Stranded 360

Discord ID: 282772924702785537

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"I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan." Revelation 2:9

who was this in reference to in your opinion?

ok sounds good glad to have found the discord

Dang I didn't know he has some lez b un running his stuff

David Goggins on the show- he just like his momma! ><

Wes Watson would be another good guest- both angry people

You are saying the synagogue of satan is smyrna? Or did you mean that is who the verse was directed at? Sorry I should have been more specific- who is the synagogue of satan referred to in the verse? The Pharisees I think some people say but maybe you say somebody else? I think this group of people has carried on until current day and hold a lot of power in the world.

Beta's make the funniest interviews though

Do they baptize people at jesse's church? (moved it over here)

Women should not be in power because they are not leaders- never have been.

Terry Crews would be an excellent guest although I have no idea if he would be willing to go on the show- might be difficult to get ahold of. @Hake

Meh...we'll see- I want him to have a second term but if this is his only one he did a lot of good things. Just wish he would throw the criminals in jail and stop sending bill gates money.

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