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2019-10-09 00:34:32 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

PG&E shutting off power to Bay Area to prevent climate change and fight wildfires?

2019-10-09 00:34:37 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

Sounds sketch

2019-10-09 00:36:13 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

@Citizen Z what the hell? I'm in the effected region

2019-10-09 00:36:19 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

I'm screwed

2019-10-09 00:36:37 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

WHAT THE HELL? Silicon valley = giant tech hub why would they do this? Someone explain

You ever think that it's a little weird that all of your sources are "Natural News"

Lmfao I haven't even posted anything yet, that assumption is blatantly based in the underlying assumption that I am both
1) Liberal (as CNN has a liberal/leftist bias)
2) Actually use CNN as my primary source, which I don't.

It's because NASA took so many composite photos that there were no clouds

users found that creepy, so they artificially added clouds

Yeah because it was thrown out. There were no grounds to go to court in the first place

Whose house has been burned down by antifa


I donโ€™t think the Declaration of Independence is a document that dictates the laws of the land. It was a founding document but not a legal one

Hey just wondering is there some sort of mute or ban appeal in this server

Is disagreeing with someone against the rules

No I was just wondering

is there not going to be a capitol hill protest part 2

They're going to march again? Maybe we'll get more senate podiums sold on ebay

yeah because this was spontaneous, the trump rally was massive, and antifa didnt want to get anywhere near the capitol building, they would've been shot first

true lol

Time difference

It's against Discord TOS, if you don't remove the kid, the server could get taken down

Heโ€™s a bit of a neoliberal, I got to say

What do you all think about the governments role in society and how large it should be

Better than the republicans XD

What happens when all those minuscule changes build on top of each other? How do you think evolution happens over small scales? It's weird - you believe in the prerequisite to evolution (the fact that changes *do* happen over generations) but then are unable to conclude that this could result in long-term change over *many* generations.

Also, simply saying that "there is no probable chance that evolution succeeded over and over again to bring us humans, etc." is not a good argument. Many thousands of species died as a result of natural selection, but many others stemmed from those species to create variations, etc.

That's the thing, humans are not special, you're talking about humanity and going backwards saying "it makes no sense that humans came out of all of this", but humanity was random

I'm not looking at it from a creationist perspective I'm looking at it from a logical perspective

(notice that the two are mutually exclusive)

Ah, I forgot, "Southernpride" had to go take a test


typing a fucking storm

Yeah, that's the point. if there are fundamental problems with the Bible that implies that the entire religion is unfounded. The key to change your beliefs to adapt to the new science and new information, not double down on your misinformation

because scientists aren't working backwards. They aren't giving a number out of thin air and then trying to find data to prove it. They are always getting new information which is why we have a vague estimate but not an exact answer.

But if massive parts of the bible can be disproven or ignored can we trust any of it?

The thing is, although science hasn't found a "completely 100% definitive answer" to something like the Earth's age, we've learned enough to know that the Christian explanation is wrong, so we should stop talking about it and work to find the real answer.

But here's the thing

Evolution doesn't have to be fully fledged out to disprove God

Yes, but even if evolution isn't entirely developed as a complete and total theory, but we have MILLIONS of papers and data points that, even if you disregard large scale evolution, still disprove Christian teachings.

โ„๏ธ โ„๏ธ โ„๏ธ

I turned the ping replies off

Because I'm a nice person

You should join voice chat then, I'd be happy to talk with you. Maybe then you could explain things more reasonably

interesting passage from the "nuremberg diaries"

The one saying the quote is Hermann Goering

Evolution โ€œindustryโ€

Are you arguing with โ€œno mercyโ€?

Isnโ€™t this the clown who created his own religion

He said he had created his own religion called mysticism or something

If Iโ€™m not mistaken

I was reading chat earlier

Around a few hours ago

๐Ÿ˜ me when no mercy speaks

Jewish question???

What is your point here? Science isnโ€™t consistent. It is a process, not a cult.

Also, I pointed this out already

Science isnโ€™t a cult

Theories are revised and reviewed all the time

They disagree on things

Itโ€™s not organized, either

I was scanning chat you dimwit

Peak said that

And based on a scripture, thatโ€™s where it falls short. Christianity, for example, is given the book, and Christians spend time picking out evidence to support it. Science, on the other hand, has evidence that is then used to create theories, itโ€™s trying to reach a conclusion.

Religion has been in a constant back and forth with science and is forced to either deny or concede to scientific advancement. Most of the time, denying is the preferable option because, once again, most monotheist organized religions are working backwards, having been given the text, they now try to prove what they already know.

Dome, not sphere

Iโ€™m going into your mom lol

Watch out peak, heโ€™s going in

I like how your burden of evidence is so high for scientists but then when half the Bible is disproved youโ€™re crying about translation

No mercy, youโ€™re nitpicking right now. Youโ€™re doing *exactly* what the SJWs do.

You know what, thatโ€™s it.... Iโ€™m going in.

Germ(any) theory

What do you mean by that Peak

Whoโ€™s that directed to

No Mercy, youโ€™re taking your claim, and your belief in god, and youโ€™re working backwards, trying to find very specific evidence here. Science will best you every time simply because it leaves itself open to new theories based on observation.

The point is that the evidence and observations came first. We keep theories in as placeholders during various cases but the expectation is that they will soon be disproven or supported with evidence. Even the most wild theory in science still needs a basic observation to be credible. Religious texts make wild claims without any evidence and expect their worshippers to believe it all at face value without criticism or revision

๐Ÿ˜ฉ pseud

Thatโ€™s true

Wrong. The theory never claimed to be infallible, merely the most logical case given the series of observations and knowledge we already have.
Revision is a sign that the old theory is false or has been changed, not that the new one (or the process at large) is fraud.
If I remain in denial about something forever and ever, that doesnโ€™t mean Iโ€™m correct.

The ideas go beyond the person

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