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it's never anything of substance. It's always mockery and abuse (which is perfectly permitted by big tech so long as it's correctly directed)

tbh I think the middle of the night vote dumps over 100,000+ at 4am, nearly or sometimes 100% for Biden, is also impossible to top. But they just don't talk about it and pretend everything is normal. Just like this video which shows shady behavior that absolutely warrants investigation won't be shown and they'll all just be told there's still nothing.

We have, at least:
- 1000+ sworn affidavits, people with names and under penalty of perjury
- Statistical impossibilities/anomalies (unprecedented voter turnout, mass ballot dumps, losing 18/19 Bellweather counties, only getting 2/3 the counties as Obama but beating him by 15,000,000 votes, etc)
- Video evidence
- Dominion's scandalous behavior, ownership, and connections

I think the reason she felt safe jumping to "debunked" is because she knows that literally any and all evidence gets "debunked" by dishonest activists masquerading as "journalists".

not even an exaggeration, that will be precisely it (if they are forced to cover it at all)

if they ignore this, it begs the question of what level of evidence would be required before they consider it. I used to believe that any serious allegations would be investigated but now it seems like no amount is sufficient.

it's the Dacia Sandero!

how interesting that lawsuits can just be dismissed, no matter the evidence

just as dems simply drop all the charges against violent rioters... just let em go, never press charges.

can we get some F's for the AR ban in Canada plz thanks

can't even bring it to the range while we await a "buyback" to be arranged. FeelsBadMan

@Niveron all our SKS are 5 rounders, too

Well they'll probably arrest us and put us in jail for 10 years. Even currently, with the Order in Council (which bypasses parliament), everyone is legally a criminal with temporary amnesty

They're all registered to the legal owners (well, the ones in the hands of law-abiding citizens who wouldn't even risk a paperwork crime). The criminals don't have to worry, though.

they're currently having a very difficult time getting a 3rd-party to even formulate a plan, so we'll see how it goes.

we're going to need more F's

the good news is that we are delayed from ammo shortages, so there's still decent stock currently (our shortages will follow and take far longer to replenish)

Yep, and his base is foreign-nationals, f*males, and socialists who don't already fall into the former

no Trudeau's

whoops I realized that now, my bad dawg

you know, I'm something of a r*tard, myself

interestingly, our PM only got about 31% of the vote and even lost the popular vote (which remember, is absolutely significant if a conservative wins without popular vote)

the way the MP seats are mapped out means that they got about 10x the seats per vote as the other parties. One of their platform mandates was electoral reform, but when they got into power they decided it wasn't in their interest and abandoned it.

What's worse is half the time they don't follow their platform, and they just introduce a bunch of new stuff that nobody wanted.

So what is the democrat-voting ratio for urban, black, female, under 50? Is there any higher ratio that exists?

As I understand it, it's about 9/10 black female votes Democrat. I imagine that urban and young-ish increases that even higher.

Sometimes sad things need to happen to enlighten us to the realities of the world

It's something father figures are long known for, presenting us with harsh reality instead of the comforting fiction

to be fair, I doubt Biden has any clue what's going on (about this, or anything, including his current location)

Hmm so criticism of a country can be blocked based on nationality = racial group.... but only for non-western (ie. non-white) countries, strangely.

any talk on the CPA Firm results on the GA voting machine test that automatically switched votes for Biden?

well that goes without saying, doesn't it <:watinthe:605920373191606283>

From Elena Parent's website <:laugh:448312947073351681>

effectively swapping 1 vote (which remember, a single vote swap is a 2 vote swing)

the sad thing is the best case is they'll withhold their electoral college votes, which is complete bullshit... you don't get to commit fraud then be rewarded by withholding EC votes. That's still a major win for dems (as oppose to giving Trump the EC votes)

(not trying to be blackpill here, just pointing out that tainting an election and having EC votes withheld benefits the cheater who would have lost anyways)

Correct. They had better recognize that. I can't help but wonder if the video of the two democrat women at the GA hearing also going through ballots isn't enough to haul them in for questioning

Yet another one of those "No, but well yes"

"Ha! They said COULD, so it is false!"

must be nice to be able to just refuse to do your job, with no threat of being fired or losing pay

Why is the FEC not even remotely interested in any of this? There's piles and piles of evidence and they don't seem to care one bit. Video evidence. Canvassers being doxxed and threatened. Thousands of sworn affidavits. Statistical impossibilities. And they don't care? It's all up to the parties to seek out info? And the courts / officials can just say dismiss it out of nowhere then claim they don't have any evidence?

Even in Canada, Elections Canada would be going ham on things if they found ANY of these allegations. People got charged for having 'Robocalls' a few years back.

Even just statistically... Biden only getting 69% of the counties as Obama but almost 25% more votes, while losing all but one Bellweather county, taking losses in the house, possibly not taking the Senate? Breaking voter turnout records (and realistic possibilities), and all this while Trump had what would be a landslide in any other election? (ie. all but one Bellweather, OH and FL, picked up at least 11M votes, etc)... like they BOTH set a record for number of votes received?? in the same election??? Come on man!

Is that another story or the same guy as before?

