Message from @JimmyGnosis
Discord ID: 774165855432867840
Real memes
They banned the video, not for its content, but for copyright
GET was legitimately my daily source of political relief in comedy
All the hilarious shit posts that were true
I went from reaching 40m people a month to 2m and from growing by 7k likes/wk to 1k.
Those same exact numbers remained consistent until I got banned a week ago or whenever
The great Aussie vs US shit post was one heluva ride aswell
Yep GET got me through lots of rough days.
We're not done, Tom
This movement began with trump
This is the fun times.
The resurgence of red
Damn I remember that shitnlike like it was yesterday
Those cunts gave use a hard time
And if Biden steals it. I expect trump to run again in 2024
Anybody remember Sux News (Dave Martel)?
Idk man
If Biden steals it then it means the Republicans cucked Hard
Now that god emperor trump has been banned on Facebook where can we watch the old god emperor trump livestreams
I also expect Ivanka to run in 2028. She'll be of pres running age then
If Ivanka Trump runs in 2028 or 32... That shit is in the bag dude
> This movement began with trump
@Apollo and it'll continue with trump and democrat heads rolling on D.C. Streets for treason
Everyone fucking loves that woman
The ultimate meme test: is it harmful to the Biden campaign
The 30 day bans were worth the 50 likes for a meme..... Nothing else mattered
This could be the best thing that could happen tbh. We're all able to take names of people who are with us and against us.
After the victory is complete and the fraud is exposed these people can be purged.
I hope it does @dichuz91/Mulitin Dunar
Alex Jones is trending on Twitter
It's a fucking alt tech social network and you need to have a password more complex than my bank requires
I knew I should have covered that
They don't want to get hacked and it end them
alright guys i probably gotta check out and go find alex jones videos
Mine is legit 14 units long
I literally have an article started then I came here
you guys are more fun