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2019-03-12 17:53:21 UTC [The Ice Wall #members-log]  

2019-03-13 20:22:56 UTC [The Ice Wall #conspiracy-discussion]  

gravity exerts a force on objects yes? that's easily observed by dropping something. therefore this same force must be exerted on everything including gases. as gases have mass they will be pulled in with the same force so that creates an atmosphere. i can't remember which book i read that mentioned it and explained it better than that but it was either "why does E=mc^2? (and why should we care)" by brian cox and jeff forshaw or "a brief history of time" by stephen hawking and the explanation is much better than anything i can remember off the top of my head

2019-03-13 21:02:59 UTC [The Ice Wall #conspiracy-discussion]  


2019-03-16 01:02:20 UTC [The Ice Wall #conspiracy-discussion]  

so i think my biggest problem that i can generally find with a conspiracy theory is how heavily misinformation is spread by a very vocal and small group of unqualified individuals with something that would generally be seen as stupid but then you get the people that sheep to the ideas. i'm not saying that we should believe everything that the government tells us because they do blatantly lie to our faces and we should do our own research but don't follow the research of a single side because anyone can make an experiment that disproves something but that doesn't mean the experiment works. for example one may deny the existence of gravity by saying why doesn't this pen break through a table to reach the ground? this means gravity is a hoax but that's not a valid experiment as the pen (unless it's ridiculously heavy so can break the table in a short drop which i personally haven't observed or heard of) as already reached a state of rest

2019-03-16 01:03:52 UTC [The Ice Wall #conspiracy-discussion]  

and yeah there is a lot of bias in the media. i forgot to include that point but it's biased on both sides of the media e.g. fox is biased favouring trump and cnn is biased against trump

2019-03-16 01:08:15 UTC [The Ice Wall #conspiracy-discussion]  

yeah it's good to question things. that's more or less my entire point but what other explanation is there for dropping a pen where the only possible effector is gravity (e.g. a room with no or few draughts which when a level is placed on the floor reads 0 degrees incline) and it will fall straight down

2019-03-16 01:08:26 UTC [The Ice Wall #conspiracy-discussion]  

wind only has minor effects on the actual fall

2019-03-16 11:49:58 UTC [The Ice Wall #conspiracy-discussion]  

so basically the thing that we depend on for observation is incorrect? to observe something you have to provide an observer and the process of observing the behaviour or nature of object X requires an outside interaction otherwise it can't be observed in any capacity

2019-03-16 18:51:25 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

i think that research, provided that it is put through the peer review process, is under enough scrutiny as it is often put through those against the conclusion as well as those for the conclusion so if it is peer reviewed it is generally undeniably true. i haven't seen a single anti vax study that has been through the peer review process. does the medical production industry/big pharma need more scrutiny when it comes to the manufacturing and basis of prescriptions? yes imo because in the past (iirc the most recent was over half a century ago but none the less) there have been cases where they didn't follow strict enough standards for manufacturing the polio vaccine where they didn't check that the bacteria were actually dead

2019-03-16 18:52:02 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

placebos aren't needed in vaccination trials as they will either work or they won't. the placebo will never work due to the mechanisms of vaccines

2019-03-16 19:34:35 UTC [The Ice Wall #conspiracy-discussion]  

to inevitably sow dissent in the people due to it being weaponized by the government to isolate a group of people so the population doesn't notice problems at large

2019-03-16 19:34:53 UTC [The Ice Wall #conspiracy-discussion]  

and what relevance does that have to my point?

2019-03-16 19:36:39 UTC [The Ice Wall #conspiracy-discussion]  

my point is that for you to see something you need to have light projected onto it to "bounce back" frequencies that it "absorbs" (inverted commas is representing me dumbing down terminology for ease of reading) and the same goes for observing particles or collisions. if i collide 2 protons it's their interaction that gives us something to observe

2019-03-16 19:39:02 UTC [The Ice Wall #conspiracy-discussion]  

probably and also doing a little bit of research i can find no mention of the cia using the term. it may have been first said by them but it was not defined by them

2019-03-16 19:40:40 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

yeah those are the 1/300000 type vaccines that may cause a seizure at worst, the risks are weighed up against the benefits. if the side effects of drug X in 1 in 10 vomiting for a cold that's unacceptable but for a cancer treatment that's acceptable bc it's designed to save ur life not stop a headache or smth

