Message from @☭ Anon ☭
Discord ID: 588995736654315531
the earth for example is way too finally tuned in my opinion ofc
Well then we come to the same question this conversation always ends in lol
its perfect for human life
How did God come into existence
that exactly it
This discussion never gets anywhere.
god is the cause of everything
The universe is pretty big
theres nothing beyond god
because a human said: "BIG BEARD MAN IN SKY MAKE EVERYTHING"
So it makes sense that somewhere the circumstances would be this perfect
god is the last cause of all causes
God is unjustifiable without presuppositions about the nature of reality, end of story
i have numbers gimme a sec
its really unlikely
Hol up lemme call god
Isn't God just the laws of nature then?
If he's literally everything
it's like reverse santa: we literally need to see it to believe
Anyone into hermeticism here
there's no logistical and fully supportive proof god is real
No? Ok
as of now, there is even more proof disconcerning the fact
it's also easy hell is just a way for people to convert in a case of a 'better afterlife'
if you look at roger penrose a physicist in oxford university he was talking about the entropy levels in the beginning of the universe and he says that the possibility of the entropy level being the way it is in the beginning of the universe is and he says 10 to the power of 10 times 123 and thats a big number and thats just one of the compnents of the universe in the beginning of early stages of the universe
Heaven sounds boring anyway. You’d just be stuck up there for eternity with god, a couple angels, and pretty much all the shoe chewing troglodytes that carried around a bible at school
I like the idea of being reincarnated though
saying the universe happened randomly is an ridiculous option
though the though is also unrealistic and I am also not a buddhist
inventing a new type of existence for your answer is even more unrealistic
I don’t get why people are afraid of atheism. You get liberated in the sense that your ideas don’t need to conform to christian values
and man becomes the sole decider of what he becomes
atheism doesnt satisfy me at all
You wouldn’t know because you aren’t an atheist
the idea of atheism then ig
i need to know what purpose is
I just stopped believing in god after my life got all fucked because people are like "u need jesus <:Wojak:552578579234291763> "
and it was so