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The times when America has been the most United has been when we have been the most wealthy (most consumer purchasing power). That is the only way to unite people IMO.

Yes of course. Racial divisions exist, and itโ€™s very easy and effective to amplify them via social media.

I would argue right now the division is city vs rural

Race was never part of Soviet ideology. Universities evolved away from race ideology, and now back to it.

It can be argued that manufacturing public opinion is more important in winning Court cases than presenting facts and evidence.

For example is it more effective for the DNC to give explanations for each of the statistical anomalies presented in Giulianis and Powellโ€™s arguments, or is it more effective to utilize your assets in media to validate the election results?

It seems like if you worked for the DNC and you took the route of addressing the evidence, opening yourself up to risk, and at great cost, you should be fired and replaced with someone that will just win the election via your assets.

Thank you for proving his point that mockery is employed by the left ๐Ÿ˜‚

Kraken cases are available online. You have any affidavits or mathematical analyses alleging Texas election fraud?

๐Ÿ˜‚ thatโ€™s your evidence? LOL

(Tactics of the left)

Does aclu ever take 2A cases?

So theyโ€™re left wing lol

At least, certainly not libertarian.

Do you think the DNC want a lasting precedent from this? Do they really want to open the door for the GOP to commit overt fraud every election?

This legalizes GOP voter fraud in 2024. Good luck.

The GOP was pretty effective at shutting down Ron Paul by falsely declaring he didnโ€™t win Iowa and the newsletters. Never underestimate the GOP and their capacity for evil.

Once trump is out, the bill Kristols and Karl roves will move back in

Tell me Karl rove doesnโ€™t have the capacity to wheel in ballots overnight to cover a margin ๐Ÿ˜‚

What scam? If the precedent is that you canโ€™t disenfranchise good faith voters, the gop can literally do whatever they want to add votes in 2024.

Thatโ€™s not a scam, thatโ€™s playing within the rules

Itโ€™s up to the dems to play within the rules and prevent the non human gop votes from being added beforehand

The precedent is being created right now

Iโ€™m taking about 2024. If scotus rules you canโ€™t disenfranchise good faith voters, then gop can add votes in 2024 without legal repercussions.

If you add votes, the only way to prove fraud is signature certification at time of opening with 2 watchers. If SCOTUS rules this is not needed to count votes, then adding votes is effectively legal.

The idea is that you should be able to prove the legitimacy of mail in votes. So far courts have ruled this is not needed.

Iโ€™m only speaking of how One can logically prove the legitimacy of votes

Make fraud great again!

From what I understand that is only one part if the argument. I thought I read in PAs response that they should not disenfranchise good faith voters.

SCOTUS i suppose could also rule that state executives can change election rules at any time. I look forward to someone like desantis all of a sudden saying you need an id and in person voting only in oct 2024

Canโ€™t disenfranchise good faith voters!

I do agree that state constitutions must be enforced and any state that violated their constitution in running their elections should not be allowed to send electors. The alternative is terrifying.

Fraud doesnโ€™t have to be widespread to change the election results. Concentrated fraud, in one county, affecting less than a percent of a vote, is not widespread, yet can swing an election. The term โ€œwidespread fraudโ€ was carefully chosen by corporate media for this reason.

Say 10,000 people voted by mail from addresses that donโ€™t exist. Does that qualify as fraud?

You add votes and use the fake address.

Should a single one of the people there have โ€œbeen thereโ€ that night? If not, they should all be facing the same charges.

Say youโ€™re planning on having a baby in the next few months?

Just gotta wait for enough people to get bells pallsy so they stop requiring it

I mean for most people covid is about making the numbers go down on the screen. China did a very good job at making the numbers go down on the screen.

Never forget this Golden article from The NY Times this summer.

โ€œFacebookโ€™s chief executive, Mark Zuckerberg, told me in a brief interview on Saturday that heโ€™s planning to brace his audience for the postelection period. He said the site planned a round of education aimed at โ€œgetting people ready for the fact that thereโ€™s a high likelihood that it takes days or weeks to count this โ€” and thereโ€™s nothing wrong or illegitimate about that.โ€ And he said that Facebook is considering new rules regarding premature claims of victory or other statements about the results.โ€

โ€œAlex Padilla, the Democratic California secretary of state, suggested that television companies look to a Hollywood model: โ€œYou canโ€™t think of Election Day as a single movie โ€” you have to treat it as maybe a trilogy,โ€ he said.โ€


Pick one:

1. Committing election fraud is a coup attempt
2. Going through the constitutional process to challenge an election is a coup attempt

I would say going through the constitutional process of challenging the election is not a coup attempt. Anyone pushing this is sensationalizing.

The alternative is one side could commit fraud and if the other side tried to hint there was fraud, the fraudulent side could just say โ€œcoup attempt! Sedition! Treason!โ€

My point is that following the legal process is not a coup attempt.

Yeah, and letโ€™s be honest, you need a judge thatโ€™s willing to look at the facts and consider the law. Not one who is going to say โ€œitโ€™s not the role of the court to overturn the will of the peopleโ€.

