
Discord ID: 215713056662093824

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2018-11-06 19:58:35 UTC [Subverse #general]  

How could Shapiro even campaign---he can't even speak at Berkeley without getting the heckler's boycott

2018-11-06 20:03:59 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Scott Adams /Dilbert

2018-11-06 20:07:19 UTC [Subverse #general]  

@Dusty Morgan I think we will have a better idea once the polls start closing. The media will start giving exit poll predictions and that of course will be followed by actual results

2018-11-06 20:24:50 UTC [Subverse #general]  

I've sreved on 2 (regular) juries in my criminal in Chicago---guilty as hell. One civil in Florida---hung jury

2018-11-06 20:25:45 UTC [Subverse #general]  

The case/crime was so bad that even the victims in the Chicago trial were probably guilty of something LOL

2018-11-06 22:39:23 UTC [Subverse #general]  
2018-11-06 22:40:38 UTC [Subverse #general]  

No whole chickens----some frozen chicken wings in the freezer

2018-11-06 22:43:46 UTC [Subverse #general]  

If the Dems do badly tonight I think you would see a spltting of the party/even further shift to the left before you see "reform". The prog/left do not want reform and would just as soon leave than reform

2018-11-06 22:52:45 UTC [Subverse #general]  

@MacAndSwiss IIRC Indiana and Kentucky close at 6pm local time (eastern)

2018-11-06 22:53:45 UTC [Subverse #general]  

@Bookworm That was Manchin in WV and I thought I saw the GOP candidate was drawing closer in the polls

2018-11-06 22:57:42 UTC [Subverse #general]  

@Physco And you have Justin Trudeau to kick around ๐Ÿ˜‰

2018-11-06 23:02:01 UTC [Subverse #general]  

I am not sure if it is even physically (as in against the laws of physics) for a Chicago Republican to win. I only saw it twice while I lived there. Once a Republican City Council member in the whitest/mnost conservative ward and the other was by accident after Dan Rostenkowski was indicted on federal charges. And Rosty's GOP successor lasted exactly 1 term

2018-11-06 23:03:36 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Will there tear the DUke's stute in the airport down and rename it?

2018-11-06 23:03:52 UTC [Subverse #general]  


2018-11-06 23:04:43 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Do you mean how snowflakes get triggered?

2018-11-07 00:58:07 UTC [Subverse #general]  

@AHeroQuest It is a shamale ๐Ÿ˜‰

2018-11-07 00:58:19 UTC [Subverse #general]  


2018-11-07 01:18:20 UTC [Subverse #general]  

People in Illinois were upset with previously electing a rich white guy as governor (Rauner-R) they elected an even richer white guy as governor (Pritzker-D) ๐Ÿ˜‰

2018-11-07 01:21:31 UTC [Subverse #general]  

"Exit" polls really don't work anymore since so many vote BEFORE election day now

2018-11-07 02:24:48 UTC [Subverse #general]  

TYT are now shilling for subscribers

2018-11-07 06:54:36 UTC [Subverse #general]  

@Undead Mockingbird Actually not that bad...IIRC Obama's Dems lost something like 60 seats during his mid term

2018-11-08 15:27:19 UTC [Subverse #general]  

They are going to start replacing her parts/organs with cyborg parts in order to keep her alive during Trump's remaining 6 yrs in office. ๐Ÿ˜‰

2018-11-08 15:35:08 UTC [Subverse #newsroom]  

Sounds as if it was mostly college aged students---at a country music/country music dancing event---so draw your own conclusions who the target was

2018-11-08 15:36:51 UTC [Subverse #newsroom]  

Which would be unusual (but not impossible). Let's not forgot about the Communist West Point cadet:

2018-11-08 15:38:19 UTC [Subverse #newsroom]  

My initial hunch when I read this "The gunman was 29 and drove his mother's car to the bar to carry out the attack." did not lead me to "Marine"

2018-11-08 15:38:43 UTC [Subverse #newsroom]  

I was thinking Antifa-boy

2018-11-08 15:39:21 UTC [Subverse #newsroom]  

Not sure but I think I saw that he was not active (was no longer serving)

2018-11-08 15:40:12 UTC [Subverse #newsroom]  

THat eyewitness had said he was from a military family (I suppose speaking to his cred)

2018-11-08 15:40:52 UTC [Subverse #newsroom]  

Not "country club" as in golf club for rich people

2018-11-08 15:42:01 UTC [Subverse #newsroom]  

Chicago is a big city----you will have your token country/western bar

2018-11-08 15:43:13 UTC [Subverse #newsroom]  

A true redneck bar will play both COUNTRY and WESTERN ๐Ÿ˜‰

2018-11-08 15:43:44 UTC [Subverse #newsroom]  

IDK---it's a line from a movie that I once saw

2018-11-08 15:44:43 UTC [Subverse #newsroom]  
2018-11-08 15:54:12 UTC [Subverse #general]  

So the CNN/the left have now "Zapdruder-ed" the video to cover for Jim Acosta? LOL

2018-11-08 15:59:47 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Wasn't there a nightclub fire some years ago that killed a bunch of people? The band had set off "pyrotechnics" and the ceiling caught on fire

2018-11-08 16:01:57 UTC [Subverse #general]  

Yes---the locked fire exits was only ONE of the mistakes---setting off pyrotechnics indoors I think was also an issue---flammable ceilings was another

2018-11-08 16:22:04 UTC [Subverse #general]  

@Abel Someone should start floating nominating petitions to get "None of the above" on the ballot for the 2020 Democrat Party primaries.