2019-03-16 19:41:32 UTC [The Ice Wall #conspiracy-discussion]  

yeah i think that a lot of "conspiracy theories" aren't conspiracy theories at all they're often rather factual but the government will deny it e.g. government deception

2019-03-16 19:44:10 UTC [The Ice Wall #conspiracy-discussion]  

like false history isn't really a theory it's more or less true, for example the resistance of the polish in ww2 was lied about. a good example of how that was lied about it the battle of wizna and any other occurrence where it was advantageous to lie. the phrase "history is written by the victor" is the perfect example tbh

2019-03-16 19:46:04 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

now that may be true but have u considered how when a chemical is excess to the body we tend to excrete it? so when excess aluminium compounds enter the body above what your body considers normal it will excrete it

2019-03-16 19:48:13 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

therefore if you are not autistic then ur body will excrete the aluminium compounds. idk a whole lot about injection methods but i do have a reasonable understanding of transfer of materials and mechanics of the body. so when it enters the muscle it will be processed by the cells. that aluminium has a good chance of being broken down for a more useful compound so will then treat the excess as waste and therefore excrete it

2019-03-16 19:49:11 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

il-6 as in interleukin 6? i could've sworn that's a gene not a response or substance

2019-03-16 19:49:33 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

or is it a protein?

2019-03-16 19:49:55 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

ah ok yeah causing inflamation right?

2019-03-16 19:50:05 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  


2019-03-16 19:51:30 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

is that peer reviewed?

2019-03-16 19:52:08 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

ok let me give it a quick look

2019-03-16 19:53:34 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

so IL-6 is involved in a lot of mental conditions or conditions in the CNS?

2019-03-16 19:53:56 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

yeah that was meant to be an and mb

2019-03-16 19:58:40 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

so yeah there's definitely an argument for that but when taking things from organic sources and then putting them into another organism's muscle tissues or bloodstream can have undesired consequences due to the nature of organic compounds but i would also argue that it may be more expensive than the aluminium compounds used and from what i'm aware of will carry more risk of being synthesised into an undesired compounds

2019-03-16 19:59:17 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

there may not be a neurological effect to the injections but it might prolong responses at the site of injection

2019-03-16 20:02:25 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

one of my teachers did part of his degree in natural sciences (basically u choose the courses from all fields) and one of his fields was organic compounds to inorganic synthesis and that includes both directions of synthesis and with the use of aluminium there is much less risk of synthesis producing an undesired compound whether it is inorganic or organic than using an organic compound

2019-03-16 20:03:42 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

yeah i get where you're coming from and there are advantages to ur idea but as i've mentioned using organic compounds can still carry risks of unintended synthesis

2019-03-16 20:05:15 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

ok so fair enough but it's still an organic compound so still runs the risk of having unintended consequences which may make the vaccines unviable due to there being too greater risk for what is being vaccinated against

2019-03-16 20:09:32 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

i'm not entirely sure about excess vaccines bc idk how long they can be stored and in what conditions they need to be stored in as that's not where my knowledge lies. when i say synthesis i mean your body reacting the compounds to create new compounds (synthesis literally meaning creation/creation of)

2019-03-16 20:11:18 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

ah right yeah that would make sense tbh as it is one of the largest HICs if not the largest

2019-03-16 20:14:51 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

yeah u can usually rely on herd immunisation tbf

2019-03-16 20:16:30 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

yeah true but also note that the flu is a good way to get off of work if u would get sick pay and it's unlikely to kill u anyway

2019-03-16 20:16:57 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

i don't take the flu shot either

2019-03-16 20:21:31 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

yeah i've taken all the vaccines that i need to. i just don't take flu shots

2019-03-16 20:21:46 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

that seems pretty interesting lance

2019-03-16 20:25:47 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

i think the problem comes more to the point of having to take it each day

2019-03-16 20:26:02 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

which makes the vaccine slightly easier and more likely cheaper

2019-03-16 20:27:31 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

also the main reason is to reduce cervical cancer right? so having people take supplements while is a good thing the issue of personally choice that give the opportunity for it to continue to be an issue instead of eradicating it due to people not trusting it. in my country it is very difficult to withdraw ur child from the hpv vaccine

