Message from @AdvanceManExtraordinaire

Discord ID: 786962689464336384

2020-12-11 14:10:41 UTC  

yes that is one possible option

2020-12-11 14:11:27 UTC  

Those little nuggets of truth that come out while he’s on screen with someone else giving him a death stare are something I would truly miss if he’s not elected.

2020-12-11 14:12:14 UTC  

@AdvanceManExtraordinaire yes he is very entertaining. i think history will be much kinder to trump.

2020-12-11 14:16:25 UTC  

Call me what you will I really think the Establishment hates trump because he knows about all their dirty deeds and he wants to expose them one by one. Well which ever the big ones are... and we see how big the Establishment is because 95% of MSM if not more is all on their side...

2020-12-11 14:16:34 UTC  

That’s something I think a lot about. Mainstream media is unfathomably kind to George w Bush despite rightfully castrating him for being a war criminal for 8 years, but then again he’s part of the club whereas trump is an outsider.

2020-12-11 14:17:55 UTC  

just what part of the US Constitution sets standards for mail-in ballots? the rules among the states regarding mail-in ballots vary widely and the Supreme Court hasn't weighed in on the matter before

2020-12-11 14:17:57 UTC  

Maybe one significant part of that is trump initially hiring Michael Flynn to reform the national security state, aka the fourth branch of government.

2020-12-11 14:19:17 UTC  

@GlimmerMan I think its more basic than that. I think they simply dont like him from the beginning because he is not a member of the standard political elite. they liked him fine before he was in political office.

2020-12-11 14:19:37 UTC  

True true Phil.

2020-12-11 14:21:09 UTC  

@meglide the constitution doesn't even state they need to even hold elections, never mind the process for managing mail-in ballots

2020-12-11 14:21:36 UTC  

He was adored. Watching his snl episode and Comedy Central roast is surreal.

2020-12-11 14:21:46 UTC  

correct and thus my question to @Wadejohnson

2020-12-11 14:23:09 UTC  

@AdvanceManExtraordinaire trumps biggest problem is that he doesn't have 30+ years of friends made across government departments. he changed some key positions but not the overall culture of these organisations.

2020-12-11 14:23:11 UTC  

It's left to the states. But there is a set deadline.

2020-12-11 14:24:52 UTC  

The US Constitution state that the State Legislature establishes the process for that State not the State Executive of State Judicial Branch.

2020-12-11 14:25:21 UTC  


2020-12-11 14:26:38 UTC  

Agreed, he had no clue what he was stepping into. I think it became weirdly apparent in that leaked Melania Christmas tape that this is a celebrity family who thought they could just step into the White House and do all the good things people always imagine themselves doing if they became president.

2020-12-11 14:26:52 UTC  

Not realizing there is a shadow government behind the position

2020-12-11 14:27:28 UTC  

They knew there was a shadow government. They just don't know how deep. They still don't.

2020-12-11 14:28:41 UTC  

But when it comes to facts about that, it's hard to prove it when you're not able to access a lot of it. Nixon put a lot of blockage to a lot of the access of organizational government.

2020-12-11 14:28:46 UTC  

I will never understand why trump chose his initial cabinet. I was like great, he filled the swamp back up. And then it ate him.

2020-12-11 14:29:19 UTC  

Well he went with people who were familiar with the jobs.

2020-12-11 14:29:20 UTC  

@William Dinan yes that is true, but they passed law to delegate the responsibility to another party.

2020-12-11 14:29:57 UTC  

@AdvanceManExtraordinaire i dont think he will make the same mistake this time

2020-12-11 14:30:26 UTC  

Yeah he does seem to have improved quite a bit over 4 years in many ways

2020-12-11 14:30:40 UTC  

And a State Legislature can't violate or change the US Constitution.

2020-12-11 14:31:26 UTC  

@William Dinan yes but if the power is given to them, by definition they must be able to delegate the power to someone else?

2020-12-11 14:31:26 UTC  

@Phil, you just advanced to level 11!

2020-12-11 14:31:27 UTC  

Ron Paul had the right idea. Eliminate the cia and nsa upon taking office 😂 cut off the head of the snake before it strikes.

2020-12-11 14:31:28 UTC  

I think every president, even those who weren't good at being in that position. Learns a lot and grows. What they do with that growth is another thing

2020-12-11 14:31:28 UTC  

@BoxyPunkChick, you just advanced to level 1!

2020-12-11 14:32:27 UTC  

@AdvanceManExtraordinaire i am sure there are still plenty of good, hardworking people in these organisations.

2020-12-11 14:32:41 UTC  

That's not the way Separation of Powers work.

2020-12-11 14:33:25 UTC  

There is. There is good and bad in any job. What's scary about it, is that you would think it would be harder for people who are corrupt to get those jobs. Honestly it's easier.

2020-12-11 14:33:39 UTC  

correct and the one they the changed in PA that wasn't explicitly approved by the legislature was the deadline AND if you go to PA election results website you'll see this "These vote totals do not include any votes from mail ballots received between 8 p.m. on election day and 5 p.m. the following Friday." (it's like they know they messed up) so even without the ballots that arrived after that the original deadline set by the state legislature Biden is ahead. So supposed the Supreme Court rules on this in PA, what would be the remedy? Well throw out those ballots that arrived after the original deadline. What would be the result? Biden wins popular vote in PA.

2020-12-11 14:34:17 UTC  

@William Dinan so my question would be how long have the secretaries of state carried out this duty, was it only for 2020?

2020-12-11 14:34:56 UTC  

@meglide from what i understand they didnt comply with an earlier court ruling to set those ballots aside

2020-12-11 14:35:17 UTC  

PA also messed up by allowing people to get mail in ballots without an ID which their law requires for absentee ballots unless they are medically unable to get to the polling. Then they end up on a registry.

2020-12-11 14:35:50 UTC  

not what their website says ... looks like they did set aside those ballots

2020-12-11 14:36:06 UTC  

Yes they set them aside.

2020-12-11 14:36:25 UTC  

Those were the "uncounted" votes.