
Discord ID: 315762942853513227

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Jelly filled donuts? ๐Ÿ™

unknown unknowns boondocks rant

left handers are in their right mind.

eh, there are plenty of good and bad lefthanders, just like right handers.

I'm a southpaw as well

bet it helped you to expect the unexpected though, right?

some lessons are learned the hard way, whether you wanted to learn it that way or not.

it's all the onions.

switch from onions to garlic.

I have to do the opposite to keep up my BP.

Those that know nothing, know the most.


@Steve Angell , with all due respect, the earth is not flat. If you need proof, go watch videos on Red's Rhetoric channel on Youtube.

I definetly will grant that Not A Straight Answer makes stuff up, but leaping to a flat earth assumption from that is just nonsense.

Seriously, go see Red's Rhetoric.

I was skeptical about whether or not the earth is flat as well, but it just doesn't math out.

Go to that channel. They explain it.

Go. Watch.

He debunks every person trying to come at him with flat earth theories.

Most of his content is debunking flat earth.

Where's the math behind it? I bet it doesn't use anything other than 'it looks that way'.

I got a question for you. Explain to me the southern cross.

atmosphere acting as a lens, as well as the tilt of the earth. Not a hard one, Steve.

Flat earth can't explain how the Southern Cross acts just like Polaris.

I didn't ignore that. I ruled it out.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8lyqArVvdvo start here, since you don't want to pick for yourself.

All you have watched so far is stuff that doesn't challenge what you believe, Steve. It's easy to believe anything if you do that.

Saying it doesn't and proving it doesn't are two different things.

Saying something doesn't prove it.

What are the meteors hitting before they hit land or water to make them break apart, Steve?

I saw, I saw, I saw. That doesn't prove anything. Measurements prove things. I saw just gives a subjective data point, not an objective one.

There as of yet no valid flat earth model that matches distances between two points on Earth.

the model always is incorrect between what the flat earth model says the distance should be, and the actual measured distance, with very few 'stopped clock is right twice a day' instances.

This is shown even more exaggerated below the equator, using north pole as the center of Earth.

Nonsense about governmental preventions. That assertion has no proof, only slapped together accusations.

No, they don't.

Those wanting to continue this discussion, message me directly.

Sargon of Ahegao


I hereby proclaim we should return all the Chinese goods back to China.

That would be more devastating than bombing.

Artificial meteorites, huh?

Dutchsine posted a video, there was what seems to be a meteorite event, lit up the sky like daylight for a second, and caused a concussion he felt himself.

Video in <#479838613857763329>

Happy Brexmas!

Bleach Man Bad

2020-03-05 23:58:05 UTC [Patriots' Soapbox #casual-chat]  

I caught one of the symbolisms in that movie

2020-03-05 23:58:07 UTC [Patriots' Soapbox #casual-chat]  

Wiping the anointing oil off his face using hair is a perversion of Mary Magdalene doing so with oil put on Jesus' feet.

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