Message from @Archiver✿(Fake Art Open)

Discord ID: 793314585548816394

2020-12-29 03:05:19 UTC  

I personally agree with Trump on much of that

2020-12-29 03:05:28 UTC  

bill was shit

2020-12-29 03:05:33 UTC  

wasn't trumps fault

2020-12-29 03:05:51 UTC  

everyone loves selling america out

2020-12-29 03:05:59 UTC  

corporate welfare ect

2020-12-29 03:06:05 UTC  

Trump was right about the pork and he was right about the 600 not being enough. But all he did in his little stupid delay and then signing the bill is to cost people this week's check

2020-12-29 03:06:13 UTC  

Signing shit bills faster would be more accommodating for jordans desires.

2020-12-29 03:06:25 UTC  

a week isn't a big deal at this point

2020-12-29 03:06:28 UTC  

Do you even read what is typed?

2020-12-29 03:06:36 UTC  

they have had months and months to do something

2020-12-29 03:06:54 UTC  

I agree he fucked it up

2020-12-29 03:06:57 UTC  

it's a big deal for those losing jobless benefits.

2020-12-29 03:07:23 UTC  

Trump was CORRECT... and I AGREE WITH TRUMP that the 600 was not enough. I agree that there was too much pork in the bill.

But Trump still signed the Bill. And his delay did nothing but hurt those already hurting.

2020-12-29 03:07:51 UTC  

except he made a move to do more

2020-12-29 03:07:52 UTC  

I don't hate Trump for the sake of hating Trump

2020-12-29 03:08:16 UTC  

why didn't he do anything before? fired a few tweets?

2020-12-29 03:08:24 UTC  

The delay did nothing but hurt those who really didnt need to be hurt further

2020-12-29 03:08:27 UTC  

and yes that was on Trump

2020-12-29 03:08:39 UTC  

he has been asking for a bill for months, wdym

2020-12-29 03:08:43 UTC  

I do think that this will open more peoples eyes about how our money is actually going being thrown away or stolen

2020-12-29 03:08:56 UTC  

complained plenty about congress delaying it

2020-12-29 03:09:32 UTC  

the bill was being prepared long before. why did he not throw a fit about the stim checks, why didnt he say before the stim checks must be $2k why when it got to his desk?

2020-12-29 03:09:49 UTC  

Slow down on "Congress delaying it".... The House passed a 2nd Stimulus bill in October. But Moscow Mitch didnt want do do anything back then. He refused to negotiate.

2020-12-29 03:09:53 UTC  

here is Rob's second stream of the night with uncivil law:

2020-12-29 03:10:44 UTC  

There is no part of you that believes he was having anyone look over what options he had available which included the additon of that recissions?

If he signed without comment nothing. If he waited and it went to vote it would have passed without comment.

What actual option did trump have?

Either sign a shit bill faster, or see what he could attempt to include as a stipulation with the signature.

2020-12-29 03:11:18 UTC  

Both sides are in on it. They all work for corporations not for the people.

2020-12-29 03:12:31 UTC  

who do you think writes the bill and puts the package together before it gets to AOC? china?

2020-12-29 03:12:53 UTC  


2020-12-29 03:13:03 UTC  

<a:groupkek:763107530229809174> <:peepoYes:673862116155064342>

2020-12-29 03:13:13 UTC  

(technically yes)

2020-12-29 03:13:23 UTC  

@Archiver✿(Fake Art Open) Yes. I am sure the Bill was too big to read before the vote. But look back. Who is to blame?

Mitch was saying we need to "wait and see" if we even need a 2nd Stimulus. Then he suggested in October that the States might just need to file bankruptcy. He refused to even negotiate.

Then he finds the time to confirm a SCOTUS Justice while ignoring the need for a second stimulus.

The delay in getting the bill done was on Mitch. Period.

The Bill sucked, Trump was right on that. 100%. But just saying it doesn 't mean shit. He still signed the damn thing... he took so long to sign it that benefits lapsed. So what did the delay accomplish? Nothing at all... unless you think the unemployed folks getting boned again was an accomplishment

2020-12-29 03:14:38 UTC  

The anger needs to be channeled at the people who passed a monstrosity over to him to begin with. Period.

2020-12-29 03:15:08 UTC  

he got it sent back for a vote to hopefully fix it

2020-12-29 03:16:00 UTC  

Who is he?

The House passed a Bill today that will increase the payments to 2,000. All the Senate has to do is pass it, Trump can sign it and then we all get the 2,000

2020-12-29 03:16:09 UTC  

Who controls the Senate, again?

2020-12-29 03:16:11 UTC  

Oh yeah

2020-12-29 03:16:13 UTC  


2020-12-29 03:16:20 UTC  

So... lets see what happens

2020-12-29 03:16:26 UTC  


2020-12-29 03:16:40 UTC  

So the house does comes first.

I guess a dumb dumb like me said to contact them first for a reason