2019-03-16 20:28:49 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

also it's nice to see there's someone who actually has a good understanding and isn't just vaccine bad vaccine causes autism and then just pulls out some study that was done in the interest of proving that it causes autism and hasn't been peer reviewed

2019-03-16 20:41:17 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

yeah it's very effective but the lead cause of cervical cancer is getting HPV iirc

2019-03-16 20:42:01 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

but yeah pap smears are very important as well, i'd be an idiot to deny that

2019-03-16 20:46:53 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

good hygiene is improving but i would argue good nutrition is not going the same way

2019-03-16 20:47:36 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

yeah a couple people in my year got measles like symptoms after the MMR vaccine

2019-03-16 20:47:49 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

yeah i don't doubt that

2019-03-16 20:49:20 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

yeah definitely although generally when u start eating really healthy after u get ill it's not usually effective

2019-03-16 20:51:03 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

yeah true

2019-03-16 21:01:38 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

yeah that is a very high dosage tho

2019-03-16 21:04:17 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

if it's all being used by ur body there won't be side effects but if it isn't there will be

2019-03-16 21:04:35 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

i've never tried it but if i needed it i would

2019-03-16 21:08:49 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

that's an interesting idea actually, i think that using it in combination with something like chemo could be very effective especially in later stages of cancer and definitely something that would be interesting to learn more about in early stages as ik the immune system can fight cancer

2019-03-16 21:12:08 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

that's really interesting. personally i think a little more research should be done but it does seem effective

2019-03-16 21:16:39 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

yeah that's rather interesting, ik psychedelics can cause really bad trips tho so it does make sense to be wary of using them

2019-03-16 21:19:07 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  


2019-03-16 21:23:22 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

yeah idk a whole lot about psychedelics but it is rather interesting

2019-03-16 21:23:36 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

i think for the most part governments are way too harsh on drugs

2019-03-16 21:24:07 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

cannabis becoming legalised more and more is a good step but idk if it's enough

2019-03-16 21:24:35 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  


2019-03-16 21:25:03 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

having dealers making them instead of actual professionals is so bad. it's safer to legalise stuff than have random people making them

2019-03-16 21:25:20 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

if u can buy safe doses from a local pharmacy that's good imo

2019-03-16 21:26:25 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

yeah, where stuff like that is legal "trip sitters" are a big thing

2019-03-16 21:26:43 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

they'll just sit with u while ur tripping and if it's a bad trip they'll reassure u that it ends etc.

2019-03-16 21:27:40 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  


2019-03-17 00:08:42 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  


2019-03-17 00:08:52 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

then how can they make the models of it

2019-03-17 01:30:51 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

while i'm a globe earther that's clearly edited. there is no point in the moon's orbit except for during a solar eclipse where it will only see the daylight hemisphere and where there's a full solar eclipse the ground in front of the POV wouldn't be lit

2019-03-17 01:31:39 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

ah right also what the hell is that foreground anyway?

2019-03-17 01:31:49 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

that looks like the most cgi'd bs i've ever seen

2019-03-17 01:32:08 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

that looks like a tf2 graphics rendering for a lunar map

2019-03-17 01:32:28 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

yeah i'm aware of the speed that it should be moving

2019-03-17 01:33:58 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

what bad word did i use?

2019-03-17 01:34:15 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

it's that kind of photo that give their opinion "credit"

2019-03-17 01:34:27 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

as it's technically computer generated

2019-03-17 13:04:50 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

didn't use a single bad word

2019-03-17 13:04:56 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

no swears, nothing

2019-03-17 13:05:09 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

i said globe earther and if that's what it is idek

2019-03-17 13:05:45 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

if anyone who can see the logs for the server can tell me what "bad word" i used i'd love to know

2019-03-17 13:14:48 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

ah lol

2019-03-17 13:14:59 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

yeah i typed that too quickly huh

2019-03-17 15:03:06 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

yeah i saw the screenshot from mike flatbird

2019-03-17 15:03:17 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

i glossed over it too quickly when i proof read it

2019-03-17 16:12:20 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

on the topic of what was just posted in <#551617059013001236> : they're not vaccinated against parotitis. someone just read "mumps" and went vaccines are fakes so if you actually read the article maybe you would realise that or if you had any medical knowledge you would know that similar symptoms may lead to misdiagnosis but doesn't mean that it's the same as mumps.