Actually it is

By that definition, the DNC is objectively attempting a coup ๐Ÿ˜‚

States broke their laws to choose which electors to send

I think whatโ€™s not in question is that several state executives changed their election rules against their constitution. Is that not correct?

Iโ€™m trying to understand the argument that going against what is stated in the constitution can be constitutional, other than โ€œnot willing to overturn the will of the peopleโ€.

Iโ€™d like to see an understand one

If itโ€™s proven that vote counters had the ability to add and change votes in dominion machines, should all votes tabulated on dominion machines be tossed?

Yeah I remember that from robs video. Seems pretty unfair.

I think it could be worked into the Texas argument regarding unequal counting of votes.

Right, but that would have to be their constitutional process.

Which would set the precedent that โ€œname a special circumstance and you can break your rulesโ€

Imagine if state republicans in 2004 all of a sudden said only property owners could vote because of special circumstances regarding the threat of terrorism.

For me the most important thing is the precedent set for future elections. Adding 3 originalists could be the saving grace of the country lol

I am sure they have contingency plans. That ny times article in the summer wrote about the โ€œwar gamesโ€ they role played to plan for this very moment.

Those little nuggets of truth that come out while heโ€™s on screen with someone else giving him a death stare are something I would truly miss if heโ€™s not elected.

Thatโ€™s something I think a lot about. Mainstream media is unfathomably kind to George w Bush despite rightfully castrating him for being a war criminal for 8 years, but then again heโ€™s part of the club whereas trump is an outsider.

Maybe one significant part of that is trump initially hiring Michael Flynn to reform the national security state, aka the fourth branch of government.

He was adored. Watching his snl episode and Comedy Central roast is surreal.

Agreed, he had no clue what he was stepping into. I think it became weirdly apparent in that leaked Melania Christmas tape that this is a celebrity family who thought they could just step into the White House and do all the good things people always imagine themselves doing if they became president.

Not realizing there is a shadow government behind the position

I will never understand why trump chose his initial cabinet. I was like great, he filled the swamp back up. And then it ate him.

Yeah he does seem to have improved quite a bit over 4 years in many ways

Ron Paul had the right idea. Eliminate the cia and nsa upon taking office ๐Ÿ˜‚ cut off the head of the snake before it strikes.

Iโ€™m sure there are, just as there were good hardworking people in the KGB, but IMO they donโ€™t justify its existence. These organizations operate completely outside the purview of the constitution. For example, I canโ€™t find the constitutional authority granted to the executive to dose unknowing citizens, who think theyโ€™re buying a hooker, with lsd to study its effects.

I donโ€™t think the details of their rules are important. They remove who they want and donโ€™t have to answer to anybody.

I personally think we need a constitutional amendment to extend free speech to privately owned public digital spaces. And I think itโ€™s justifiable as humanity merges conscious experience increasingly into privately owned digital spaces.

For example, in 200 years there could be people who spend 75% of their conscious life in a cloud virtual experience owned by Amazon.

Yeah, it is true that competitors will arise, it just takes a few years.

I think there is a threat from a company like Google who is creating an entire digital universe in which everyone exists, and has the power to do whatever it wants to you in its new universe.

In such a scenario its imaginable that one might not even be possible to survive without Google

That does sound like an easy fix

In 2020 youโ€™re not allowed to leave society and become a frontiersman. Youโ€™d be kicked off of public land by the bureau if land management. Our boundaries are closing in and our merger with tech is increasing.

One can still opt out of modern society and be a homesteader now, but I imagine in a few hundred years that wonโ€™t be an option.

Was about to post that. Speaker is doing a great job tearing down laches argument.

Here we go. The โ€œcanโ€™t disenfranchise votersโ€ argument. Nothing new.

This is what I donโ€™t understand about the legal system. This guy is not in any way appealing to the law, only purely emotion, and he is likely going to win.

You got any evidence of that?

Maybe an email from trump jr where he talks about funneling money to the big guy?


This is equivalent to me claiming there is election fraud and sending a breitbart summary ๐Ÿ˜‚ jk, Iโ€™ll take a look.

Iโ€™ve seen the transcript. Thereโ€™s nothing there that indicates any kind of malicious collusion. If Bidenโ€™s nsa pick did the same thing I wouldnโ€™t think twice.

Probably for personal benefit. It doesnโ€™t indicate fraud or collusion.

Imagine having this same standard with Joe and Hunter Biden.

I understand, but that is not evidence of anything other than lying.

Where are the emails or phone calls showing a harm and benefit?

Lying under oath is a crime, but also not collusion or fraud.

From the transcripts and evidence Iโ€™ve seen on Russia collusion, itโ€™s possible that those involved are hiding that trump and Putin are hiding a gay relationship with each other. In other words, I have not seen any harm and benefits mentioned.

Our police problems is a symptom of a much larger one. Honestly, IMO it comes down to politicians creating poor violent people that grow up and live in unstable environments, in which theyโ€™re preyed upon by the system for blue votes.

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