Jebber22 (IN-08)

Discord ID: 398296651367972884

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Oh okay my bad

I just happen to see it on my Twitter and i thought i would pass it a long

Iโ€™m trying to shut down my Democrat friend at the moment

Shut up Dad bot

Good wbu

Thatโ€™s good

Me... Iโ€™m just chilling

2018-07-12 00:30:30 UTC [Red Storm Official #indiana]

2018-07-12 01:02:54 UTC [Red Storm Official #indiana]  

No i donโ€™t think so I got it from the state gop

2018-07-12 01:03:32 UTC [Red Storm Official #indiana]  

The last poll i looked at had Braun winning by 1 point

2018-07-12 04:06:30 UTC [Red Storm Official #indiana]  

But the question is how to get them to come and vote

โ€ชThat face you make when you have to repeat your order at McDonaldโ€™sโ€ฌ

Anyone one?

I agree!

If we have So much energy i think we should channel that into a candidate thatโ€™s running

We can sit and look at polls and stuff but we canโ€™t do that all time and i understand everyone is busy but that only way to get people to get out and vote

Wow that was stupid

John Delaney is running for President

His the first Democrat candidate that is running for President

Iโ€™m watching Fox News right now and heโ€™s taking about the issues and they said that he was running

Shut up Dad bot

Happy Birthday!

No Button

Very cool map

Iโ€™m back guys

4.1 GDP ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿปโ˜บ๏ธ

@๐ŸŽƒBoo-ton๐ŸŽƒ Indiana is going to be Red

Mike has been kicking Joes butt in the polls

Itโ€™s not going to shut down

Well anyway YouTube isnโ€™t going to shut down


That was back in November

Hey @zakattack04 i didnโ€™t know

Republicans keep 12th district in Ohio!

They called it

Look at any election results @jpc1976

Is anyone on?

Morning yโ€™all

Why asking me lol

I donโ€™t have a dog in this..... I donโ€™t really care what you all do with Button or Mash whatever you want to called him.... He thinks he knows everything and you donโ€™t... If I had it my way you banned for life but again I dont run this group

Itโ€™s sad that we have to waste time fingering out what to do with a guy when we actually be out helping candidates win in 89 days

Look i think we should just let Mash go and keep him in the group

I see no point of this at all

I donโ€™t like Mash and heโ€™s doesnโ€™t like me and thatโ€™s fine but this is silly and see no point of it at all

Okay Iโ€™m going make my ruling

Let Mash post in the data chat

If we have the right to post in it then I think Mash should also and if he breaks anymore rules in this chat then he will not have any more access to it anymore

Can we lock Botton up? Lol

Itโ€™s just a joke

Is today primary day?

Thanks I thought it was but wasnโ€™t to sure... I just got done getting out and vote for my candidate today

Red wave is coming to Kentucky!

Ohio is going to be hard in November

I hoping that it comes to Indiana

Other thing is she didnโ€™t campaign as good in the rust belt

And most of her supporters thought that she was going to win the election because at the time it looked like she was going to win

@Deleted User Hillary lost by one point in Wisconsin but again she should went back campaign harder then what she did

Canโ€™t always look at polls because they do change a lot

Iโ€™m not saying that your wrong or anything i do remember that she was was 7 points but again you canโ€™t tell how turn out is going to be like

That goes back to Voter turn out

We had more voter turn out then we though Democrats didnโ€™t stayed home Zack they didnโ€™t have a turn out like they thought

So yes your are wrong because i have no idea where you are getting this info at

Not at the state level

Look dude

Thatโ€™s our voter registration numbers but itโ€™s going to be hard to keep it red at the state level

Exactly ๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿป

Okay whatever.... I donโ€™t see how the Democrats stayed home but whatever

Trump and Romney had about the same

Trump- 1,409,467 and Mitt 1,408,746

Right there.... Iโ€™m done talking about it because you not listen me and Iโ€™m done trying to explain it

Those numbers donโ€™t add up

Here did you get them

No donโ€™t get shit from Wikipedia

Those numbers i got where from the New York Time or post whatever itโ€™s called

Just stop when you ahead Because you not making any sense at all and itโ€™s pissing me off

Dude just stop

Because you are pissing me off

The Mitt one is right but i canโ€™t fine where i got the Trump numbers but your logic behind doesnโ€™t make since and now Iโ€™m going to drop it and go on with my life

Dude move on

I donโ€™t give shit about it anymore because Iโ€™m trying move on

Donโ€™t sigh me

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