2018-11-08 16:30:53 UTC [Subverse #general]  

genital mutilation (FGM) for the most part goes unprosecuted in the UK

2019-08-12 20:35:47 UTC [Athens #piraeus_politics_news]  

The Chinese military are staging a "military drill" just 25 km outside of Hong Kong:

2019-08-12 20:37:20 UTC [Athens #piraeus_politics_news]  

Michael Yon, a photojournalist famous for his embeds during the Iraq War, has been posting video updates from Hong Kong on his website for the past week or two:

2019-09-13 04:02:42 UTC [Athens #piraeus_politics_news]  

I laughed when Biden said that non-violent criminals should not be in prison...ok Joe, when you are elected release Bernie Madoff, Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen

2019-09-13 04:05:19 UTC [Athens #piraeus_politics_news]  

Biden said that the Obama Admin never caged children. Even the lefty covering fact checker Snopes say that it is true that they did so.

2019-09-13 04:07:49 UTC [Athens #piraeus_politics_news]  

I also laughed when Warren said that her Aunt Bee watched her kids when she couldnโ€™t afford child care. I flashed back to Aunt Bee from the Andy Griffith Show

2019-09-13 04:16:38 UTC [Athens #piraeus_politics_news]  

I think I read that a city in California did a limited test run. It mad people feel better but had no noticeable impact on reducing unemployment or increasing the number of people working.

2019-09-13 04:24:15 UTC [Athens #piraeus_politics_news]  

IIRC, the stateโ€™s have been called the โ€œlaboratoriesโ€ of democracy...a place to test these sort of things out. California is ready to test ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that involves spending other peopleโ€™s money

2019-09-13 04:25:04 UTC [Athens #piraeus_politics_news]  

They have done a bang up job on testing โ€œhigh speed railโ€...building a high speed train that goes nowhere important

2019-09-13 04:26:40 UTC [Athens #piraeus_politics_news]  

They got plenty of Obama money for that high speed rail project and it has not delivered on the benchmarks that were requirements for those grants

2019-09-13 04:27:32 UTC [Athens #piraeus_politics_news]  

IIRC, it as supposed to run from LA to San Francisco. And it will end up doing neither.

2019-09-13 04:29:00 UTC [Athens #piraeus_politics_news]  

Japan is a compact country. High speed is cost effective there. Not so much in the US...maybe for the Northeast corridor from DC to NYC but not in many other places

2019-09-13 04:30:24 UTC [Athens #piraeus_politics_news]  

Too expensive for high speed, too far apart when you can fly that distance much faster for the same or lower cost

2019-09-13 04:31:15 UTC [Athens #piraeus_politics_news]  

I think they determined that even with a LA to SF high speed line you could cover the distance faster by air and for the same or lower cost

2019-09-13 04:31:38 UTC [Athens #piraeus_politics_news]  

And that included the times passing through TSA checkpoints

2019-09-13 04:33:46 UTC [Athens #piraeus_politics_news]  

Distance from NYC to LA Iโ€™d over 2400 miles as the crow flies. At 200 mph it would still take over 12 hours by high speed rail

2019-09-13 04:34:31 UTC [Athens #piraeus_politics_news]  

I just picked the two largest cities, point to point

2019-09-13 04:35:49 UTC [Athens #piraeus_politics_news]  

The 2400 was perfectly direct, not factoring in Geographical reasons that would require curves, bypasses/detours of some places, etc.

2019-09-13 04:37:56 UTC [Athens #piraeus_politics_news]  

The distance by road between NYC and LA is over 2700 miles....more realistic for a rail route than a perfectly straight line

2019-09-13 04:40:11 UTC [Athens #piraeus_politics_news]  

Brandon, that is like the people that decided to bicycle through the โ€˜stansโ€™ to demonstrate peace and love of their fellow humans. They were intentionally run over by some Muslims.

2019-09-13 04:40:35 UTC [Athens #piraeus_politics_news]  

The yourtubers will get off easy if they were only arrested

2019-09-13 04:42:13 UTC [Athens #piraeus_politics_news]  

My time estimate was at 200 mph, with no stops between. Doubt we could do a consistent 200 mph route from coast to coast

2019-09-13 04:47:30 UTC [Athens #piraeus_politics_news]  

Do you think that a coast to coast H.S. rail line can be run profitably (or even break even)? Unless I am mistaken the only portion of Amtrak that shows a profit is the Northeast corridor. Could you do a coast to coast trip at the same or less than an airline ticket for the same trip?

2019-09-13 04:53:54 UTC [Athens #piraeus_politics_news]  

I guess some right wingers did something....

