
Discord ID: 292368963638263820

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hello present and future comrades!

oh! alright, i didnt even know that was a thing

i return!

comrades, i give you now my formal greeting!

aye, but as a comrade in my country, i love you with all my proletariat heart!

and i implore you, why do you so hate the idea of ending your slavery?

eh, comrade, you bring up good point. but this is not a door front, but the forefront of political debate!

you invite your self to questioning when we talk on this server, unless i am mistaken

ah, i see the comrades here are not open to friendly discussion.

i give a formal good bye to my compatriots, and a informal wish of good health, and good luck!

regular and exciting, comrade!


hentai contains copious amounts of thicc loli dragon maids





yes comrade, you understand the consequences quite clearly

i did not hit her! i did not!

comrades! there are no nigs in communism!

only nugs!

endless, refined chicken nugs!

stalins boi is right! it is nice to have it refined! there is never a food shortage in communism!

endless nuggers!

dark knight?

ohhh, the half life thing?

comrades, i am slightly confused

would not discussion like this belong in the general?

forgive me if i am mistaken my fellow anglo-saxons, but i feel as though casual disscussion or, forgive me, but also shitposting should be saved for places like the general

yes comrade, that might be an even more ideal place!

i am not sure if the rule is formal, or informal, and i am in niether a position of power nor knoledge to call you out. just an observation comrade


comrade! our way is the successors way!

communism is about alleviating the burden from the worker, and giving the worker their worth while dues!

communism is about uniting the peoples in a united front of compassion for your fellow comrade!

to build up the mother land as a unit! to be concerned with your fellow comrades is to be concerned with your self!

to build up another is at the gain of everyone! including your self. all are given as they need, and surplus is given to the collective equally!

@TheOneRJB yes comrade?

forgive me comrade. i thought this was a political role play server, where the debate section is to discuss respectfully the ideologies of others and debate them calmly.

ah! a fellow comrade!

yes! socialists are derserving of praise!

comrade! the respect of our oppisition is extreamly important!

we should never publically degreade even the most ignorant of our own! they need be only enlightened to the way!

ah, i see, then i redact my previous statement

mr clean, im not feeling so good...

precicely comrade

if money always goes into the hands of thouse who profit, and only controlled by thouse with significant power, how does any money get down to the proletariat to consume a product?

nay! though socialism is closer, it is not the complete solution comrade!

for socialism allows there to be holes in the market as much as facism does, because it exempts and favors thouse with private ownership of the capital assets and property rights

precicely right comrade! the uncontrolled market, or synonymously , the market controlled by thouse who own property, will always favor over production and under waged consumers. that system leads to the workers and consumers being undermined at the conception of ownership of capital assets

right comrade ajsbeast! i will use simple word for the iron fisted, slave driving, racist kings that call them selves leaders

property make people rich, take money away from worker by extension. too much asset production, not enough wage, equals inevitable economy collapse

thats what they think

but what they dont know is,

that because we are all white by the rules of the server

that they are inherintly false in calling us so

that is true comrade! there is also the fact that the land can be taken from them by the state, and given to them by the worker

i always figured the jump suit was apart of his suit

like, it made it air tight.

see comrade? your fears all vanquish at the sickle and hammer of communisms warm embrace!

comrades! i implore you all an answer to a single question

describe your utopian society

alright, alright, i see,

but tell me, how are you going to make that economically phesible and politically sustainible?

but one must first also come to a sustaininble plan to reach that goal as well

how does one make anime real without enslaving human equivalents?

how expensive would that science be?

i would argue, too expensive

your plan is unsustainible, and totalitarian.

but at the very least,

thicc af

yo, you nig

stop being a nig


no, u times 10

here, i have the ultimate stop card

if you like this, vote communist

ill raise you, 4x gay!

hey yall, get on the voice chat

we will have a quite, civil discussion

itll be fun

were all having a laugh


not a fan of jihadis huh?

2019-06-12 05:34:20 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  


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