
Discord ID: 544716011169906690

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2019-02-12 05:59:32 UTC [The Ice Wall #members-log]  

science donโ€™t care about their feelings

Why the fuck I canโ€™t send memes RetArds

Sup nigga

I found this account

I donโ€™t remember joining these servers

Bruh too gay

Well Life is gay

Iโ€™d sell my dick for a dollar

This shit is always this ded?

Try dude

Sounds gay

Try cocaine instead

What was that

@John Brook not doing drug makes u gayer

Like me and my uncle

Ye not every fuck means I love you

Thot Destroyed by facts and Logic

@Deleted User idk nigga nature fucked my tight

Nigga is speaking Alien language

Your WiFi is offending me rn

Fucking hell

Bitch left me in the chat like my dad left

@Deleted User nigga donโ€™t be gay

Calling us anti Semitic lmao

Old move

U making random fucking noises

I canโ€™t hear your shits

Whatโ€™s that

Who even uses that app bruh

Why is nigga allowed

But not n i gger

Just realized

Itโ€™s Corinna

U wrote corrina

What a ReTard

Itโ€™s bad

U started

Calling you what

Fuck this bot

Wha RetArd

I need my dad back

If so what

Retard leaning

@space man like what? Nuking the hurricane?

He claims illegal aliens are stealing jobs while saying highest black unemployment in the history of united state

What am I supposed to believe?
Stealing jobs or highest unemployment

Sheโ€™s a retard no doubt

Raping u would be fun

Rape is sex ungrateful fa ggot

Abortion is alright

We kill living being on daily bases why not a fucking fetus

@Deleted User cuz cottons pickers ainโ€™t cool

@Stander whereโ€™s my dog

I believe u Ching Chong

@Kidkhan are you stupid or acting stupid

The point is to reduce it

This is the same logic conservatives uses on the wall

How do u fuck hoes

Hoes need to be seeded

What weeb ass

Planning to shoot up a school

Any gun suggestions would be cool

@Katze Miaulitzer temperature rising isnโ€™t bad?

Yes temperature is rising in an unprecedented


That havenโ€™t been seen In decades


Unprecedented way



Same thing

Imagine carrying about how ppl phrase it


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