The Crystal Scar [4 ever]

Discord ID: 476147637637087233

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how true is it that we are losing votes on michigan recount?

man fuck the european union. every country should have its own stuff, its own coin, its own everything, fuck fusing cultures

cultures should fuse naturally not forced by policies

> My apartment was half international students from the middle east. They were all super chill and friendly.
@Dumbass the Thonk Engine until they are told to radicalize

guys, is it ok to leave commies echo chambers? like facebook groups. because im getting tired of them and i know i am the disruptive voice in most of them, but im tired of arguing, it is endless and i feel alone in most of them.

i know im not alone in the world, we are many but where i am, i am pretty much overwhelmed by pseudo intelectuals that likes marx but have never grabbed a shovel or went out outside of their office/college

plus, places like facebook are on their side

you cant be throwing facts that are disruptive, like some statistics, i've been banend for 30 days many tiems, and i use facebook for trading stuff and communicating

cant afford to lose my account, i also have a big tech group (24k+ ppl) that i keep clean of communism, i purge them there

yeah they ban you for stupid things, and dont dare to say anything about women, because its over

"wamen lol" = ban

> @The Crystal Scar [4 ever] That is their main tactic. Demoralisation. Isolate people, make them lonely and doubt themselves, gaslight and talk about how evil they are. It attacks the basic biology and psyche of humans as a social creature. That is why they do everything to prevent us from gathering on social media or in any place really. Make people feel alone and like a freak
@Nimloth they couldn't with me, i am very resilient and i try to back up every one of my ideologies and beliefs on real data.

i like very much quoting politically incorrect scientists, it makes them very uncomfortable, its fun

guys... we have to infiltrate in their lines, we have to pretend to be them

we have to extract information

we should do it too

i know but still, it would be cool seeing insider information posted on anonimous websites

lefties think we are not skeptical about anything we see related to the elections. lol. we are as skeptical as they, the difference is that we, while being skeptical, want things to happen (Trump winning), while knowing it may not happen.

always take everything with a grain of salt but never stop considering anyting

thats me atleast, i still have faith on trump. and im pretty sure they dont say things just because. they must be really onto something.

many people is going to jail

and it will be sweet

we need to prepare to celebrate in libs faces

hope you can make a channel to share links to flood with trump memes

of liberals pages and profiles

from twitter and fb

on social media we can taunt them

in real life we can curbstomp them

they hate more the taunting part

there are many things we need to fic

we need to infiltrate inside mainstream media

inside politics

where do we start

we cant depend on heros like trump to do it for us

no blackpilling here. what do they mean?

who have the meme about a lefty woman defending corporation

what is elf cooker

who are elves

If Trump had a beard everything would be better

But i heard he has permanent shaving

whats a king to a god

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