I've definitely heard that guy... I recognize what he's saying. It must be the same guy that gave his testimony before

though it could be a new video of it (ie. another instance of him giving a testimony)

there was an article by MSM about how Trump's 2020 results would be a landslide any other time... anyone happen to know it?

it's just as bad in Canada

*laughs in Tarkov*

are they even giving a reason why they won't? Or is it more of a "haha nah"

I mean what reason are they saying

presented with huge amounts of evidence, being petitioned by legislature, and they refuse to do it. Why?

and the media won't even ask?

it's beyond insanity

I know. I'm just pointing out that this is a blatant refusal to take dutiful action in the face of overwhelming evidence and they don't even have to give a reason, and the "media" hacks won't even ask for one

This guy really sums up quite a bit of the statistical evidence of fishy business, but he leaves out the insanely high voter turnout as well (which I think is a significant data point, often used to determine fraud in foreign countries)

I was thinking something would come of the video showing the two democrat officials from the GA hearing at the counting location dealing with ballots

But I guess it either hasn't had any reach or nobody cares

I'm hearing GA and MI 'federal judges' dismissed Sydney Powell's cases pretty much for the hell of it

I can hardly believe how quick they are to dismiss... they quite literally don't even want to hear it

isn't SC Justice Alito's hearing of PA tomorrow?

I'm in the minority that takes riding seriously and take all the safety precautions I can. I don't want to die or get permanently injured for a hobby

classic french Canadian music

tbh they're by far the most based (outside of Montreal)

actually speak up to defend their culture and heritage

Just look at the stories from the MSM about Bill 21, a secularism bill that prevents public-facing public-sector employees from wearing religious stuff:

of course, the MSM is only concerned about how this affects the religion of peace, even though it applies to everyone equally

I don't blame you. I would too. I try to be exceptionally careful in the way I ride, what I ride, and the gear I wear... of course, the risk still exists

animals are probably my biggest concern here... lots of them, especially in the evenings. I do religiously wear high-vis vest (soon to be airbag vest), white full-face helmet, and full level-2 armor jacket and pants.. plus riding boots and gloves. Bike is bright red and has a really good lighting setup (two lowbeams, two highbeams, two running lights, and both amber lights always on)... two-channel ABS that works well. It does all add up. Getting high-vis gear was the best decision I've made

Moras are great, although I always have to reprofile and sharpen the blade.... they come pretty blunt in my experience. The handles are so good, though, and the steel is great.

but I'm more into Swiss Army Knives for the most part (and a few fixed-blades and misc folders). I find I need the utility of the other tools far more often than a knife


around here, 95% of riders are invisible and ride like pepegas. We're all shocked-pikachu when someone crashes at triple the speed limit. idk but we have to make an effort... relying on nothing going wrong isn't a good bet. Just my opinion.

Nothing says confidence in the truth like criminalizing questioning it

just like this election... so confident they won but refuse to even hear the evidence of fraud or do full audits

So the video from GA is pretty much undisputable proof of illegal actions (counting without presence of watchers) and literally no investigation is being made into it or the people involved? Am I correct?

heck of a turkey!

but the only thing that matters is that you come away in one piece

why wouldn't there be legal action from the FEC or even just local/state police? I don't get it. Nothing fucking adds up

I started realizing that when DAs would just blindly release thousands of people arrested committing violent crime, often with video evidence. Just cuz.

actually have a family member who's convinced that the GA video doesn't show anything wrong because AP said so

probably from too much reddit tbh

same person who believed (and still does) in muh Russian collusion, but no amount of evidence against the dems is even considered... especially when a deboonker says so

I'm going through the AP "debonk" and it doesn't seem to address any of the issues, and is only on the hearsay of "election officials"

like "oh we didn't TELLLL them to leave... we just told them we were done for the night and there was nothing else going on and they left on their own decision" ๐Ÿค”

Maybe he should appear remotely

Come on, man!

Do you think it will be more difficult for GA to steal the run-off election since it's a different setup? What if the two seats go hard R... won't that completely blow the cover for the presidential there?

the media and establishment politicians are over 100% on this... they can't let up, they've taken it too far... at this point, they must win or they're facing serious trouble

who is the zodiac killer?

Yes, Canada <:laugh:448312947073351681>

Good enough for me <:happy:448313383846936576>

do you think Biden would be aware of any of the fraud? I can't help but think a guy who can't tell the difference between his granddaughter and his long-since deceased son probably doesn't know much of anything


no doubt citing the same "deboonking" as AP

They still counted for at least an hour with no observers present, by their own admissions

"So what about the time gap between when the media and observers left and then the observers returned about an hour later? Employees scanned ballots.

โ€œThese are just typical everyday election workers are just doing their jobs,โ€ Sterling said. โ€œThis is not some Oceanโ€™s Eleven-level scheme being put together in the middle of the night.โ€

There was about an hour that workers scanned ballots before a state monitor arrived, but video shows those moments. The monitor then observed counting until they stopped for the night. The lead election investigator has looked at all that video and said that she saw no evidence of any wrongdoing."

So from their very own deboonk, they admit to counting with no observers present, thus violating election law in GA.

But don't worry, it's all good because it's not some kind of scheme! Promise! It's just some well-meaning people doing what they do, ya know???

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