
Discord ID: 293793192178876418

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Don't give up boys.


They're just voting for what they like. Come on man

Delaware is a satanic pedo stronghold

Arden, Delaware specifically is literally only satanic pedos in that town.

It's the most profitable crime you can commit, Steffen.

99% of people don't care about shit as long as they can have their frozen waffles and cummies.

Bro no nut November will give you prostate cancer I know you're only 23 don't chance it

The precursor to poop maps is chicken bone maps

Can you make a marker big enough for the entire city of Seattle?

Not sure if I believe the watermarked ballots trap, but Trump and team definitely had to know they'd pull some shit, and have a plan to catch them.

There's chemicals in the water


"one day [COVID] will disappear" - Trump talking about the day they finish counting votes

Fox is a Brutus

LMAO. Zero evidence.

I could believe someone honestly believing "there's a little evidence, not enough to change end results"

Anyone who says zero evidence is in on it.

I think Gutfeld is fine

Little inside baseball here, my gf was Dave Brockie (Oderus Urungus) personal assistant for years. Dave told her that Gutfeld isn't a super political guy but he loves America and is more interested in culture not being biased. I think that's why he's pushing Johnny Rotten so much lately, because it shits on alt culture's Lefty bias.

Well yeah who wouldn't lmao

Judge Nap has been such a huge disappointment over the years

Or course there is

They want to blackpill us so we don't fight the hoax


CIA Glowni๐Ÿ…ฑ๏ธ๐Ÿ…ฑ๏ธers

Alt tech really isn't that fun

If you're not gonna ban me for being edgy then what is the point

If people have no mainstream alternative they will go to the streets.

It'll just get censored on the back end eventually like Bitchute


This is the fun times.

Anybody remember Sux News (Dave Martel)?

All those guys got fucked over big time because their memes were so good.


Keep up the Great Work man

Alex Jones 2024!

Dan has been stumping hard

Living meme: Activated

Yeah dude. It happened over night

And they didn't know what to do

I wish Twitter would ban Trump

It would be epic

Dude. Can you *imagine* the resulting shit storm? It would be terrible for them.

Donald Trump dropping his Gab account in a press conference

Get some rest bro

Ronald McDonald White House

The reason people love him is because he doesn't give a single fug and doesn't take corporate money. I don't know who can follow him up in 2024.

Drink a cup of Mac sauce and you're immune

Dan Bongino made a good point. Even if somehow they take his presidency, he should be campaigning nonstop from January whatever to 2024 and run again.

Important documents bro

"my work hard drive crashed, I don't care about any of the files except this one folder named "kids" I really need that folder just don't look in it thanks"

Did anybody watch Sonic the Hedgehog?

It had a Clinton emails joke and I laughed so hard in the theater.

Can't believe that was in the movie.

It's a fine movie for kids, not very pozzed

Yeah it was a white man and a black woman too.

Which is a big no no for the left. That is not what they want.

I lost a lot of "friends"

I liked it.

I shitposted so much on my main, before that was even a thing people talked about, that my gf asked me to please just use an alt with a smaller friends list.

And use the alt for normie shit.

I couldn't even figure out how to pretend to be normie, and it caused more issues than my power level 9000 account.

I figured out that if you are just openly redpilled and based about it all, they don't really attack you. It's when you try to be normal or are apologetic about it that they come after you.

Dave Martel had a great idea a year or so ago. Start organizing family oriented redpill barbecues in local cities' parks.

Never really took off but is honestly a good idea.

Don't do it on private property

I'm from rural Virginia but living in shithole Richmond now because of my lady

The good thing about all this BLM bullshit is she wants to get out now

The only whites who live over here are either young dumb college kids who just wanna party or retarded commies.

Outnumbered by blacks, which would be fine if so many of them weren't criminals.

Our favourite neighbors are this really nice quiet black family and I feel bad for them honestly. Can't feel great to know this is how people think of your people because of their stupid culture.

Mounting a machine gun to your porch is BASED.

I have to go shoot my pistol and shotgun in the back yard all the time to let them know and get people to fuck off or stop fucking around the neighborhood.

Good night man

Community standards says that just a picture of a gun is violence.

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