2019-03-17 16:55:42 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

yeah it may be an evolution/mutation but both of those will make changes to the antigen so the vaccine will kick in as the body may find that there are similar toxins due to it having similar symptoms but then your body will realise wait these antibodies aren't working we need to try smth else (in the simplest way i can put it)

2019-03-17 17:40:40 UTC [The Ice Wall #creation-vs-evolution]  


2019-03-17 20:10:06 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

yeah to me it does seem that it's deemed unacceptable because christianity is the dominant religion

2019-03-17 22:09:32 UTC [The Ice Wall #civil-debate]  

space. thousands of asteroids enter the atmosphere every year and burn up adding approximately 500 tonnes of mass every year iirc

2019-03-18 16:34:57 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

further more, i saw something about a rhinovirus vaccine being on its way. for those who don't know that's the common cold. imo there is no worse idea than that; do we want to go back to being Neanderthals dying of a common cold since it's been vaccinated against so we've evolved away from being able to cope with it? i'd say no. so in short: excessive vaccination against diseases that we have no hope of eradicating is a bad idea but if we can eradicate it i think we should

2019-03-18 16:49:32 UTC [The Ice Wall #creation-vs-evolution]  

that's the point of evolution. macro molecules develop first. these are molecules that can replicate themselves with materials around them and no form of consciousness or sentience. then these eventually produce organelle or what we would now call organelle anyway (as organelle - except for the nucleus - were separate species iirc) now these organelle will interact with each other by pure chance and eventually these will form single celled organisms which can photosynthesise (and some of these cells start to form plants) which slowly created an atmosphere that could support animal life. now a lot of these macro molecules remain as they won't all end up as organelle. now some plants begin to evolve shrinking the vacuole and reducing the cell wall's thickness. this combined with the absorption of mitochondria, which was its own species, now this meant that it just needed a source of glucose to evolve away from having chloroplasts so eventually these random interactions will form a single cell organism which can consume part of a plant or other cells to access glucose and there is oxygen in the air so it can now evolve to remove chloroplasts as it no longer needs them. now these would be evolving in many areas around the earth (whether you think it's curved or round) so they can now begin evolving even further becoming multicell organisms which then begins to develop a food chain. this brought around dinosaurs which were eventually subject to mass extinction. then complex life begins to evolve again from those that survived and single celled organisms once again which eventually creates *homo sapiens* and all of the other species that we see today

2019-03-18 16:51:32 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

antibiotics for bacteria infection and better care but if you can eradicate a disease entirely surely that's a better option as bacteria do develop resistances to antibiotics (ik there is some research into phage organisms iirc which has found that they can kill the bacteria and for the bacteria to become resistant to them they have to sacrifice resistance to antibiotics which is rather interesting)

2019-03-18 17:08:11 UTC [The Ice Wall #creation-vs-evolution]  

anyone can walk on water with enough editing

2019-03-18 17:15:46 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

vaccines do help and work but there are problems with them especially when they're used too much

2019-03-18 17:16:03 UTC [The Ice Wall #creation-vs-evolution]  


2019-03-18 21:24:16 UTC [The Ice Wall #vaxx-discussions]  

yeah the flu vaccine is more of a 50/50 right? and it's better to build up the immunity and even if it is a "strain" as such that can kill you it can be treated anyway right?

2019-03-18 21:37:22 UTC [The Ice Wall #conspiracy-discussion]  

it's basically a load of photoshopped crap or fire planes

2019-03-18 21:37:39 UTC [The Ice Wall #conspiracy-discussion]  

if anyone can show me anything otherwise be my guest

2019-03-18 21:51:21 UTC [The Ice Wall #conspiracy-discussion]  


2019-03-19 15:33:56 UTC [The Ice Wall #conspiracy-discussion]  

so to refer to "THE SUN'S PATH OVER FLAT EARTH" image: how does that allow for night? if you give me a model that shows a ball of light traveling around the earth in a circular motion i'm going to ask you to explain how a ball of light shines a light as if it were being shone out of a torch not a ball of light

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