Message from @TheWorldController

Discord ID: 806730600160821298

2021-02-03 15:00:20 UTC  

If he wants to add judges, they must either retire or die

2021-02-03 16:49:41 UTC  

The only true constitution is the document that the framers constructed

2021-02-03 19:08:38 UTC  

You guys ever notice that basically all of history is repeating itself right now?

2021-02-03 19:09:25 UTC  

Civil war, the Great Depression, world war, fascism/communism, the Holocaust (almost)...

2021-02-03 19:14:02 UTC  

Yeah, i agree seems like more and more nations are leaning to the extreme ideologys

2021-02-03 19:50:22 UTC  

It’s almost as if radical extremist left wing ideology leads to equally radical extremist right wing ideologies

2021-02-03 20:13:39 UTC  

So my world history teacher tries to relate the Haiti revolution to the American revolution, specifically some things George Washington did... this is my reply just a few seconds before she goes on a rant

2021-02-03 20:13:43 UTC

2021-02-03 20:20:14 UTC  

I thought in the Haiti revolution they slaughtered all of the white people...?

2021-02-03 20:54:31 UTC  


2021-02-03 20:54:49 UTC  

It was definitely no small sum

2021-02-03 23:09:16 UTC  

they slaughtered as many as they could and drove some off of the island

2021-02-04 01:32:43 UTC  

Is that why haitis not doing well

2021-02-04 01:33:06 UTC  

I mean location, location, location, the duvalier family

2021-02-04 02:13:40 UTC  

My mom took a missions trip to Haiti...

2021-02-04 02:13:45 UTC  

She said it was wack af

2021-02-04 02:13:58 UTC  

She said that some guy walked outside his house

2021-02-04 02:14:06 UTC  

And ALLL the crows landed on his roof

2021-02-04 02:14:16 UTC  

She also said there were possessed people there

2021-02-04 02:14:30 UTC  

Lmao maybe they should’ve let the whiteys stay

2021-02-04 03:39:23 UTC  

interesting passage from the "nuremberg diaries"

2021-02-04 03:39:34 UTC  

The one saying the quote is Hermann Goering

2021-02-04 04:22:52 UTC  

Yeah, not taking advice from Goering.
The continental Europeans never quite got over the idea of having malleable classes of people. To this day, it appeals to them to have an entrenched rich and wealthy aristocratic class, their blue collar servants, and then the perpetually impoverished serfs under them.

What made the United States special was the idea that one of the poor impoverished serfs could bust his balls night and day, lift himself from poverty, and become the wealthy elite. Meanwhile, if you were born into money and you squandered it on things that helped nobody, you would become an impoverished serf.

2021-02-04 04:28:16 UTC  

They can take their goddamn *titles* and shove them where it hurts. Goering can suck a pair. Back before the World Wars, we also didn't try to set up democracies, which shows you what an incompetent buffoon he was. We went to war to open the markets. A government would tell us that we could not sell our product in their countries. We would tell those governments that we did not give a single solitary fack about what they thought, and murder them until they declared their markets open for business.

2021-02-04 04:52:08 UTC  

For details on this strategy, see the following:
The Banana wars
The Panama Canal Zone
The Spanish-American War
The Philippine-American War
The Annexation of Hawaii

2021-02-04 04:54:12 UTC  

Thankfully France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and most of Europe in general was quite open to the idea of trade, so no wars were necessary with them.

2021-02-04 04:54:56 UTC  

Banana wars?

2021-02-04 04:55:19 UTC  

We policed many South American countries during the colonial period.

2021-02-04 04:55:37 UTC  

Those police actions were called the Banana wars.

2021-02-04 04:56:06 UTC  

Ah I see

2021-02-04 04:56:22 UTC  

I though that was the whole business with the Banana Republics

2021-02-04 04:57:29 UTC  

Right. They were republics in name only. We didn't care about setting up "Democracy" per se. We cared about trade. Very hard to trade with a country that is in a perpetual bloodbath.

2021-02-04 04:59:04 UTC  

So wait is this the actions with the Banana republics, or does this take place before the Spanish American war? Because the Banana. republics nonsense were a thing in the 50s

2021-02-04 05:00:43 UTC  

I am not sure, Wikipedia (dodgy source, so don't quote me on it) says from 1893-1934.

2021-02-04 05:01:46 UTC  

I looked it up

2021-02-04 05:01:51 UTC  

Now I get what you mean

2021-02-04 05:04:23 UTC  

It's one of those things where it's very romantic to believe that we cared about human rights on the Global Scale, but governments are never that altruistic.

The purpose of a government is to preserve the rights of its citizens. Other countries citizens? Well, that's on them. They want their rights? They can make a government of their own to safeguard them.

2021-02-04 05:04:52 UTC  

Or annex their territory to a government that will ~~provide~~ preserve said rights.

2021-02-04 05:11:41 UTC  

It's also critical to understand that this strategy is exactly what China is currently pursuing. Their entire Belt and Road initiative is to open up new markets and to protect their currently existing ones. As far as they're concerned, they *will* sell you their plastic rubbish.

Whether you like it or not.

2021-02-04 15:26:20 UTC  

Thought this belongs here

2021-02-04 15:26:32 UTC  
