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How're we expected to take actions against drug issues if this story was local to me, it could have been pot, bath salts, pain meds, we don't get to know


Do far-right nations really have a lot in the way of economic problems?

If you have a community where you can confidently come to your neighbor for aid or assisting them the economic issues have a way of sorting themselves out


every historical economy comes with a books-worth of context needed

" learn economics " aka buy into narratives about the past

Yeah, friends of mine who really never " grew up " can never understand why I would be on one of the polarizing ends of opinions.

" A nation for white men of good character " I'de say that's about based incarnate

Maybe it's harder for non-coastal cities to be self-sustaining

Yeah there's something soul-hollowing about abandoning your nation

because racism as a concept is very hypocritical and wasn't really a concept until like 1948

That's the image of a family that is like a cross to a vampire for the left

a hundred thousand whinging cat-ladies screaming in outrage


identity evropa - the dating app


We were told for ages that it wasn't that important, well now we have hard data that is kind of is

thems aint frogs those're gumbo chefs



my grandmother was one


I'm 1/3 irish 1/3rd geman 1/3rd british


holy fugg, does this mean I can lie to get into harvard too

brb application fees

>tfw you find out most pharohs were white

" we were kings! "

british people can't pronounce their T's



that's how you perfect that accent, avoid all soft and hard t's

working class British accent reminds me of holiday themed movies, or disney

hah Most leftist-faces I can imagine being used to iron-man the elites decision to ignore democratic desires for brexit

She has the face of someone who totally won't stiff me on my delivery


I used to be a trucker but it doesn't pay, and I don't like camping out at truck stops for loads, even with my PC being setup fancy in the sleeper cabin

The wifi service at truck stops is PEAK BOOMER-TIER engineering

Yeah, picture sitting for 600 miles of driving then trying to sleep right afterwards, while the truck is being driven by your co-driver, lol

It's a very special kind of torment


pjw skirting danger like a surfer

and his are always bloodshot

it's uncanny

cernovich is a trashy shill, he's only a little bit more than a shill than molyneux

I don't like lisps either, rofl

I don't know how anyone unironically enjoys that content

Never trust any net personality that makes it a brag to show off their profits by brandishing hundreds in a fan

they're basically only kept alive through gibz

I don't see that happening at all

nani, ebola-chan noo

nobody knows what that motive is all about

it doesn't make sense in any form of economics

other than living with the assumption that the entire nation is gonna be the same with a whole new crowd of people around

I think he loosely referring to cities aka ground zero socialist hives

or that

most of INDIA doesn't the infrastructure to sanitize, most people in that nation don't even own a water-tap

And I heard that from the mouth of some of their social leaders

and THOTs came before thoughs

idk my internal monolouge isn't a whole lot about words as it is about concepts

is a dream a narrative or dialoge?

yeah thats wrong

The emotion happens in an instant and we have to try and hold it in memory in order to try to rationalize it with language

Mine is:
choreographing a fictional world
laughing at a meme I looked at a week ago
thinking about how I would sneak to someplace

my head throws away conversations, nothing but a lot of frustration in them usually, rofl

I just wait until there's no more night, works like a charm!


Mine are too crazy, usually taking place as some adventure I'm having on a cruise ship of sorts, or as someone else, in some location I don't recognize

those crazy easterners were onto something with learning meditation in order to relax for sleep, after practicing it for a bit I can pass out whenever I really want to really

When I was in school I could pass out on my desk and go right into a sort of dreaming, one of them a very vivid dream of me going with john goodman to some penthouse suite where arnold schwarzenegger was waiting for us, we had to recruit for our team because terminator 7 " has gone live "


@Deleted User I would either flump my backpack onto the desk or fold my othersized leather jacket as a pillow, I had an instinctive distrust of the globalist shilling going on school thanks to me dad

also damn my grammar goes out the window when typing on my 2nd monitor

ahh geez

that sounds like a nightmare

body: " Hah, look how good you COULD be performing "

my dreams are totally disconnected from my waking life, I'm usually having some sort of adventure with some strangers I don't know, in some truck full of wares, or on some kind big ship at sea, or running around hotels.

I wonder what kind of correlation we could draw between people who never have nightmares and those that usually do

ohh I don't have any





Ask a khorne berserker about making the office a more zen workplace


@Zilna Jestov Are you low key calling dwarves gay?

Their own biology can't withstand their malice

ohh that reminds me, has anyone here ever been " shot " in their dreams before?

namely while laying down in that dream

No heaven here, should I be worried? <:nervous:359009898115104770>

Ahhgeez I've been a bad goy

I'm gonna be in purgatory all through the kali yuga

Never trust those dirty rocks - carpet bros

Hey any of you recently departed, come tell us what death is like #spooktober


You use it but it's just jared taylor every time

Our paganistic ancestors say the jury is still out on that one

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