
Discord ID: 203347655227604992

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2019-01-26 18:26:14 UTC [Subverse #new-member-alert]  

2019-01-26 18:26:59 UTC [Subverse #bot-commands]  


Konx om pax

Rape culture exists in third world countries, but not in the west.

Rape happens everywhere, but to use the word "culture" suggests that there is a social support for it.

There is an encouragement of rape in certain countries, particularly ones who encourage a dress code for women.

Or middle eastern countries.

That doesn't negate my point.

Try to stay on track.

Theocracy encourages rape.

That's racist to assume that someone is racist because of their race, is it not?

Sorry the convo slid up. I was trying to reply to someone else.

Why would someone want a cock that women can't handle anyway? Wouldn't that make you undesirable?

Because I find women repulsive?

I never said that. I'm an ogre. I'm just not into chicks.

God I wish they would. Our government shoots up too many schools.

Aryans are from the Indus valley. I don't think they were white.


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