Message from @TheWorldController

Discord ID: 808114606227849237

2021-02-07 23:12:10 UTC  

Oh the ENTIRE scientific community? what about that one dentist who disagrees with the other 9? Did he attent the vote?

2021-02-07 23:12:45 UTC  

He's referring to @Mercy

2021-02-07 23:13:27 UTC  

Oh didnt realize I was going against the big brains in here.

2021-02-07 23:14:23 UTC  


2021-02-07 23:14:32 UTC  

@ZSLiby Studios oh u lurking too?

2021-02-07 23:14:49 UTC  

Just got on

2021-02-07 23:14:51 UTC  

Tell you what peak. How about you take your hypocrasy and shove it into your black hole theory? You cant scoff at how someone says the world began if you cant even pose your own superior theory.

2021-02-07 23:14:57 UTC  

Did he actually leave?

2021-02-07 23:15:14 UTC  


2021-02-07 23:15:14 UTC  

Click on him, it says he's idle

2021-02-07 23:15:44 UTC  

Did that coward post a big long shpeal and not my follow up, but my joke about 1 our of 9 dentists sent him packing?

2021-02-07 23:16:02 UTC  

Man this took about 4 hrs

2021-02-07 23:16:19 UTC  

But semi entertainment ngl

2021-02-07 23:16:39 UTC  

I guess I will go brush my teeth or something. I didnt expect that to be the nail in the coffin that made him run.

2021-02-07 23:16:45 UTC  

OH he back

2021-02-07 23:17:16 UTC  

Oh wait he bringing the big guns

2021-02-07 23:17:55 UTC  


2021-02-07 23:18:05 UTC  

Thats what a bitch does.

2021-02-07 23:18:07 UTC  

I've got "Armies of Heaven" right in front of me, if someone makes a moral argument about the crusades, I have a feeling someone will.

2021-02-07 23:18:56 UTC  

No Mercy, you’re taking your claim, and your belief in god, and you’re working backwards, trying to find very specific evidence here. Science will best you every time simply because it leaves itself open to new theories based on observation.

2021-02-07 23:19:11 UTC  

"Like OMG, okay. Like your idea is like, so dumb. There is like No way that this will work. M'kay."
"whats your idea?"
"Like I dont have one but yours is like dumb."

2021-02-07 23:20:07 UTC  

How much of science is theory?

2021-02-07 23:20:09 UTC  

Says the person who won't leave it

2021-02-07 23:20:29 UTC  

Oh yeah, it leaves that big ol black hole theory flaw wide open so it can take all kinds of big new theorys in. Science can take it all!

2021-02-07 23:21:06 UTC  

After the theory was revised.\

2021-02-07 23:21:38 UTC  

You know the difference between you an me?

2021-02-07 23:21:41 UTC  

You like phones? Those are VERY scientific

2021-02-07 23:21:43 UTC  

"but revisionism is bad 😒 "

2021-02-07 23:21:51 UTC  

even in SCIENCE

2021-02-07 23:22:02 UTC  

if they don't get it right the first time, it's all a hoax!

2021-02-07 23:22:11 UTC  


2021-02-07 23:22:15 UTC  

chill out

2021-02-07 23:22:18 UTC  

Well, that's a very subjective opinion

2021-02-07 23:22:25 UTC  

Bold claim for someone who had to get something spelled out to them less then an hour later

2021-02-07 23:23:29 UTC  

The point is that the evidence and observations came first. We keep theories in as placeholders during various cases but the expectation is that they will soon be disproven or supported with evidence. Even the most wild theory in science still needs a basic observation to be credible. Religious texts make wild claims without any evidence and expect their worshippers to believe it all at face value without criticism or revision

2021-02-07 23:23:54 UTC  

😩 pseud

2021-02-07 23:24:06 UTC  

Hold on

2021-02-07 23:24:16 UTC  

@TheWorldController you suffer one fatal flaw

2021-02-07 23:24:33 UTC

2021-02-07 23:24:40 UTC  

Revising a theory or adapting it in the slightest is a sign of fraud and weakness. Only religion, which has never been revised, can be true