅ

dlive is legit. i'm glad i signed up with an awesome/short username (i got my first name which is almost as common a first name as 'muhammad') as my channel on there

oh wait, just reading that now that they dropped alex jones wtf

how gay

looks like im going to just have to keep working on my own little platform; i have it all figured out as far as the bandwidth is concerned, just need users lol

how do i get back into roll call for the future btw, my monthly donation got messed up because i changed my cc billling address, but i fixed it just now

tim pool is so overrated

literally his content is hot garbage

also shoe on head is so cringe

she is fugly and wears wigs

and constantly needs to talk about how her and her boyfriend are into bdsm and being swingers and shit

been too long, how does this shit work again

i did the roll call shit - apparently my status got changed when my donation didn't go thru last month when i changed my billing address, just fixed it tho


almost always comorbid with bipolar or borderline

also ocd but usually borderline

i wouldnt rag on her for that if she wasn't a huge cunt to other chicks about their looks

@Blonde in the Belly of the Beast @Matt Christiansen y'all should have on the youtuber benjamin boyce - he's been doing a fantastic series of interviews with a ton of ex-trans people and de-transitioned people

it's gotten him a ton of shit, he did a great documentary on the drama with bret weinstein and evergreen. i think one of you may have talked to him before on stream idk

@Shadows tell me about it, i haven't for a while, it's mega cringe

@Shadows seems that neither matt or blonde really wants to be doing it either lol

those pics are definitely on some kind of sick online fetish site, a bunch of fat dudes are jerking off to them currently

@mr_krayola where in orange county

depending on where you do it, i will come

esp if it'sin long beach, im in LA on the westside

alright cool ill shoot you an email

im going to send matt an email back as i have the domain name for the sunday show, wanted to gift it to him and blonde - figure that we can set up an easier-to-use forum-like script for meetups and discussions

on that url

@mr_krayola are you in OC yourself? i lived down there for years, i miss it. newport beach, laguna beach, irvine

ahh good ole santa ana

stay away from evergreen homeslice

oh yeah between santa ana, echo park/huntington park and a few other places, they have buses that go direct from the border to these neighborhoods

almost all the people i know who are of mexican descent here, and it may just be my personal group of friends/acquaintances, they HATE all the migrants coming in now

they absolutely fucking can't stand the hondurans, salvadorans and especially the guatemalans

one of the most impassioned supporters of trump's border wall i know is a 2nd generation mexican

there's a LOT of people around my age or a few years younger who's parents were some of the last people from mexico able to come here legally

because at a certain point they made it super difficult because of how many were coming i guess

@aartsi i'd change the chorus to : another tard boards the bus

@slowed i use semi-colons all the time

there is a time and a place for them, obviously. but it's on the keyboard for a reason.

@slowed i'm a a diaper.

right now i'm smoking crack out of a corncob pipe on top of some schwaggy weed. it's quite wasteful.

how would you describe yourself? btw malt liquor is an odd term, it can mean or be a number of things

no chore boy, no rose

plus, the corncob pipe is stylin'. hunter biden ins over and we got some hubbas of that cavi rock from down on skid row to start churnin through before we get to the jiggle joint down the block.

motherfucker won't shut up about how he's got this new bitch and her paternity test fuckin' his life up, sayin' he's broke

shit i really is deader than dead around here huh

yup. i hear he got a couple of girls in the ukraine knocked up too

oh biden's extended family are all a bunch of white trash train wrecks

his neice is a total slam pig

she got off with this total bullshit slap on the wrist after she stole her friend/friend's mom cc's and identity to sign up for a bunch of high limit store credit accounts

and scammed em for close to 100k over the course of about a year or so, she's got a major cocaine problem f'reals

she also punched the cop who responded to one of the calls where she was all coked up and trying to offer to fuck some apartment building manager in exchange for him not calling the cops on her/kicking her out. she got the cops called, obviously, and she got off with that too.

us diaper wearers need to stick together

genuine diaper wearers at least

not like those sicko adult baby fetish freaks


let the warmth envelop you

just be careful not to sit in your mess too long. you'll have to go to the store and buy some diaper rash ointment.

or worse, have it delivered via postmates because you're *that* pathetic. and a hot young college girl delivers it, wondering who is this fat slob that's answering the door at 3 am in his gross apartment for a single bottle of diaper rash cream?

sup crackers

i met a nice colored fellow today at the 7-eleven who told me that "(he) has the corona"

not joking haha

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