
Discord ID: 694784313547554859

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@Grape why did you ask that i wanted to leave

@Catacombs im memeing calm down nigga

I just did that to level up

@izzzieeee woo you mean better at literally everything

ill pick having the struggle of a large cock that women cant handle

Shawty ill have you tawlin over my dick

youโ€™re asian

your 3rd world

why are messages coming slow

2nd world isnt real

I mean testimony is only as good as you believe it is @izzzieeee woo

They tell children to not destroy theyre imaginations

@Prometheus they said pick a struggle <:emoji_94:777300349522280461>

I rather have a big cock than be a woman

Id rather kill myself in fact

I do but aight i have nothing to prove to an internet asian

i can care less if you donโ€™t believe me

You guys lost the moment i came into this chat

Cause youโ€™re too retarded to figure out that your just entertainment value

>imaginary person i cant see your ugly haha i win -women

You 15 year olds need to stop using snapchat and tik tok

not good for your health

Your people touch alot of grass when they hurl themselves from sweatshops

@izzzieeee woo tell your goverment to stop cutting suicide nets

Your entire purpose is to export my iphone processors

Your an accessory to America

American schools are infinitely better than asian schools

How sad is it that asians like to go on machete massacres

Like i said you are an Accessory to America

@Doublebobby problaby Viatemnese lol

โ€œHaha ur a pussy incel loser thats on perdiotโ€ - white girls who use instagram

@Doublebobby cause shes a peasant from vietnam

I bet izzy is just a white girl who used and saw a 13% asian heritage link

Chinese eat cat and dog

This is clear evidence of barbaric subhuman behavior

The Japanese eat live seafood

They are degenerate

Asian food is disgusting

Asians are so retarded they throw anything on a deepfryer and eat it

Thats how the SARS virus happened

Izzy lost so horrendously that she has to laugh at a joke she didnt make

So what kind of asian are you

Still havenโ€™t answered

@Bruhgundian the good type you won the genetic lottery

izzie is def a vietmanese peasant

Why are you scared

Morals are relative

No there isnโ€™t

Thats not what objective morality is

Thats supposes that every creature in the universe follows the same moral paradigm

When this is false in every aspect

And the christians come

Anyway morals are axiomatically proposed so they are subject to innate inaccuracy

Moral objectivism is the philosophy that every single moral proposition is naturally confounded

yes morals are literally subjective

And islamist and a catholic do not have the same morals

Not how morals work

But okay play retarded if you want

Im not playing this game ive heard it already norman

Try a different one

im going to ignore you until you stop parroting retarded arguments you hear from other people @Norman

You kids need to read spinoza

Do you even know what kantain ethics is

@Norman thats not how morals work you chimpanzee

alright man im not really interested in playing this game

Study epistemology please

Im not a jew phaggot

Morality doesnโ€™t have to operate in practicality

Like said their axioms

Thats not a moral question

Jesus christ you are so bad at this

If their definitive principle saying its not @Norman

You have to ontologically prove that moral axioms are universal and falsifiable @Norman

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