2019-09-13 04:54:17 UTC [Athens #piraeus_politics_news]  

At least according to CNN

2019-09-13 04:55:04 UTC [Athens #piraeus_politics_news]  


2019-09-13 04:57:53 UTC [Athens #piraeus_politics_news]  

They are always quickly to say that right winger terrorist have caused more deaths SINCE (not including) 9/11. That is like saying that Japan did nothing major AFTER December 7th 1941 to justify war.

2019-09-13 05:00:25 UTC [Athens #piraeus_politics_news]  

yeah, even Snopes says that is false. Obamaโ€™s DHS Head Jeh Johnson called that BS a few months ago

2019-09-13 05:10:08 UTC [Athens #piraeus_politics_news]  

The highjackers were each promised 72 Frรคuleins for doing their attack

2019-12-10 14:23:59 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

"House Democrats on Tuesday announced that they will vote on whether to impeach President Donald Trump on two specific articles โ€” abuse of power and obstruction of Congress."

All that bitching and moaning about Trump having committed "bribery" and then no charge of charge of "collusion".
What happened to "Russia, Russia, Russia"?

2019-12-10 14:28:59 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

ITs funny that you say that since 3 days ago Nancy Pelosi was bringing Russia up again. โ€œThis isnโ€™t about Ukraine,โ€ Pelosi said. โ€œItโ€™s about Russia.โ€

2019-12-10 14:29:44 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

LOL...and on that we can agree.

2019-12-10 14:44:53 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

To paraphrase something that I believe Ronald Reagan said "I didn't leave the Democrat Party, the Democrat Party left me"

2019-12-10 14:55:14 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

I can see that (about pushing peole right). One faction of the Democrat Party is in such a rush to push further left, they are leaving some of their elected Democrats, and many of their voters behind.

2019-12-10 14:58:50 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

True, they are not necessarily becoming card carrying Republicans, but are becoming independents. Which means they are suddenly going to be looking at the actual candidates, their positions, when they decide to cast a vote. They will be less likely to vote the straight Democrat ticket.

2019-12-10 14:59:19 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

And that offers Trump and other Republican candidates the opportunity to get their vote

2019-12-10 15:02:25 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

You will have voters in the local races see one candidate who wants to give everything away fom free (a fiction) and Medicare for All (including undocumented workers) and see the other candidate running on some sane "common sense" ideas that the voters agrees with...who will they cast their ballot for?

2019-12-10 15:03:53 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Raider, I think that there are more than just a few voters who sort of go into hibernation for 3 1/2 years (working, raising their families, etc) and then start paying attention when the election gets closer. That is when they start to pay attention.

2019-12-10 15:05:33 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Well, while I can see that point, the literacy tests for casting your ballot were eliminated a long time ago and for good reasons

2019-12-10 15:06:39 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

They see it out of the corner of their eye but don't start paying CLOSE attention to it until either the election comes around OR some really big event comes up (like an impeachment).

2019-12-10 15:07:20 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

So who is to decide who is "worthy" of voting and who is not?

2019-12-10 15:08:21 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

But you do " just don't think that "everyone should vote" "

2019-12-10 15:15:46 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

The thing that is of concern to me is about the news cycles AND the way that we get our news. 30 years ago most people got their news from the local newspaper and local TV news coverage. Unfortunately local newspapers are disappearing, local tv coverage is often either fluff or a rehash of the networks leaving (too many) people getting their info only/mostly off the 24 news cycle

2019-12-10 15:17:41 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Those small plastic bags always seem to end up in my garbage can (while it is sitting at the curb) because the local dog walkers fill them with their critter's "gifts" and then drop them in my can

2019-12-10 16:20:23 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

And where does the electricity for those electric cars come from?

2019-12-10 16:21:16 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Petroleum is used to make plastic

2019-12-10 16:21:35 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

and many other things that don't involve cars

2019-12-10 16:24:33 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

48% is somewhat less than "mostly"

2019-12-10 16:24:56 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

"Laregest", yes, "mostly", no

2019-12-10 16:49:12 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Game wardens are out and check that sort of thing

2019-12-10 16:50:13 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

I have seen where they noticed "joe blow" post his latest deer catch on social media which then prompted th game wardens to pay that person a visit

2019-12-10 16:51:25 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

If you want to see deer overpopulation go visit Cook County IL (the forest preserves)

2019-12-10 16:52:19 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Well, there are no wolves in Cook County (Chicago makes up of Cook County)

2019-12-10 16:55:56 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

A guy that I know who raises cattle and chickens will do "night patrols" on his land once or twice every night killing coyotes, racoons and even rats...every night

2019-12-13 19:20:57 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

The crowd of protesters look like a bunch of 20-30 something wannabees who refuse to accept the election results.

2019-12-19 01:35:11 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Some Dems from Trump districts are going home after 2020 election.

2020-02-20 03:50:56 UTC [Athens #us_politics]  

Cody, an advantage to watching the opposition (DNC Debate) is it prepares you to counter their arguments/positions. And also you see their craziest sound bites and then you can throw those ack at them later.

297 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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