Message from @JimmyGnosis
Discord ID: 774157943826153482
Some things just take a nap
More or less
Kind of like nu-metal or punk rock
@Dandygandy it's fraudulent, plain and simple
The latter just being more responsible with its bedtime
@C4X3 that's the main reason. Think it must be fraud man, noone in their right mind voted for that cunt
@Dandygandy sadly nobody in dem states are in their right mind
So a bit unrelated and on the other side of the world but
What do you guys think of the whole Armenia/Azerbaijani thing
Bro the meme channel here is fire.
Many fine additions to my collection
@Dandygandy biden can grope little girls on national television and still get 70% in CA
They're just voting for what they like. Come on man
Dem voters are either really scummy or really dummy
I made a rhyme haha
@C4X3 I've said it since it joined GET in 2016, Biden fucks kids. But then again pedophilia must be a rabid problem in CA
Closet pedophiles
Arden, Delaware specifically is literally only satanic pedos in that town.
@Dandygandy sex trafficking is a HUGE issue in border states and most of the slaves are young girls
Napalm it
@Dandygandy I've worked closely with organizations is Asia that are fighting sex trafficking in india China and nepal, and you figure 'third world shithole country' no way america has the same issues, but mark my words. It's just as bad across the border with Mexico
But in Britain, they all seem to be for Biden, although I could only imagine a democrat president would really fuck us up big time, this is what they don't get, due to brexit we will be looking for trade deals everywhere and America would be a massive boost, but if brits think the Democrats would strike a deal with us, they are fucking deluded
It's the most profitable crime you can commit, Steffen.
I'm aware. Quite frankly I've just been sickened by it
@C4X3 no I could completely imagine that people like to pretend these issue don't exist in a 1zt world country but I think that's naivity from being in nice neighbourhoods
They dont realize just how third world some of the dem heavy states are getting
Big facts
99% of people don't care about shit as long as they can have their frozen waffles and cummies.
Seeing report out of California of feces covering the streets, I've been to india and it's not even as bad as some of the places out of CA were
No you don’t get it I need porn to live and going 3 days without it cause organ failure bro
have you seen the poop maps
Bro no nut November will give you prostate cancer I know you're only 23 don't chance it
What poop maps
In California