
Discord ID: 473171565077463060

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any good alternatives to gmail or hotmail? trying to become a bit more independent from big(gest) tech

I've been playing with the idea of migrating to Parler, Gab and such for a long time now, but I want a new mail address for that. Only stands to reason that that mail provider should be "alternative" as well

lol, my wife just mentioned that possibility a few seconds ago

is parler offline yet? I'm trying to create an account but it says "sign up not available"

maybe they're not taking any new users atm

my wife got to make one a few hours ago

it's weird that I learn about Protonmail and Brave today from this discord both at about the same time my wife tells me about them

gotta ask her if she's in here too

Dude's the head of state of the Vatican, I'll never see that happen

it would be extremely awkward considering the doctrine of papal infallability

as a good protestant I'd say his entire office is based on nonsense, but he's still the boss

heh believe me, these are bad times for catholics who adhere to traditional doctrines about the pope

no thanks they make my ass look fat

my concern with gab and such is that it shouldn't be a one issue platform

so I'm thinking of branching out my normie fb metal page to there

yeah my body is finally ready

just gotta go under a different name at first at least

I want to find a job in the Netherlands and I don't want them to find me there

ideally they find out that I'm a nutjob AFTER I'm hired

what's wrong with based_kekistani1488?

normie stuff adds to a platform's credibility

can you make pages on Gab as well or you need a new account for that?

why and what for?

bro seriously, what data?

only thing I have on facebook are a few pictures I'm not really attached to topped off with a fake and Russian name

I'm fine with forgetting a fake Russian name sir

ah I see some instructions under shitposting

but seriously I'm a bit of a weasel, I'm great at circumventing the rules

nighty night frens, gotta watch Star Trek with the missus

older ST by the way

thanks for the suggestions today

Germany, close to Berlin

so it's a matter of finding the download link on a website in your browser?

Iron Savior, nice. Pity that Sielck is such a lefty cuck these days

Who, Steven Anderson? Super cringe dude, still shouldn't be banned

"this time it will work!"

I saw people talking in the fb group about the 30 minute interval of Pompeo's tweets

it's been like that for at least a day if not longer

9:15 PM Berlin time

as someone said above, it could even be about stepping down

his speech got postponed, can't imagine why he would postpone it if it was only to resign

I got an LLM degree

don't intend to pursue a career with that

waste of education it was

hey jack uuuhhhh uhhhhh benis

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